Compliance Checker - Knowledge Base

October 21, 2016 - DB updated to version

UK Controlled Substances were modified


Substance ID



Category added.

7102, 7108


Queries modified. Moved to Category 7108.

7102, 7108


Moved to Category 7108.


70747, 70748


US Controlled Substances were modified


Substance ID



3478, 3479

References and Comments were modified.

October 12, 2016 - DB updated to version

UK Controlled Substances were modified


Substance ID




Queries modified.





70747 - 70749


US Controlled Substances were modified


Substance ID





US ARCOS NDC Dictionary File were modified


Substance ID



82062 - 82067


All categories

        • 6701 United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 Schedule I

        • 6702 United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 Schedule II

        • 6703 United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 Schedule III

        • 6704 United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 Schedule IV

        • 6705 United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances 1971 Schedule I

        • 6706 United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances 1971 Schedule II

        • 6707 United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances 1971 Schedule III

        • 6708 United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances 1971 Schedule IV

        • 6709 United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances 1988 Table I

        • 6710 United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances 1988 Table II

        • 6801 EU REGULATION (EC) No 273/2004 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 11 February 2004 on drug precursors ANNEX I

        • 6802 EU REGULATION (EC) No 273/2004 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 11 February 2004 on drug precursors ANNEX II

        • 7001 US Controlled Substance Act Schedule I

        • 7002 US Controlled Substance Act Schedule II

        • 7003 US Controlled Substance Act Schedule III

        • 7004 US Controlled Substance Act Schedule IV

        • 7005 US Controlled Substance Act Schedule V

        • 7006 US Chemical Diversion and Trafficking Act List I Chemicals

        • 7007 US Chemical Diversion and Trafficking Act List II Chemicals

        • 7008 US ARCOS NDC Dictionary File

        • 7009 US ARCOS NDC Dictionary File (Deleted substances)

        • 7101 UK Misuse of Drugs Act Part I Class A Drugs

        • 7102 UK Misuse of Drugs Act Part II Class B Drugs

        • 7103 UK Misuse of Drugs Act Part III Class C Drugs

        • 7104 UK The Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 Schedule I

        • 7105 UK The Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 Schedule II

        • 7106 UK The Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 Schedule III

        • 7107 UK The Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 Schedule IV

        • 7111 CA Controlled Drugs and Substances Act Schedule I

        • 7112 CA Controlled Drugs and Substances Act Schedule II

        • 7113 CA Controlled Drugs and Substances Act Schedule III

        • 7114 CA Controlled Drugs and Substances Act Schedule IV

        • 7115 CA Controlled Drugs and Substances Act Schedule V

        • 7116 CA Controlled Drugs and Substances Act Schedule VI

        • 7117 CA Controlled Drugs and Substances Act Schedule VII

        • 7118 CA Controlled Drugs and Substances Act Schedule VIII

        • 7121 IE MISUSE OF DRUGS REGULATIONS 1988 Schedule I

        • 7122 IE MISUSE OF DRUGS REGULATIONS 1988 Schedule II

        • 7123 IE MISUSE OF DRUGS REGULATIONS 1988 Schedule III

        • 7124 IE MISUSE OF DRUGS REGULATIONS 1988 Schedule IV

        • 7125 IE MISUSE OF DRUGS REGULATIONS 1988 Schedule V


        • 7131 IN Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance Act 1985

        • 7141 CH Swiss Controlled Substances Act (BetmVV-EDI) Narcotics List A

        • 7142 CH Swiss Controlled Substances Act (BetmVV-EDI) Narcotics List B

        • 7143 CH Swiss Controlled Substances Act (BetmVV-EDI) Narcotics List C

        • 7144 CH Swiss Controlled Substances Act (BetmVV-EDI) Narcotics List D

        • 7145 CH Swiss Controlled Substances Act (BetmVV-EDI) Narcotics List E

        • 7146 CH Swiss Controlled Substances Act (BetmVV-EDI) Narcotics List F

        • 7147 CH Swiss Controlled Substances Act (BetmVV-EDI) Narcotics List G

        • 7151 FR Arrête du 22 fevrier 1990 fixant la listedes substances classees comme stupefiants ANNEXE I

