Configuration page
The following configuration options are exposed via the administration web UI:
Additional Field Configuration
EmailFieldName |
Additional data field name that contains the e-mail address of the submitter in case of successful registrations |
EmailFailedFieldName |
Additional data field name that contains the e-mail address of the submitter in case of failed registrations |
ToBeReviewed |
Additional data field name that is used to force a submission to manual review |
Autoregister Configuration
AutoAssignSubmissionToChemist |
Controls if a failing submission should be assigned automatically to the submitter |
false |
Bulkloader Configuration
WebServiceHost |
[ ] |
WebServicePort |
[ ] |
UseUnmappedFields |
false |
Client Configuration
DateFormat |
Expected date format |
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
RegistrationSettings |
Client side configuration settings for the Registration page |
{ "isRegisterWithCnButtonVisible" : true , "isSmallStructureLayoutModeEnabled" : false , "isAdvancedModeEnabled" : false , "structureDetailForm" : { "title" : "Submission Details" , "id" : "structureDetails" , "position" : "leftcolumn" , "isExpanded" : true , "fields" : [ { "fieldName" : "lnbRef" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "source" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "molWeight" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "submitter" , "additional" : false } ] } } |
StagingSettings |
Client side configuration settings for the Staging area |
{ "maxItemsPerPage" : 50, "defaultColumns" : [ { "label" : "ID" , "searchable" : true , "sortable" : true , "referenceKey" : "submissionId" , "colWidth" : 94, "isDate" : false , "renderer" : "submissionlink" }, { "label" : "Library" , "searchable" : true , "sortable" : true , "referenceKey" : "library" , "colWidth" : 168, "isDate" : false , "renderer" : "text" }, { "label" : "LnbRef" , "searchable" : true , "sortable" : true , "referenceKey" : "lnbRef" , "colWidth" : 96, "isDate" : false , "renderer" : "text" }, { "label" : "Created on" , "searchable" : true , "sortable" : true , "referenceKey" : "created" , "colWidth" : 160, "isDate" : true , "renderer" : "date" }, { "label" : "Source" , "searchable" : true , "sortable" : true , "referenceKey" : "source" , "colWidth" : "" , "isDate" : false , "renderer" : "text" }, { "label" : "Submitter" , "searchable" : true , "sortable" : true , "referenceKey" : "creatorId" , "colWidth" : "" , "isDate" : false , "renderer" : "text" }, { "label" : "Opened by" , "searchable" : true , "sortable" : true , "referenceKey" : "inProgressUserId" , "colWidth" : "" , "isDate" : false , "renderer" : "text" }, { "label" : "Current status" , "searchable" : true , "sortable" : false , "referenceKey" : "status" , "colWidth" : "" , "isDate" : false , "renderer" : "status" } ], "tabs" : [ { "label" : "All submissions" , "filters" : [] }, { "label" : "My staging" , "groups" : [], "filters" : [{ "referenceKey" : "inProgressUserId" , "value" : "${currentUsername}" }] }, { "label" : "Unassigned" , "groups" : [], "filters" : [{ "referenceKey" : "inProgressUserId" , "value" : "" }] } ] } |
SubmissionSettings |
Client side configuration settings for the Submission page |
