Compound Registration Configuration Guide v161121

Configure within the web application

The web application can be easily configured from the administration web UI.

Using the Forms and Fields UI forms and fields can be easily configured, making possible to have real-time changes in the application.

Using the Configuration page the following configuration options are exposed via the administration web UI:

[ Additional Field Configuration ] [ Autoregister Configuration ] [ Bulkloader Configuration ] [ Client Configuration ] [ Downstream Configuration ] [ Email Configuration ] [ ID Configuration ] [ Mixture Ranges Configuration ] [ Scheduler Configuration ] [ Search Configuration ] [ Security Configuration ] [ Standardizer Configuration ] [ Stereo Configuration ] [ Structure Checker Configuration ] [ Structure Display Configuration ] [ Switchers Configuration ] [ Validation Configuration ] [ Workflow Configuration ] [ Structure Editor Configuration ]

Setting up the network connections

Configurations can be also made relating the:


Database connection

E-mail server and User Repository

Message Queues