All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractConvertor |
Abstract superclass for convertor implementations.
AbstractUndoableEdit |
AddStructureFieldToModelProvider |
AlreadyLoggedException |
Exception which is thrown when user is trying to log the second time to the same IJC DB server.
AlreadyLoggedStateOpts |
AppCtxKeys |
Keys for ApplicationContext to find beans.
AuthenticationInterceptor |
Stores the Authentication object of the current user and allows this to be set
to the SecurityContextHolder prior to authorization steps.
AuthenticationPolicy |
BoxedPrimitivePersister |
This class persists the boxed primitive types from java.lang (java.util) package.
CalculatedAndDynamicFieldFromDTO |
CalculatedField |
CalculatedFieldDataType |
CalculatedFieldNT |
CalculatedFieldNTO |
CalculatedFieldQueryDefinitionImpl |
Local implementation of CalculatedFieldQueryDefinition .
CalculatedFieldQueryTranslator |
Translator which creates NON-SQL query step for calculated fields.
CalculatedValueProcessorsImpl |
ChemicalTermsExpressionUtils |
Validates chemical terms expressions.
ChemicalTermsFieldFromDTO |
ClonedItemNT<T extends,S extends> |
ClonedItemNTO<D extends,I extends> |
Options for cloning a DFItem from another user.
ClonedListNT |
ClonedListNTO |
ClonedQueryNT |
Newtype for copying query from another user.
ClonedQueryNTO |
ClonedScriptNT |
ClonedScriptNTO |
ClonedViewNT |
ClonedViewNTO |
CollectionPersister |
ColorPersister |
ComplexUndoableEdit |
ConnectType |
Helper class for different types of login: IJC appserver, Database, IJC
Convertors |
Standard DFDataConvertor instances, a facade for private implementations
for basic java types
CountStarHolderPersister |
CTFavourite |
Chemical terms favourite
CTFavouritesOptionsModel |
CTFavouritesProvider |
Manager of Chemical terms favourites in the system.
CTFieldType |
Type of a chemical term field.
CTValidatorRunner |
Validator for chemical terms expressions.
DataTreesNewTypesProvider |
DateFormatProvider |
Class to provide date formatting for date widgets and date renderers.
DateFormatProvider.DateFormatProperties |
Interface to transfer properties of date renderer.
DBAuthenticationProvider |
this class makes it possible to skip password check when we
are using database username and password as the means of authentication
DBDataTreeDataProviderImpl |
TODO: Javadoc.
DBEntitiesNewTypesProvider |
DBEntityAbstractJChemBaseImpl |
Abstract based class for entities that are based on a JChemBase table.
DBEntityAbstractJChemImpl |
JChem Entity base class implementation.
DBEntityAbstractJChemImpl.ColValidator |
DBEntityDataProviderImpl |
DBEntityJChemBaseImpl |
Entity implementation for JChemBase structure table.
DBEntityJChemCartJChemBaseImpl |
Entity implementation for JChem cartridge entity that uses a normal JChemBase
structure table.
DBEntityJChemCartStandardImpl |
Entity implementation for JChem cartridge entity that uses a normal database table
NOT a JChemBase structure table.
DBEntitySqlImpl |
DBEntityStandardImpl |
DBExistingCTFieldNT |
DBExistingCTFieldNTO |
DBExistingEntityAbstractJChemNT<T extends DBExistingEntityAbstractJChemNTO> |
DBExistingEntityAbstractJChemNTO |
DBExistingEntityJChemBaseNT |
DBExistingEntityJChemBaseNTO |
DBExistingEntityJChemCartJChemBaseNT |
DBExistingEntityJChemCartJChemBaseNTO |
DBExistingEntityJChemCartStandardNT |
DBExistingEntityJChemCartStandardNTO |
DBExistingEntityStandardNT |
DBExistingFieldNT |
DBFieldBinaryImpl |
DBFieldBooleanImpl |
DBFieldChemicalTerms |
DBFieldDateImpl |
DBFieldDoubleImpl |
DBFieldFloatImpl |
DBFieldIntegerImpl |
DBFieldJChemStructureImpl |
DBFields |
DBFieldsNewTypesProvider |
DBFieldStandard |
DBFieldTextArrayImpl |
DBFieldTextImpl |
DBFieldURLImpl |
DBImplSchemaProvider |
This class is used as starting point to DIF database implementation of DFSchemaProvider .
DBImplSchemaProvider.PropsProvider |
Callback for reading/writing schema init properties.