{ "editableFields" : [ { "label" : "LnbRef" , "referenceObject" : "summary" , "referenceKey" : "lnbRef" , "editable" : true } ,{ "label" : "Molweight" , "referenceObject" : "structure" , "referenceKey" : "overridedMwt" , "editable" : true } ,{ "label" : "Restriction" , "referenceObject" : "structure" , "referenceKey" : "restricted" , "editable" : true } ] , "readOnlyFields" : [ { "label" : "Created by" , "referenceObject" : "summary" , "referenceKey" : "userId" , "editable" : false } ,{ "label" : "Source" , "referenceObject" : "summary" , "referenceKey" : "source" , "editable" : false } ,{ "label" : "Calculated molweight" , "referenceObject" : "structure" , "referenceKey" : "mwt" , "editable" : false } ,{ "label" : "Molecular formula" , "referenceObject" : "structure" , "referenceKey" : "mf" , "editable" : false } ,{ "label" : "Library" , "referenceObject" : "summary" , "referenceKey" : "library" , "editable" : false } ,{ "label" : "Submitter" , "referenceObject" : "summary" , "referenceKey" : "creatorId" , "editable" : false } ] } |
AmendmentSettings |
Client side configuration settings for the Browse page |
{ "lotLevelIdName" : "ln" , "primaryData" : [ { "label" : "LnbRef" , "scopeReference" : "" , "showIfEmpty" : false } ,{ "label" : "Molecular Formula" , "scopeReference" : "" , "showIfEmpty" : true } ,{ "label" : "Mol Weight" , "scopeReference" : "registryStructure.mwt" , "showIfEmpty" : true } ,{ "label" : "User Specified Mol Weight" , "scopeReference" : "registryStructure.overridedMwt" , "showIfEmpty" : false } ,{ "label" : "Source" , "scopeReference" : "registryStructure.source" , "showIfEmpty" : false } ] , "secondaryData" : [ { "label" : "Created by" , "scopeReference" : "" , "showIfEmpty" : false } ,{ "label" : "Submitter" , "scopeReference" : "registryStructure.creatorId" , "showIfEmpty" : false } ,{ "label" : "Modified by" , "scopeReference" : "" , "showIfEmpty" : false } ,{ "label" : "Created on" , "scopeReference" : "" , "showIfEmpty" : true } ,{ "label" : "Modified on" , "scopeReference" : "" , "showIfEmpty" : true } ] } |
RegSummaryLinkButton |
Client side configuration settings for the link button available on the registration summary dialog { "enabled" : true , "buttonText" : "Google search" , "buttonIcon" : "" , "landingPage" : "" , "parameters" : [ { "key" : "q" , "value" : "lnbRef" }, ] }
{ "enabled" : false , "buttonText" : "MyButton" , "buttonIcon" : "" , "landingPage" : "http://www.notconfigured.yet" , "parameters" : [ { "key" : "myParameter" , "value" : "lnbRef" }, { "key" : "myFavouriteButton" , "value" : "cn" } ] } |
Globals |
{ "serviceUrl" : ".." , "productionBuild" : false , "isDashboardPollingEnabled" : true } |
RegistrationSummaryDialog |
Client side configuration settings for the registration summary dialog |
[ { "label" : "PCN" , "referenceKey" : "pcn" } ,{ "label" : "CN" , "referenceKey" : "cn" } ,{ "label" : "LN" , "referenceKey" : "ln" } ,{ "label" : "LnbRef" , "referenceKey" : "lnbRef" } ] |
NavData |
Client side configuration settings for the navigation bar |
{ "mainMenu" : [ { "title" : "Registration" , "href" : "/registration" , "modal" : false , "external" : false , "rolesAllowed" : [ "AUTOREGISTER" , "ADVANCED_AUTOREGISTER" ] }, { "title" : "Upload" , "href" : "/upload" , "modal" : false , "external" : false , "rolesAllowed" : [ "BULKLOADER" ] }, { "title" : "Staging" , "href" : "/staging" , "modal" : false , "external" : false , "rolesAllowed" : [ "STAGING_VIEW_SUBMISSION" ] } ] , "profileMenu" : [ { "title" : "Profile" , "href" : "/profile" , "modal" : false , "external" : false , "rolesAllowed" : [ "SELF_ADMINISTRATION" ] }, { "title" : "Administration" , "href" : "/admin" , "modal" : false , "external" : false , "rolesAllowed" : [ "ADD_SALT_SOLVATE" , "ROLE_DICTIONARY_MODIFY" , "USER_ADMINISTRATION" ] }, { "title" : "Access Control" , "href" : "./accesscontrol.html" , "modal" : false , "external" : true , "rolesAllowed" : [ "USER_ADMINISTRATION" , "ROLE_ACL_MODIFY_PROJECTS" , "ROLE_ACL_MODIFY_PROJECTDETAILS" ] } ] , "actionBar" : [ { "title" : "Search" , "href" : "/search" , "modal" : false , "external" : false , "image" : "style/svg/search_48.svg" , "rolesAllowed" : [ "SEARCH_STRUCTURES" ] }, { "title" : "Browse" , "href" : "/browse" , "modal" : false , "external" : false , "image" : "style/svg/browse_48.svg" , "rolesAllowed" : [ "AMENDMENT_PAGE_READ" ] } ] } |
