Class DBItemsCache

  • public final class DBItemsCache
    extends java.lang.Object
    A holder and cache for DB-related items such as TableSetInfo. Provides convenience methods for managing these items. Changing the contents of this cache does NOT cause a change to the database. Modifying the contents of this cache must reflect changes that have already been name to the underlying database.
    Tim Dudgeon
    • Constructor Detail

      • DBItemsCache

        public DBItemsCache​(java.lang.String defaultSchema)
    • Method Detail

      • getAllSchemas

        public java.util.List<? extends java.lang.String> getAllSchemas()
        Get all the schemas that are accessible to the db user.
        All user accessible schemas
      • setAllSchemas

        public void setAllSchemas​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> schemas)
        Set all schemas accessible to the db user. This does not ensure changes in tsiCache, you have to ensure initialization of TableSetInfos.
        schemas - The schemas
      • getUsedSchemas

        public java.util.List<? extends java.lang.String> getUsedSchemas()
        Get the schemas that are currently in use.
        The schemas currently in use
      • setUsedSchemas

        public void setUsedSchemas​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> schemas)
        Sets used schemas. This does not ensure changes in tsiCache, you have to ensure initialization of TableSetInfos.
        schemas - The schemas
      • getDefaultSchema

        public java.lang.String getDefaultSchema()
        Get the value of defaultSchema.
        The value of defaultSchema
      • addTableSetInfo

        public TableSetInfo addTableSetInfo​(TableSetInfo item)
        Adds an item to the cache.
        item - an item to add
        Previous item with the same primary table name, or null.
      • removeTableSetInfo

        public TableSetInfo removeTableSetInfo​(TableSetInfo item)
        Removes an item from the cache.
        item - an item to remove
        The item removed or null if there was no item with the same primary table name in the cache.
      • getTableSetInfo

        public TableSetInfo getTableSetInfo​(java.lang.String schemaPlusTable)
      • getTableSetInfo

        public TableSetInfo getTableSetInfo​(java.lang.String dbSchemaName,
                                            java.lang.String table)
      • getAllTableNames

        public java.lang.String[] getAllTableNames​(java.lang.String dbSchemaName,
                                                   boolean onlyMasterTable)
        Get the names of the actual physical tables known to this cache. This will not include views, synonyms etc.
        dbSchemaName - The schema. Must not be a valid schema name known to this cache if the database supports schemas. If the database does not support schemas you must specify null.
        onlyMasterTable - Take only first table from table set info on true.
        The known table names of the given schema
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If argument is null and the DB supports schemas or if the DB does not support schemas and you specified non-null schema name
      • getAllSchemaPlusTableNames

        public java.lang.String[] getAllSchemaPlusTableNames​(java.lang.String dbSchemaName,
                                                             boolean onlyMasterTable)
        Same as the #getAllTableNames(String) method, but returns the schema qualified table names.
        onlyMasterTable - Take only first table from table set info on true.
        dbSchemaName - The schema name
        The schema qualified table name
      • getAllSchemaPlusTableNames

        public java.lang.String[] getAllSchemaPlusTableNames​(boolean onlyMasterTable)
        onlyMasterTable - Take only first table from table set info on true.
        The schema qualified table names of all tables in all schemas that we handle.
      • getAllViewNames

        public java.lang.String[] getAllViewNames​(java.lang.String dbSchemaName,
                                                  boolean onlyMasterTable)
        Get the names of the views known to this cache. This will not include tables, synonyms etc.
        dbSchemaName - The schema. Must not be a valid schema name known to this cache if the database supports schemas. If the database does not support schemas you must specify null.
        onlyMasterTable - Take only first table from table set info on true.
        The known view names of the given schema
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If argument is null and the DB supports schemas or if the DB does not support schemas and you specified non-null schema name
      • getAllSchemaPlusViewNames

        public java.lang.String[] getAllSchemaPlusViewNames​(java.lang.String dbSchemaName,
                                                            boolean onlyMasterTable)
        Same as the #getAllTableNames(String) method, but returns the schema qualified view names.
        dbSchemaName - The name of the database schema
        onlyMasterTable - Take only first table from table set info on true.
        The schema qualified view names
      • getAllSchemaPlusViewNames

        public java.lang.String[] getAllSchemaPlusViewNames()
        The schema qualified names of all views in all schemas that we handle.
      • getTableInfo

        public DBTableInfo getTableInfo​(java.lang.String schemaPlusTable)
      • getTableInfo

        public DBTableInfo getTableInfo​(java.lang.String schema,
                                        java.lang.String table)
      • getPropertyTableNamesForSchema

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getPropertyTableNamesForSchema​(java.lang.String dbSchemaName)
        Get the non-qualified names of all property tables that we know about in the specified schemas.
        dbSchemaName - The schema name
        The non-qualified names of all property tables
      • getPropertyTableNames

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getPropertyTableNames()
        Get the schema qualified names of all property tables that we know about.
        The schema qualified names of all property tables
      • getTablesAssociatedWithPropertyTable

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getTablesAssociatedWithPropertyTable​(java.lang.String propTableName)
        Get the schema qualified table names (e.g. schema.table) of all Jchem tables associated with the specified property table. For cartridge tables this is the JChem index table.
        propTableName -
        The qualified table names of all associated JChem tables
      • clone

        public DBItemsCache clone()
        clone in class java.lang.Object
      • dump

        public void dump​(java.lang.StringBuilder b)
        Generate a human readable description of current contents and append it to the StringBuilder.