DBImplSchemaProvider.PropsProviderExtra |
Extra implementation can provide also a capability to be added to DFSchema when it's created.
DBImplSchemaProvider.ShowOpts |
DBNewCTFieldNT |
DBNewEntityAbstractJChemBaseNT<T extends DBNewEntityJChemNTO> |
DBNewEntityAbstractJChemNT<T extends DBNewEntityJChemNTO> |
DBNewEntityJChemBaseNT |
DBNewEntityJChemBaseNTO |
DBNewEntityJChemCartBaseNTO |
DBNewEntityJChemCartJChemBaseNT |
DBNewEntityJChemCartStandardNT |
DBNewEntityJChemCartStandardNTO |
DBNewEntityJChemNTO |
DBNewEntitySqlNT |
DBNewEntitySqlNTO |
DBNewEntityStandardNT |
DBNewEntityStandardNTO |
DBNewFieldBinaryNT |
DBNewFieldBinaryNTO |
DBNewFieldMimeTypeNTO |
DBNewStdFieldMimeTypeNT |
DBNewStdFieldNT |
DBNewStdFieldNTO |
DBRelationDataProviderImpl |
TODO - P2 [Svata]: Create subclasses for individual relationship types.
DBRelationshipExistingNTO |
This NTO supports 2 modes:
Constraint driven
The FK is provided, which derives the source and destination entities/fields.
DBRelationshipFromDTO |
DBRelationshipMtoNNTO |
DBRelationshipNTO |
DBRelationshipSimpleNTO |
DBRelationshipsNewTypesProvider |
DBSchemaDataProviderImpl |
Schema data provider which delegates to QueryService for queries.
DBSchemaDataProviderImpl.FactoryImpl |
DBSchemaJChemImpl |
DBSchemaUtilities |
DBSchemaUtilities.NullCheckValueControlStates |
DDLModeSelectionStateOpts |
DFComparators |
DFEnvFeedbackAdapter |
DFItemPersister |
Persister for all DFItem s (like DFField , DFEntity , DFView , etc.).
DFItemReferenceException |
DFViewsUtils |
Contains utility methods related to DFView .
DtoToSchema |
Assembles the DIF schema from the DTOs provided by the service tier.
EarlyResultsBatcher |
The utility which allows to call query and receive early results in batches, periodically, not whenever any new
result appears.
EnumPersister |
ExportTemplateContentPersister |
XML persister for DFExportTemplateContent
Servers for de/serialization between object and XML.
ExpressionPersister |
ExpressionPersister.CountStarHolder |
Helper class for count(*) term serialization.
ExpressionPersister.ValueHolder |
Helper class for value term serialization.
ExtensionField |
Extension field implementation.
ExtensionFieldDataType |
Extension field data types.
ExtensionFieldFromDTO |
ExtensionFieldHandler |
Extension field handler - Java API.
Supports custom value retrieval and calculation.
ExtensionFieldInfo |
ExtensionFieldNT |
ExtensionFieldNTO |
ExtensionFieldOperatorProvider |
ExtensionFieldQueryableTypeProvider |
ExtensionFieldQueryDefinition |
ExtensionFieldQueryExecutor |
ExtensionFieldQueryExecutor.Provider |
ExtensionFieldQueryTranslator |
Translator which creates NON-SQL query step for Extension fields.
ExtensionImplTypeInfoProvider |
FieldAcceptorFactory |
FieldURLDynamic |
FieldURLDynamicDataTypeImpl |
FixedLdapAuthoritiesPopulator |
FontPersister |
Persists the Font object.
FSPersisterFactory |
Factory for creating IJCPersister from FileObject.
FSPersisterRegistryAbstract |
PersisterRegistry with Persisters in XML filesystem.
FSPersisterRegistrySimple |
Default implementation of PersisterRegistry to be used in Connect.
GenericMessageStateOpts |
IAMauthentication |
IAMAuthenticationProvider |
IdsListener |
This consumer will be notified about new results which may be incomplete.
IJCAbstractLdapAuthoritiesPopulator |
Holding shared bits of IJC custom populators as well as acting as the base class to be substitute by different
implementations when required.
IjcMetadataRefreshOpts |
IjcOidAuthenticationProvider |
Simple Spring authentication provider.
IjcOidAuthenticationToken |
Simple Spring authentication token.
IJCRolesInfoServiceImpl |
Simple delegating implementation.