HideSaltSolvates |
Salts and Solvates can be hidden from the UI, and also the salt/solvate upload from and SDFile is prohibited. |
false |
Downstream Configuration
PublishEnabled |
Controls if JMS publishing of changes is enabled |
true |
FusedImageFormat |
Image format for the fused structure in the published message |
mol:V3 |
Email Configuration
SendEmailNotification |
Controls if e-mail notification should be sent about the result of the registration |
false |
SendEmailNotificationToSpecifiedAddress |
Controls if e-mail notification should be sent to the address specified in the submission |
true |
EmailSenderAddress |
Displayed e-mail address from where the notifications are sent |
EmailTemplateSubmissionFeedback |
Velocity template of the e-mail content about the result of the registration |
submissionFeedback.vm |
EmailTemplateSubmissionAttemptFeedback |
Velocity template of the e-mail content about the result of the failed registration |
submissionAttemptFeedback.vm |
EmailTemplatePendingSubmissionNotification |
Velocity template of the e-mail content about the list of pending items in Staging area |
pendingSubmissionNotification.vm |
pendigSubmissionNotificationEnabled |
Controls if regular e-mails should be sent about the pending items in Staging area |
false |
pendingSubmissionTimeIntervalHours |
Length of time interval in hours after which a submission in Staging area is considered to be pending |
24 |
ID Configuration
IdGenerator |
Class name of the corporate ID generator |
com.chemaxon.registry.identifier.DefaultSequenceGenerator |
PcnAllocationLimit |
Maximum number of IDs that can be allocated for external use |
1000 |
IdProperties |
Configuration of the built-in ID generator #constant prefix/sufix of a parent identifier: pcn.cnst #pcn separator (if any): pcn.separator #increment type (Field.DataType enum value): pcn.increment #format placeholder for increment value #decimal format: pcn.increment.format #constant prefix/sufix of a version identifier: cn.cnst #cn separator (if any): cn.separator #increment type (Field.DataType enum value): cn.increment=STRING #format placeholder for increment value: cn.increment.format #specify structure field additional data format like this: additionalData.project: cn.str.field #cn is composed of PCN + cn increment #constant prefix/sufix of a lot identifier: ln.cnst #ln separator (if any): ln.separator #increment type (Field.DataType enum value): ln.increment #format placeholder for increment value: ln.increment.format #specify structure field additional data format like this: additionalData.project: ln.str.field #ln is composed of PCN + ln separator + ln increment ! make sure its unique |
{ |
Mixture Ranges Configuration
RangeDefinition |
Ranges and the number of maximum compounds can be defined for multi-component compounds. |
{ "ranges" : [ { "id" : 1, "name" : "21-44%" , "lowerLimit" : 21, "upperLimit" : 45 }, { "id" : 2, "name" : "45-55%" , "lowerLimit" : 45, "upperLimit" : 55 }, { "id" : 3, "name" : "56-79%" , "lowerLimit" : 55, "upperLimit" : 79 }, { "id" : 4, "name" : "X%" , "lowerLimit" : 0, "upperLimit" : 0 }, { "id" : 5, "name" : "Y%" , "lowerLimit" : 0, "upperLimit" : 0 }, { "id" : 6, "name" : "Z%" , "lowerLimit" : 0, "upperLimit" : 0 } ] } |
Polymer Configuration
A rule example:
: [
More details about generating polymers within the Compound Registration system can be found here.
