Forms and Fields page

For each source a form can be defined, where different additional data groups can be collected. The data groups consists of fields that can be defined by the system administrator.



Forms can be configured in order to be used on the Registration, Submission and Browse pages.


The list of fields can be broadened, new fields can be defined.



Field label

The system administrator can set a name for the field that will be created.

Field indentifier

A unique identifier must be given, but it won't be displayed anywere.

Input type

The following field types are available:

  • Single-line text

  • Text area

  • Select

  • Password

  • Date

  • Checkbox

  • Collection

If the default value for the date selector

    • is an empty string, the input box will remain empty

    • is an invalid date string, the input box will default to today's date

    • is a valid string date, the input box will convert the date to the desired format and display it


A short hint that describes the expected value of the input field.

Default value

A default value can be set for the field.

Possible field values fetched from URL

In case of "Select" type inputs a relative or absolute path can be specified here.

Possible field values

In case of "Select" type inputs a list of values can be added here.

Validation rules

The following validation rules are available:

  • required

  • int

  • uint

  • int32

  • uint32

  • float

  • notzero

  • positive

  • validjson

  • unique

Available on the following levels



As field generators ChemAxon's "chemicalterms" can be used. More info can be found here.

As an example, if you want to generated IUPAC name, you have to set chemicalterms for the Generator.

Generator Parameters

If you want to generated IUPAC name, you can set name("i")


When using a generated field (e.g. IUPAC name), you always have to make sure that the field is stored on the correct level (parent, version or preparation). If you store the IUPAC name for version level, then the field will be always regenerated when a new version is created.