IJCUserDetailsServiceImpl |
IJCUserLoginServiceAdminImpl |
IJCUserLoginServiceEx |
IJCUserLoginServiceImpl |
ImagePersister |
Persists a java.awt.Image object.
InMemoryRolePopulator |
Responsible for loading user to role association from the security configuration file e.g iam-db-template.xml.
JChemEntityUtils |
JChemSearchConstants |
JChem search constants.
JChemTableUtils |
JchemVisibleColumProvider |
JCIFSEngine |
Implementation of an NTLM Engine, which generates Type 1 and Type 3 messages for the NTML hand shake.
ListsNewTypesProvider |
LoggingDaoEvents |
Helper class providing to log common events using IjcLoggingDao .
LongConvertor |
MappingLdapAuthoritiesPopulator |
This class is an implementation of LdapAuthoritiesPopulator which allows to configure
LDAP groups to IJC role mappings.
MasterDetailSelectIdStatement |
TODO P2 - this could be probably refactored using polymorphism of DFRelationship
implementation, so each of the relationship impls can drive the queries.
MasterDetailSelectIdStatement.ListRetriever |
MultiObjectLock |
NewDataTreeNT |
NewDataTreeNTO |
NewFieldURLDynamicNT |
NewFieldURLDynamicNTO |
NewListNT |
NewListNTO |
NewQueryNT |
NewQueryNTO |
NewScriptNT |
NewScriptNTO |
NewTypeForCalculatedFieldProvider |
NewTypeForExtensionFieldProvider |
NewViewNT |
NewViewNTO |
NTLMSchemeFactory |
Factory class to generate an NTML Authentication Scheme based on the JCIFSEngine implementation.
OperatorPersister |
ProxyLdapUserSearch |
Proxy LdapUserSearch implementation that delegates to the supplied list of LdapUserSearch
PseudoVisibleColumnProvider |
Queries |
Utility class for queries.
QueriesNewTypesProvider |
QueryFunction<R> |
Definition of the query to be performed.
QueryStructureExpressionTransformer |
Standardize structure expressions.
RectanglePersister |
This persister is needed, because some properties of java.awt.Rectangle
lead to infinite recursion and similar troubles (c.f.
ReflectionPersister |
ResultSetImpl |
The class managing states of the result set's vertices.
ResultSetRegistry |
Registry for currently activated result sets.
SchemaErrorInfo |
Schema error description which also contains possible fix, implemented in fix() method.
SchemaErrorInfo.Type |
Item type.
SchemaErrorLogger |
Logger for logging schema errors.
SchemaProviderImpl |
SchemaTransferObject |
Object designing schema to which some users may be connected.
ScriptsNewTypesProvider |
SimplifyExpressionTransformer |
Simplify query expressions.
SingleUserContextProvider |
SpringContextConfigurations |
A common class containing references to all spring context files we need to use here and there.
SproviderUtils |
Public static methods.
SQLEntityFromDTO |
SqlFilterProviderImpl |
Hack, must be deleted.
SSLUtils |
Returns a SSL Factory instance that accepts all server certificates.
StandardEntityFieldAccessor |
StandardEntityFromDTO |
StandardFieldFromDTO |
StructuralEntityFieldAccessor |
StructureEntityFromDTO |
StructurePersister |
StructureStandardizers |
Utility class for structure standardizers.
TermValuePersister |
TrimerLdapAuthoritiesPopulator |
This class is an extension to DefaultLdapAuthoritiesPopulator
with two extra attributes which allows the user to configure the class to remove a suffix or a prefix from the role
retrieved from the LDAP prior to using them for authorization.
UndoManagerImpl<T extends AbstractUndoableEdit> |
TODO P2 - make this class synchronized!!!
UpdatePasswordServiceProvider |
UpgradeDerbyDbOpts |
UpgradeIJCSchema |
This step checks whether the database version is up-to-date.
UpgradeIJCSchemaException |
Exception during IJC schema upgrade.
UpgradeIJCSchemaOpts |
UpgradeJChemTablesStateOpts |
UserItemDescriptionImpl<I extends> |
Trivial immutable implementation of user-item data holder.
UsernamePasswdOpts |
UsernameService |
This class is used for usename case conversion.
UsersLoggedInDialogProvider |
Provides instance of dialog informing about users logged in before performing schema upgrade.
UsersLoggedInDialogProvider.DefaultDialog |
UsersLoggedInException |
Somebody is logged in while he is not expected to be.
ViewImpl |
ViewsNewTypesProvider |
WellKnownXAttributesInternal |
Well known internal XAttributes