Scheduler Configuration
PendingSubmissionsNotificationCronTimer |
0 0 0 * * MON-FRI |
DownstreamCronTimer |
*/5 * * * * MON-FRI |
Search Configuration
Parent |
- |
[ { "fieldName" : "structure" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "cst" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "pcn_reg" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "parentRegisteredBy" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "parentCreatedOn" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "mwtStructure" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "mf" , "additional" : false } ] |
Version |
[ { "fieldName" : "structure" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "cst" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "cn_reg" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "versionRegisteredBy" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "versionCreatedOn" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "mwtVersionWithSalt" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "mf" , "additional" : false } ] |
Lot |
[ { "fieldName" : "structure" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "cst" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "ln_reg" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "lotRegisteredBy" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "lotCreatedOn" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "mwtVersionWithSalt" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "mf" , "additional" : false } ] |
Security Configuration
ProjectBasedFilteringEnabled |
If disabled, data can be accessed by anyone, regardless of the defined projects |
disabled |
Filter level: Preparation |
If ProjectBasedFilteringEnabled is ON and Preparation is set for the filter: after registering a lot, the user will able to access only those preparations (lots), for which he has specific Project access |
Preparation (default) |
Filter level: Version |
If ProjectBasedFilteringEnabled is ON and Version is set for the filter: after registering a lot, the user will able to access all preparations (lots), even though he has not specific Project access to all. |
Version |
Filter level: Parent |
If ProjectBasedFilteringEnabled is ON and Parent is set for the filter: after registering a lot, the user will able to access all preparations (lots) and versions, even though he has not specific Project access to all. |
Parent |
Standardizer Configuration
StandardizerGeneralConfig |
Standardizer configuration used for all registered structures. Configurable, depending on business rules. |
EXAMPLE Default value
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?> < StandardizerConfiguration > < Actions > < Dearomatize ID = "Dearomatize" /> < Sgroups ID = "ExpandGroups" Exclude = "Boc,Z,Ala,A" Act = "Expand" /> < Transformation Exact = "false" ID = "Transform Nitro" SearchOptions = "" Structure="[O:3]=[N:1]=[O:2]>>[#8-:2]-[#7+:1]=[O:3]" format="cxsmarts"/> < RemoveExplicitH ID = "RemoveExplicitH" Lonely = "false" Charged = "false" Mapped = "false" Isotopic = "false" Radical = "false" Wedged = "false" /> </ Actions > </ StandardizerConfiguration > |
StandardizerParentConfig |
Standardizer configuration used for the registered parent compound. Based on this configuration the system stores the parent structure. |
DO NOT MODIFY Default value
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?> < StandardizerConfiguration > < Actions > < Neutralize ID = "Neutralize" /> < RemoveExplicitH ID = "RemoveExplicitH" Lonely = "false" Charged = "false" Mapped = "false" Isotopic = "false" Radical = "false" Wedged = "false" /> </ Actions > </ StandardizerConfiguration > |
AllowIsotopicParents |
off (by default) |
off: isotopic structures are registered as versions of the non-isotopic parent structure compounds on: isotopic structures are always registered as new parent compounds |
The complete list of the available Standardizer actions can be found here.
