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addBin(String, CFFormatter) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFBinSet
Add new bin to this bin set and return it.
addBinSet(String) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFClassifier
Create a new bin set and return it.
addBinSetFromTemplate(CFBinSet) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFClassifier
Create a new bin set from template.
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFBinSet
Add change listener to know about any change in this CFBinSet and in all of its CFBins.
addChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFClassifier
Add change listener to know about any change in this CFClassifier and in all of subelements (all CFBinSets and their CFBins, also in all CFExpressionSets).
addExpression(CFOperator, Object[], CFBin) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpressionSet
Creates new expression according to given parameters and adds it to this set.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFAbstractItem
areParamsValid(List<Object>) - Method in enum com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Additional validation of values before CFExpression is created.


BETWEEN - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Operator between two values.


CFAbstractItem - Class in com.im.ijc.cf.api
Superclass for sharing property change code.
CFBin - Class in com.im.ijc.cf.api
Object describing one category in classification.
CFBinSet - Class in com.im.ijc.cf.api
Set of bins (categories) for classification.
CFClassifier - Class in com.im.ijc.cf.api
Classifier is a code representation for conditional formatting.
CFDataConvertor - Class in com.im.ijc.cf.api
Data convertor for particular field type.
CFDataConvertor() - Constructor for class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFDataConvertor
CFDataConvertorFactory - Interface in com.im.ijc.cf.spi
Factory for convertors.
CFExpression - Class in com.im.ijc.cf.api
This object represents one expression in the CFExpressionSet.
CFExpressionSet - Class in com.im.ijc.cf.api
Set of expressions.
CFExpressionSetFieldBindings<T> - Interface in com.im.ijc.cf.spi
SPI for getting display name.
CFFieldType - Enum in com.im.ijc.cf.api
Enumeration of generic types of fields which are supported by conditional formatting.
CFFormatter - Class in com.im.ijc.cf.api
Formatter for the CFBin.
CFNamedItem - Class in com.im.ijc.cf.api
Superclass for sharing display name code.
CFOperator - Enum in com.im.ijc.cf.api
Operators used in conditional formatting expressions.
checkDataAcceptance(Object) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFDataConvertor
Check whether value is accepted.
clone() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFClassifier
This method can be used for deep cloning of whole classifier with all its CFBinSets and CFExpressionSets.
com.im.ijc.cf.api - package com.im.ijc.cf.api
com.im.ijc.cf.spi - package com.im.ijc.cf.spi
contains(CFBin) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFBinSet
Does this bin set contains the given bin?
CONTAINS - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Operator "contains" for substrings - this is case sensitive.
CONTAINS_CASE_INSENSITIVE - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Operator case insensitive "contains" for substrings.
convert(Object) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFDataConvertor
Convert value to be suitable for given field type.
convertValues(CFDataConvertor, Object[]) - Static method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpressionSet
Tries to convert all values in the given array using the given convertor.
create(Color, Color, Font) - Static method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFFormatter
Create a new formatter.
createExpressionSetFor(CFBinSet, String, CFFieldType, CFBin) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFClassifier
Creates new empty expression set.
createNewClassifier() - Static method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFClassifier
Create a new classifier.


DATE - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFFieldType
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFFormatter
Default formatting - means no change to font, background and foreground colors.
DOES_NOT_CONTAIN - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Operator "does not contain" for substrings - this is case sensitive.
DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_CASE_INSENSITIVE - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Operator case insensitive "does not contain" for substrings.
DOES_NOT_END_WITH - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Operator "Does not end with" for text values.
DOES_NOT_START_WITH - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Operator "Does not start with" for text values.


ENDS_WITH - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Operator "Ends with" for text values.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFBinSet
equals(Object) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpressionSet
equals(Object) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFFormatter
EQUALS - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Operator = .


findBinById(String) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFBinSet
Find bin by its id.
findBinSetById(String) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFClassifier
Tries to find a bin set with given id and, in case it is found, returns it.
findExpressionSetById(String) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFClassifier
Tries to find a expression set with given id and, in case it is found, returns it.
FLOAT - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFFieldType
Decimal number.