        • 7152 FR Arrête du 22 fevrier 1990 fixant la listedes substances classees comme stupefiants ANNEXE II

        • 7153 FR Arrête du 22 fevrier 1990 fixant la listedes substances classees comme stupefiants ANNEXE III

        • 7154 FR Arrête du 22 fevrier 1990 fixant la listedes substances classees comme stupefiants ANNEXE IV

        • 7155 FR Arrête du 22 fevrier 1990 fixant la liste des substances psychotropes PREMIERE PARTIE

        • 7156 FR Arrête du 22 fevrier 1990 fixant la liste des substances psychotropes SECONDE PARTIE

        • 7157 FR Arrête du 22 fevrier 1990 fixant la liste des substances psychotropes TROISIEME PARTIE

        • 7161 DE Gesetz uber den Verkehr mit Betaubungsmitteln (Betaubungsmittelgesetz - BtMG) Anlage I

        • 7162 DE Gesetz uber den Verkehr mit Betaubungsmitteln (Betaubungsmittelgesetz - BtMG) Anlage II

        • 7163 DE Gesetz uber den Verkehr mit Betaubungsmitteln (Betaubungsmittelgesetz - BtMG) Anlage III

        • 7164 DE Gesetz uber den Verkehr mit Arzneimitteln (Arzneimittelgesetz - AMG) Anhang I

        • 7165 DE Gesetz uber den Verkehr mit Arzneimitteln (Arzneimittelgesetz - AMG) Anhang II

        • 7166 DE Gesetz uber den Verkehr mit Arzneimitteln (Arzneimittelgesetz - AMG) Anhang III

        • 7171 SE Lakemedelsverkets foreskrifter om forteckningar over narkotika Forteckning I

        • 7172 SE Lakemedelsverkets foreskrifter om forteckningar over narkotika Forteckning II

        • 7173 SE Lakemedelsverkets foreskrifter om forteckningar over narkotika Forteckning III

        • 7174 SE Lakemedelsverkets foreskrifter om forteckningar over narkotika Forteckning IV

        • 7175 SE Lakemedelsverkets foreskrifter om forteckningar over narkotika Forteckning V

        • 7181 DK Bekendtgorelse om euforiserende stoffer Liste A

        • 7182 DK Bekendtgorelse om euforiserende stoffer Liste B

        • 7183 DK Bekendtgorelse om euforiserende stoffer Liste C

        • 7184 DK Bekendtgorelse om euforiserende stoffer Liste D

        • 7185 DK Bekendtgorelse om euforiserende stoffer Liste E

        • 7191 BE Arrête royal reglementant les substances soporifiques et stupefiantes, et relatif a la reduction des risques et a l'avis therapeutique

        • 7192 BE Arrête royal reglementant certaines substances psychotropes, et relatif a la reduction des risques et a l'avis therapeutique

        • 7201 IT Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica del 9 ottobre 1990, n. 309 TABELLA I

        • 7202 IT Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica del 9 ottobre 1990, n. 309 TABELLA II SEZIONE A

        • 7203 IT Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica del 9 ottobre 1990, n. 309 TABELLA II SEZIONE B

        • 7204 IT Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica del 9 ottobre 1990, n. 309 TABELLA II SEZIONE C

        • 7205 IT Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica del 9 ottobre 1990, n. 309 TABELLA II SEZIONE D

        • 7206 IT Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica del 9 ottobre 1990, n. 309 TABELLA II SEZIONE E

        • 7207 IT Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica del 9 ottobre 1990, n. 309 TABELLA III

        • 7208 IT Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica del 9 ottobre 1990, n. 309 TABELLA IV

