Edit Views
Plexus Connect supports collaboration with InstantJchem by running IJC from Plexus Connect via JavaWebStart installer.
If you would like to make changes on some form view, grid view or projects, you can open this particular projects by pressing the JWS button
in its header. The appearing pop-up dialog window will download JNLP installer and guide you through installation process and open your project in InstantJchem desktop application.
For Administrator:
As an administrator and/or an form editor can be assigned to be able to start IJC from a Connect form's icon on it's header – using a JWS.
IJC would open the project and form, so that assigned users can immediately make changes to form and/or schema.
ROLE_ADMIN is required by default and users with ADMIN role privilege will be provided access to the feature.
This can be overridden by specifying a comma-separated list of roles using the com.chemaxon.ijc.ws.resources.IjcJwsFiles.roles property.
IMPORTANT: Please edit
file and change the codebase attribute in master.jnlp
Use the option bellow
specify User ROLEs
using Thick client as in the example bellow
On the server side:
Any database compatible with Instant JChem (i.e., Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL);
Web server: Jetty 8 or Tomcat 7.0. Please note that this requirement is optional because the application is bundled with Jetty;
A view (form or grid) which is open in Plexus Connect can be opened directly in IJC by clicking on the icon
in the top right corner of the view which can be found next to the ‘Create URL for sharing’ icon
Java 8 distributed by Oracle;
On the client side:
It is one-click feature.
On the top right corner of displayed form, beside URL sharing icon is displayed Java Web Start feature icon
Clicking on the icon starts the IJC JavaWebStart installer, then IJC itself and the view which was open in Plexus Connect is automatically opened in IJC.
Please Note:
The IJC schema descriptor which is required to open the view selected in PS Connect in IJC is currently accessed (by the IJC desktop) without authentication. This opens up a small security risk, because in theory anybody can download the schema descriptor and access the IJC schema, provided that they know the credentials of an IJC user who is allowed to access the schema in the schema securities descriptor. The risk is all the smaller that the schema descriptors so downloadable are dynamically generated through a service which does require authentication/authorization and is kept only until the download is complete.