Summary: This script is associated with a Query structure table. It reads in an SDF of query structures and runs a search for each one against a Markush structures table. Each query is inserted into the query table with a many to many relationship to the Markush structures table. This allows each query to be browsed in a form view to quickly look at results. The username, date, and query name is also inserted to the table for reference.
This button is used on the Markush demo data set, shown on the Queries form. The Queries table has a many to many relationship with the VMNS table (containing the structures for searching), and has the VMNS table as a child. This would be easy to adapt to any other system which could benefit from batch searching. All queries remain in the database with their relationship, meaning that results can be viewed and searched in groups that share a data base. If privacy is a concern, the script could be adapted to automatically export the results (using Export/Import Query Results Script as a guideline), and then clearing the table. In this case the Export/Import Query Results Script could be used to reimport the search results in a local database copy for analysis.
A more advanced option for keeping queries on a shared database private would be to take advantage of table visibility options associated with user-names, so that the query table is viewable only by one group or person.
/** Batch Searching of a Structure Table button, from the Query form * * @author Erin Bolstad ([email protected]) * Jan 2012 */ import javax.swing.SwingUtilities import* import* import import chemaxon.formats.MolImporter import chemaxon.struc.Molecule import* import import static* import import chemaxon.sss.SearchConstants import import javax.swing.* import java.awt.GridBagConstraints import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder import org.openide.NotifyDescriptor import org.openide.DialogDisplayer evaluate = { widget -> if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { Thread.start() { evaluateImpl(widget) } } else { evaluateImpl(widget) } } evaluateImpl = { widget -> def rs = widget.form.resultSet def dataTree = rs.dataTree // Script assumes that table infrastructure is already set up with relationships, and script is on the Query Results table def queryEty = dataTree.rootVertex.entity def queryEdp = queryEty.schema.dataProvider.getEntityDataProvider(queryEty) def schema = queryEty.schema def queryVS = rs.rootVertexState def VMNSvertex = dataTree.rootVertex.edges.find { == 'VMNS' } def VMNSety = VMNSvertex.destination.entity def VMNSfld = VMNSety.fields.items.find { == 'Markush structure' } def VMNSedp = VMNSety.schema.dataProvider.getEntityDataProvider(VMNSety) def queryStrucFld = queryEty.fields.items.find { == 'Query structure' } def queryIdFld = queryEty.fields.items.find { == 'CdId' } def queryNameFld = queryEty.fields.items.find { == 'Query Name' } def queryDateFld = queryEty.fields.items.find { == 'Query Date' } def queryUserFld = queryEty.fields.items.find { == 'User' } def queryHitsFld = queryEty.fields.items.find { == 'Hits' } assert queryStrucFld != null assert queryIdFld != null assert queryNameFld != null assert queryDateFld != null assert queryUserFld != null assert queryHitsFld != null QUERYSTRUCFLD = queryStrucFld QUERYIDFLD = queryIdFld QUERYDATEFLD = queryDateFld QUERYUSERFLD = queryUserFld QUERYNAMEFLD = queryNameFld QUERYHITSFLD = queryHitsFld def userName = schema.getUsername() USERNAME = userName def timeStamp = new Date() TIMESTAMP = timeStamp rel = DIFUtilities.findUsagesInRelationships(queryEty) firstRel = rel.get(0) FIRSTREL = firstRel // Get name of the search def querySel = new SwingBuilder() querySel.setVariable('properties',[:]) def vars = querySel.variables def frame = querySel.dialog(title:'Batch Query', modal:true) { panel () { gridBagLayout() label(text:"Enter query name:", constraints:gbc( gridx:0, gridy:0, insets:[10,10,10,0])) textField(id:'newName', constraints:gbc( gridx:1, ipadx:200, gridy:0, fill:GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, insets:[10,5,10,10])) translation = buttonGroup() radioButton(id:'broadTrans', text:"Homology Broad Translation", buttonGroup:translation, selected:true, constraints:gbc( gridx:0, gridy:1, gridwidth:2, anchor:LINE_START)) radioButton(id:'narrowTrans', text:"Homology Narrow Translation", buttonGroup:translation, constraints:gbc( gridx:0, gridy:2, gridwidth:2, anchor:LINE_START)) button(id:'ok', label: "OK", constraints:gbc( gridx:0, gridy:3, anchor:LINE_END, insets:[10,0,10,0]), actionPerformed: { vars.buttonResults = 'ok' dispose()}) button(id:'cancel', label: "Cancel", constraints:gbc( gridx:1, gridy:3, anchor:LINE_START, insets:[10,0,10,0]), actionPerformed: { vars.buttonResults = 'quit' dispose()}) } } frame.pack() frame.setLocationRelativeTo(null) def chosenAction = vars.buttonResults if (chosenAction == 'quit') { return } if (chosenAction == 'ok') { searchName = vars.newName.text homoGroup = (vars.broadTrans.selected ? 'Homology Broad Translation' : 'Homology Narrow Translation') } switch(homoGroup) { case "Homology Broad Translation": jcopts = new JChemSearchOptions(SearchConstants.SUBSTRUCTURE) jcopts.homologyBroadTranslation = HomologyTranslationOption.ALL break case "Homology Narrow Translation": jcopts = new JChemSearchOptions(SearchConstants.SUBSTRUCTURE) jcopts.homologyNarrowTranslation = HomologyTranslationOption.NONE break } JCOPTS = jcopts SEARCHNAME = searchName // Prompt for file of SDFs to search against def chooser = new JFileChooser() chooser.setDialogTitle('Select SDF containing the query molecules') if (chooser.showOpenDialog(null)==JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File fileName = chooser.getSelectedFile() NAME = fileName.getCanonicalPath() } else { return } importer = new MolImporter(NAME) importer.grabbingEnabled = true mol = new Molecule() name = NAME queryNum = 1 while ( { String molStr = importer.grabbedMoleculeString def queryMol = new MarvinStructure(mol) QUERYMOL = queryMol MOLPASS = mol def queryIDs = queryEdp.queryForIds(DFTermExpression.ALL_DATA, null, DFEnvironmentRO.DEV_NULL) def id = queryIDs.max() + 1 ID = id // Build and execute substructure query def queryMsg = "Running query $queryNum" def envQuery = EnvUtils.createDefaultEnvironmentRO(queryMsg, true) try { jcopts = JCOPTS queryMol = QUERYMOL def q = DFTermsFactory.createFieldOperatorValueExpr(Operators.STRUCTURE_EXACT, VMNSfld, [(JCHEM_SEARCH_OPTIONS): jcopts], queryMol) List resultIds = VMNSedp.queryForIds(q, SortDirective.EMPTY, envQuery) RESULTIDS = resultIds } finally { envQuery?.feedback.finish() } List resultIds = RESULTIDS def lockRL = DIFUtilities.getLockable(queryEdp).obtainLock('Query') def envRL = EnvUtils.createDefaultEnvironmentRW(lockRL, 'Updating Relationship Data', true) try { id = ID resultIds = RESULTIDS firstRel = FIRSTREL // Everything inserted here mol = MOLPASS queryStrucFld = QUERYSTRUCFLD queryIdFld = QUERYIDFLD queryMol = QUERYMOL queryDateFld = QUERYDATEFLD queryUserFld = QUERYUSERFLD queryNameFld = QUERYNAMEFLD queryHitsFld = QUERYHITSFLD timeStamp = TIMESTAMP userName = USERNAME searchName = SEARCHNAME //Update the Query Results table def hitNum = resultIds.size() vals =[(] vals.putAt(, id) vals.putAt(, timeStamp) vals.putAt(, userName) vals.putAt(, hitNum) vals.putAt(, searchName) queryEdp.insert(vals, null, envRL) if (resultIds.isEmpty() == false) { resultIds.each { hit -> def x = id def y = hit DIFUtilities.connectRelationalData(firstRel.forward, x, y, envRL) } } } finally { lockRL?.release() envRL?.feedback.finish() } queryNum++ } importer.close() def message = "Batch searching done! To view the new queries, please go to the Query Grid View, and select 'Show All' when in query mode (click Query at the upper left corner of the form)" NotifyDescriptor d = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(message) DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(d) }
Versions: This script has been tested on IJC versions 6.0