        • 7211 NL Opiumwet 12 mei 1928 Lijst I

        • 7212 NL Opiumwet 12 mei 1928 Lijst II

        • 7221 ES LEY 17/1.967, DE 8 DE ABRIL LISTA I

        • 7222 ES LEY 17/1.967, DE 8 DE ABRIL LISTA II

        • 7223 ES LEY 17/1.967, DE 8 DE ABRIL LISTA III

        • 7224 ES LEY 17/1.967, DE 8 DE ABRIL LISTA IV

        • 7225 ES REAL DECRETO 2829/1.977, DE 6 DE OCTUBRE LISTA I

        • 7226 ES REAL DECRETO 2829/1.977, DE 6 DE OCTUBRE LISTA II

        • 7227 ES REAL DECRETO 2829/1.977, DE 6 DE OCTUBRE LISTA III

        • 7228 ES REAL DECRETO 2829/1.977, DE 6 DE OCTUBRE LISTA IV

        • 7231 AT Suchtgiftverordnung Anhang I

        • 7232 AT Suchtgiftverordnung Anhang II

        • 7233 AT Suchtgiftverordnung Anhang III

        • 7234 AT Suchtgiftverordnung Anhang IV

        • 7235 AT Suchtgiftverordnung Anhang V

        • 7236 AT Psychotropenverordnung

        • 7241 CN Regulations on the Control of Anesthetic and Psychoactive Drugs

        • 7242 CN Regulations on the Control of Anesthetic and Psychoactive Drugs

        • 7243 CN Regulations on the Control of Anesthetic and Psychoactive Drugs

        • 7251 SG Misuse of Drugs Act FIRST SCHEDULE Controlled Drugs

        • 7252 SG Misuse of Drugs Act FIRST SCHEDULE Controlled Drugs

        • 7253 SG Misuse of Drugs Act FIRST SCHEDULE Controlled Drugs

        • 7254 SG Misuse of Drugs Act THIRD SCHEDULE Controlled equipment, materials or substances useful for manufacturing controlled drugs

        • 7255 SG Misuse of Drugs Act THIRD SCHEDULE Controlled equipment, materials or substances useful for manufacturing controlled drugs

        • 7256 SG Misuse of Drugs Act FOURTH SCHEDULE Specified Drugs

        • 7257 SG Misuse of Drugs Act FIFTH SCHEDULE Temporarily listed drugs

        • 7261 JP Narcotics and Psychotropic Control Act Article 2 (vii) Separate Table 4

        • 7262 JP Narcotics and Psychotropic Control Act Article 2 (xl)

        • 7263 JP Narcotics and Psychotropic Control Act Article 2 (i) Separate Table 1 (2)

        • 7264 JP Narcotics and Psychotropic Control Act Article 2 (vi) Separate Table 3

        • 7265 JP Pharmaceutical Affairs Act Article 2 (15)

        • 7266 JP Pharmaceutical Affairs Act Article 2 (15)

        • 7267 JP Pharmaceutical Affairs Act Article 2 (15)

        • 7268 JP Pharmaceutical Affairs Act Article 2 (15)

        • 8001 The Convention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction (CWC)

        • 8002 The Convention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction (CWC)

        • 8003 The Convention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction (CWC)

        • 8004 The Convention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction (CWC)

        • 8005 The Convention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction (CWC)

        • 8006 The Convention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction (CWC)

        • 8011 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

        • 8012 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

        • 8013 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

        • 8014 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

        • 8015 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

        • 8016 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

        • 8017 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

        • 8018 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

        • 8019 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

        • 8031 Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade

        • 8101 Community regime for the control of export, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items

        • 8102 Community regime for the control of export, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items

        • 8103 Community regime for the control of export, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items

        • 8104 Community regime for the control of export, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items

        • 8105 Community regime for the control of export, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items

        • 8106 Community regime for the control of export, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items

        • 8111 DE Gesetz uber die Kontrolle von Kriegswaffen

        • 8112 DE Ausfuhrungsverordnung zum Chemiewaffenubereinkommen (CWUV)

        • 8113 DE Ausfuhrungsverordnung zum Chemiewaffenubereinkommen (CWUV)

        • 8114 DE Ausfuhrungsverordnung zum Chemiewaffenubereinkommen (CWUV)

        • 8115 DE Ausfuhrungsverordnung zum Chemiewaffenubereinkommen (CWUV)

        • 8116 DE Gesetz uber explosionsgefahrliche Stoffe (Sprengstoffgesetz - SprengG)

        • 8117 DE Gesetz uber explosionsgefahrliche Stoffe (Sprengstoffgesetz - SprengG)