Stereo Configuration
StereoCommentsConfig |
Logic of stereo comment generation – DO NOT MODIFY |
Default value
;TOTAL_DOUBLE_BONDS;CROSS_STRAIGHT;E;Z;MAJOR_DOUBLE_BOND;UNKNOWN_DOUBLE_BOND;TOTAL_STEREOCENTERS;MAJOR_STEREOCENTER;RESOLVED_KNOWN;RESOLVED_UNKNOWN_OR_FLAG;RESOLVED_UNKNOWN_KNOWN_RELATIVE;RACEMIC_AND_FLAG;RACEMIC_KNOWN_RELATIVE db_none; 0 ;;;;;;;;;;;; db_e; 1 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ;;;;;;; db_z; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ;;;;;;; db_known; 2 ; 0 ; 1 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ;;;;;;; db_single_unknown; 1 ; 0 ;;; 0 ; 1 ;;;;;;; db_equal_mixture; 1 ; 1 ;;; 0 ; 0 ;;;;;;; db_unequal_mixture; 1 ;;;; 1 ;;;;;;;; db_unknown; 1 ; 1 ;;;;;;;;;;; sc_achiral;;;;;;; 0 ;;;;;; sc_diastereomeric_mixture;;;;;;; 2 ; 0 ;;;; 1 ; 0 sc_racemic_known_relative;;;;;;; 2 ; 0 ;;;;; 2 sc_racemic;;;;;;; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 1 ; sc_single_known;;;;;;; 1 ; 0 ; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 sc_single_unknown;;;;;;; 1 ; 0 ;; 1 ; 0 ; 0 ; 0 sc_single_unknown_known_relative;;;;;;; 2 ; 0 ;;; 2 ; 0 ; 0 sc_unequal_mixture;;;;;;; 1 ; 1 ;;;;; |
IncludeHeteroAtomInStereoAnalysis |
Controls whether to include hetero atoms in stereo analysis report |
false (default) |
Structure Checker Configuration
StructureCheckerConfig |
Source independent structure checker configuration (quality checks) |
Default value
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone = "no" ?> < checkers > < ThreeDimensionChecker FixMode = "fix" FixerClassName = "chemaxon.fixers.CleanFixer" /> < RareElementChecker FixMode = "do_not_fix" /> < RadicalChecker FixMode = "fix" FixerClassName = "chemaxon.fixers.RemoveRadicalFixer" /> < MultiCenterChecker FixMode = "do_not_fix" FixerClassName = "chemaxon.fixers.RemoveAtomFixer" /> < ValenceErrorChecker FixMode = "fix" FixerClassName = "chemaxon.fixers.ValenceFixer" allowTraditionalNitrogen = "true" /> < CoordinationSystemErrorChecker FixMode = "do_not_fix" FixerClassName = "chemaxon.fixers.RemoveBondFixer" /> < CovalentCounterionChecker FixMode = "fix" FixerClassName = "chemaxon.fixers.CovalentCounterionFixer" /> < SubstructureChecker FixMode = "do_not_fix" name = "Acylhalide_substructure_found" reactionSmarts = "[Cl,Br,F,I]C=O " /> </ checkers > |
StructureCheckerConfig.REGISTRAR |
Structure checker configuration for the specified source EXAMPLE |
Default value
<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone = "no" ?> < checkers > < WigglyBondChecker FixMode = "do_not_fix" FixerClassName = "chemaxon.fixers.ConvertToSingleBondFixer" /> < CrossedDoubleBondChecker FixMode = "do_not_fix" FixerClassName = "chemaxon.fixers.ConvertToWigglyDoubleBondFixer" /> < StraightDoubleBondChecker FixMode = "do_not_fix" FixerClassName = "chemaxon.fixers.ConvertToWigglyDoubleBondFixer" /> </ checkers > |
The complete list of the available Structure Checkers can be found here.
Structure Display Configuration
ShowCST |
Controls if CSTs should be displayed on the fused structure image |
true |
ShowsaltSolvate |
Controls if salts and solvates should be displayed on the fused structure image |
true |
ShowComponentPCN |
Controls if component PCNs should be displayed on the fused structure image |
true |
ShowRanges |
Controls if mixture ranges should be displayed on the fused structure image |
true |
ShowVersionLevel |
Controls if version level should be displayed on the Browse and Search pages |
true |
Structure Type Configuration
The list contains only those structure types that are available.
