Create Reactions
From version 16.5.2 you can draw reactions in two modes.
the earlier used mode, where the + signs are placed automatically and
placing manually the reaction + signs.
You can change\reset the default automatic mode on The Preferences<Structure tab.
Only reaction containing a single reaction arrow can be interpreted chemically, consequently be saved in chemical formats.
Arrows interpreted chemically:
Single Arrow
Retrosynthetic Arrow
Equilibrium Arrow
Resonance Arrow
Consequently, more arrows or
Curved Arrow
Dashed Arrow
Crossed Arrow
will not have chemical meaning. These arrows and + signs ( besides the molecules) can be formatted using the Edit<Format or the contextual menu.
The graphical components of reactions can be aligned and distributed using the corresponding menu item of the Edit menu.
Analysis box containing chemical information an be added from the Structure menu or pressing the Ctrl+I shortkey.