getAsHTML() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFBinSet
getBackground() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFFormatter
Background color.
getBin() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpression
Get bin associated with this expression.
getBins() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFBinSet
Get list of bins which belong to this bin set.
getBinSet() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFBin
getBinSet() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpressionSet
getBinSets() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFClassifier
getConvertor() - Method in enum com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFFieldType
getDefaultBin() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpressionSet
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFNamedItem
getDisplayName() - Method in enum com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Get display name of the operator.
getDisplayName(CFExpressionSet, Optional<T>) - Method in interface com.im.ijc.cf.spi.CFExpressionSetFieldBindings
getExpressions() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpressionSet
getExpressionSet() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpression
getExpressionsSets() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFClassifier
getFieldType() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpressionSet
getFont() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFFormatter
Text font.
getForeground() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFFormatter
Foreground color.
getFormatter() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFBin
getFormattingForValue(Object) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpressionSet
Find formatting for the value.
getId() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFBin
Get unique ID of this bin in its CFBinSet.
getId() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFBinSet
Get unique ID of this bin set.
getId() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpressionSet
getNumberOfParams() - Method in enum com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
getOperator() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpression
Get operator for this expression.
getSupportedOperators(CFFieldType) - Static method in enum com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Get list of operators which support this field type.
getSupportedTypes() - Static method in enum com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
getValues() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpression
Get value(s) for this expression (e.g.
GREATER_THAN - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Operator > .
GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Operator >= .


hashCode() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFBinSet
hashCode() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpressionSet
hashCode() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFFormatter


INTEGER - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFFieldType
Integer number.
IS_DIVISIBLE_BY - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Operator Is divisible by (for numbers).
IS_NOT_NULL - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Operator "is not null" - checks if the value is defined.
IS_NULL - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Operator "is null" - checks if the value is not defined.
isFieldTypeSupported(CFFieldType) - Method in enum com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Returns whether given field type is supported by this operator.


LESS_THAN - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Operator < .
LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Operator <= .


match(Object[], Object) - Method in enum com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Evaluates whether given values matches this operator with the given operands.


newConvertor(CFFieldType) - Method in interface com.im.ijc.cf.spi.CFDataConvertorFactory
Create a new convertor instance for given field type.
NOT_EQUALS - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Operator <> (not equals).


PROP_BIN_SETS - Static variable in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFClassifier
Name of property change event fired when bin sets of this classifier have changed.
PROP_BINS - Static variable in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFBinSet
Property name for bins property.
PROP_DEFAULT_BIN - Static variable in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpressionSet
Name of property change event fired when default bin of this expression set has changed.
PROP_DISPLAY_NAME - Static variable in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFNamedItem
Property name for displayName.
PROP_EXPRESSION_SETS - Static variable in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFClassifier
Name of property change event fired when expression sets of this classifier have changed.
PROP_EXPRESSIONS - Static variable in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpressionSet
Name of property change event fired when set of owned expressions have changed.
PROP_FIELD_TYPE - Static variable in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpressionSet
Name of property change event fired when field type of this expression set has changed.
PROP_FORMATTER - Static variable in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFBin
Property name for formatter.


removeAllExpressions() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpressionSet
Removes all expressions from this set.
removeBin(CFBin) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFBinSet
Remove the bin.
removeBinSet(CFBinSet) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFClassifier
Remove the given bin set.
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFBinSet
removeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFClassifier
removeExpression(CFExpression) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpressionSet
Remove one expression from this set.
removeExpressionSet(CFExpressionSet) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFClassifier
Removes given expression set from this classifier.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFAbstractItem
restoreBin(String, String, CFFormatter) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFBinSet
Do NOT use: only for persistence.
restoreBinSet(String, String) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFClassifier
Use only for persistence.
restoreExpressionSet(CFBinSet, String, CFFieldType, CFBin, String) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFClassifier
Do NOT use.


setDefaultBin(CFBin) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpressionSet
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFNamedItem
setFieldType(CFFieldType) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpressionSet
Sets new field type and revalidates all expression in this set whether they are compatible with the given field type.
setFormatter(CFFormatter) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFBin
Change formatter for this bin.
STARTS_WITH - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Operator "Starts with" for text values.


TEXT - com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFFieldType
toString() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFExpression
toString() - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFFormatter


updateWith(CFClassifier) - Method in class com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFClassifier
Updates this classifier using bin sets and expression sets from the given source classifier.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFFieldType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFFieldType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.im.ijc.cf.api.CFOperator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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