: [
The Structure Types can be configured on the Administration/Tools page.
Switchers Configuration
SwitchersProperties |
Register new lots
When the switcher is set to false, the r egistration of new lots under a matching version is not allowed. The submission will fall to the Staging area with "OperationNotAllowed" status message. The submission can be picked up and registered from the Staging area through the Submission page.
Register new versions
When the switcher is set to false, the r egistration of new versions is not allowed. The submission will fall to the Staging area with "OperationNotAllowed" status message. The submission can be picked up and registered from the Staging area through the Submission page.
Register with unknown CST
If during registration an unknown CST (Chemically Significant Text) is provided, registration will be allowed only if the switcher is set to true. Otherwise, it will fall to the Staging area. From the Staging area again the submission can be successfully registered only if the switcher is set to true.
"UnknownCST" is considered a CST that is not present in the CST dictionary.
Register Restricted matches
When the switcher is set to false, the r egistration of compounds having a positive integer other than 0 for the restriction value is not allowed. -
Register 2D Parent Matches
When the switcher is set to false, the registration of structures that are stereo and/or CST matches of already existing ones is not allowed. The submission will fall to the Staging area with "Parent2DMatch" status message. The submission can be picked up and registered from the Staging area through the Submission page.Structure to be registered
Registered structure
Match type
2D (stereroisomer)
2D (CST different)
Register Tautomer Parent Matches
When the switcher is set to false, the registration of structures that are tautomer matches of already existing ones is not allowed. The submission will fall to the Staging area with "ParentTautomerMatch" status message. The submission can be picked up and registered from the Staging area through the Submission page if the switcher will be enabled.Structure to be registered
Registered structure
Match type
Register 2D_Tautomer Parent Matches
When the switcher is set to false, the registration of structures that are stereo-tautomer matches of already existing ones is not allowed . The submission will fall to the Staging area with "Parent2DTautomerMatch" status message. The submission can be picked up and registered from the Staging area through the Submission page if the switcher will be enabled.Structure to be registered
Registered structure
Match type
Tautomer & 2D (Tautomer and stereo)
Perform Quality Checks
Quality Checks are defined at the level of the entire registration service. This source-dependent system switcher controls whether the quality check should run or not.
Analyze Salt/Solvate
Analyze Salt/Solvate is a procedure capable of automated extraction of salt/solvate fragment from a compound's chemical structure and replace them with references to the corresponding records in the salts and solvates dictionary . It can be activated or deactivated as a part of the system switchers . The switcher is on by default for some sources, and can be applied manually to the records in the Staging area .
Stereo Comment Check
When the switcher is false, no stereo comment is required to be set in the corresponding Stereochemistry and Geometric isomerism fields and if values are provided those are not validated, they will be stored as provided. More info can be found here. -
Reject Duplicate Id
If this switcher is on, a submission that has failed because of a duplicate Id error (like LnbRefDuplicated or LotIdDuplicated), will have a "Rejected Id" for the status and will be excluded from the Staging area. Users will not be able to retrieve these submissions, unless they specifically type the submission Id in the URL, like: submissionId=xxx .
The "REJECT_DUPLICATED_IDS" switcher is "true" by default: in case of duplicate Id, the submission will fall to the Staging area, where the user can correct the Id in order to register the submission.
