Class JChemBaseTableSetInfo

    • Constructor Detail

      • JChemBaseTableSetInfo

        protected JChemBaseTableSetInfo()
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        public java.lang.String getType()
        Description copied from class: TableSetInfo
        A string that identifies the table type. The value will be one of the TABLE_TYPE_* constants
        Specified by:
        getType in class TableSetInfo
        The table type
      • getJoins

        public SQLJoin[] getJoins()
        Description copied from class: TableSetInfo
        The joins for each of the tables used by this set of tables. The joins information must be supplied in the same order as the tables in TableSetInfo.getTableNames() e.g. the second element in the list of joins corresponds to the join between the master table and the second element in the getTableNames() list. Join information allows data (e.g. a field) to be present in a separate table and provides the information necessary to retreive that information By definition the join for the first element must be a SQLJoin with has a zero length path (e.g. new SQLJoin(new SQLJoin.Path[0]) ), but joins for the other tables can optionally be defined. A join will be defined where the row(s) in the secondary table can be related to those in the master table by means of a join. Not all tables will have such a join, and in these cases the list should contain null for that element in the list.
        Specified by:
        getJoins in class TableSetInfo
        SQLJoin array
      • getJChemTableIndex

        public int getJChemTableIndex()
        Specified by:
        getJChemTableIndex in class AbstractJChemTableSetInfo
        The table index of the actual JChemBase table. Usually 0, but in the case of a cart index using a standard table this will be 1.