JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge History of Changes
June 20th, 2016: JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge 2.1
PostgreSQL 9.5 is the only supported PostgeSQL version from now on. PostgreSQL 9.4 is only supported in JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge versions up to 2.0. Documentation
Tetrahedral stereo properties were incorrectly evaluated in case of structures where a substituent on the chiral center - e.g., on phosphorus - was connected by double bond.
May 26th, 2016: JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge 2.0
Searches with joined queries and with limit <n> conditions has been improved due to cost estimation and function mode search enhancements.
Limitation of the number of jchem-psql service sessions is configurable by the administrator. Documentation
Searches combining more than three SELECT statements with logical operators could run into dead lock state.
Relevance calculation threw exception in case of polymer and query structures.
Relevance calculation could throw license exception even if the postgresql license was present.
Custom standardizer.xml applied in type definition generated exception when more than one molecules were inserted in one statement.
February 10th, 2016: JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge 1.8
Relevance sorting possibility of the search hits is provided. Documentation
Collecting invalid molecules during sdf import and (cx)smiles/(cx)smarts import is available.
New function, is_valid_molecule, is introduced.
Memory size requirement of searches in big tables has been decreased, and further performance tuning possibilities are provided. Documentation
October 20th, 2015: JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge 1.7
Speed of searches - compared to version 1.6 - has been increased.
Specified requirement regarding glibc version for running JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge is canceled.
October 7th, 2015: JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge 1.6
From now on, search engine in JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge works on vague bond level half. Previously, it worked on vague bond level 0.
Known issue
glibc version 2.14 is needed to run JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge.
Tautomer substructure search could result false negative hits in case of aromatic structures.
Index entries were overridden by each other in some cases resulting loss of hits.
August 14th, 2015: JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge 1.5 (version withdrawn)
July 27th, 2015: JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge 1.4
The use of chemical terms is implemented. Documentation
The performance of searching with combined queries can be tuned by calibration. Documentation