Validation Configuration
ValidateSource |
Controls if source should be validated during the registration |
true |
ValidSources |
List of valid sources |
ValidateLNBRef |
Controls if LnbRef should be validated against the regular expressions during the registration |
true |
ValidateLnbRefRegexp |
List of regular expressions used to validate the submitted LnbRef |
^[N]{1}[0-9]{3,6}-[0-9]{1,4}-[0-9]{1,4}$ |
ValidateLotId |
Controls if the existence of Lot ID should be validated during the registration |
false |
ValidateLotIdUnique |
Controls if the uniqueness of Lot ID should be validated during the registration |
true |
RoundMultiplicity |
Controls if salt/solvate multiplicity should be rounded during the registration |
true |
SaltMultiplicityScale |
Number of decimal places in salt multiplicity |
0 |
SolvateMultiplicityScale |
Number of decimal places in solvate multiplicity |
1 |
PositiveChargeCheck |
Controls whether the check for stuctures with positive charges should be enabled |
true |
UnbalancedChargeCheck |
Controls whether the check for unbalanced charges should be enabled |
true |
MaxMixtureComponentCount |
Maximum number of components in a multi-component structure |
4 |
AutoCompleteEmptyLnbRefWithLn |
Registration is made even if no LnbRef is provided. After registration LnbRef field will be updated with the LN value. |
true |
EnableVirtualCompoundRegistration |
"Virtual Compounds" registration can be set to be available on the Registration and Upload pages. If it is enabled, on the Upload page a field with true/false value can be mapped to "Virtual Compound". |
false |
Workflow Configuration
WorkflowSteps (Default) |
[ ] |
WorkflowSteps (AMEND_PARENT) |
Workflow steps when changing the parent |
AmendmentIdTypeValidator,IdExistsValidator,ParentFieldValidator,FieldGenerator,EmptyStructureValidator,MarkushStructureValidator,ParentMultiplicityValidator,ChargeValidator,AmfValidator,RejectParentStructureTypeChangeValidator,SingleStructureValidator,StructureChangeForAmendmentValidator |
WorkflowSteps (REGISTER_MANUAL) |
Workflow steps when registering from the Submission page |
SourceValidator,LotIdValidator,LnbRefValidator,LnbRefChangeValidation,FieldValidator,FieldGenerator,EmptyStructureValidator,MarkushStructureValidator,StandardizerErrorValidator,AmfValidator,SaltSolvateValidator,ParentMultiplicityValidator,SaltFragmentsValidator,ChargeValidator,StructureQualityCheckerValidator,StereoCommentsGenerator |
WorkflowSteps (REGISTER_AUTO) |
Workflow steps when registering from the Registration page |
SourceValidator,LotIdValidator,LnbRefValidator,ToBeReviewedValidator,RejectMarkushValidator,FieldValidator,FieldGenerator,EmptyStructureValidator,MarkushStructureValidator,StandardizerErrorValidator,AmfValidator,SaltSolvateValidator,ParentMultiplicityValidator,SaltFragmentsValidator,ChargeValidator,StructureCheckerValidator,StructureQualityCheckerValidator,SaltFragmentsValidator,StereoCommentsValidator |
WorkflowSteps (AMEND_LOT) |
Workflow steps when changing the lot |
AmendmentIdTypeValidator,IdExistsValidator,PreparationFieldValidator,FieldGenerator,EmptyStructureValidator,MarkushStructureValidator,StandardizerErrorValidator,AmfValidator,SaltSolvateValidator,ParentMultiplicityValidator,ChargeValidator,StructureQualityCheckerValidator,StructureChangeForAmendmentValidator |
WorkflowSteps (AMEND_VERSION) |
Workflow steps when changing the version |
AmendmentIdTypeValidator,IdExistsValidator,VersionFieldValidator,FieldGenerator,EmptyStructureValidator,MarkushStructureValidator,StandardizerErrorValidator,AmfValidator,SaltSolvateValidator,ParentMultiplicityValidator,ChargeValidator,StructureChangeForAmendmentValidator |
WorkflowSteps (REGISTER_LOT) |
Workflow steps when using the Register lot option (from the Registration/Submission/Browse pages) |
RegisterLotValidator,LotIdValidator,LnbRefValidator,LnbRefChangeValidation,FieldValidator,FieldGenerator |
Structure Editor Configuration
EditorType (Default) |
The default structure editor can be set |