Interface DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewDBField

    • Method Detail

      • getColumns

        DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.DBColumnInfo[] getColumns()
        Getter for columns info array. Each column has own info (typical field with only one column returns array length == 1). There is no setter for columns, if you want to set up properties of DBColumnInfo(s) just use the returned instances and call setters on this instance.
      • setColumnBaseName

        void setColumnBaseName​(java.lang.String name)
        Set a base name for the columns. This may be the same as the field name. Each column will be given an appropriate name based on the based name e.g name_1, name_2 etc.
      • setDefaultValue

        void setDefaultValue​(DefaultValue defaultValue)
      • isDisctinctValues

        boolean isDisctinctValues()
        As of release 6.3, replaced with DFFieldPickListCapability
      • setDisctinctValues

        void setDisctinctValues​(boolean distinctValues)
        As of release 6.3, replaced with DFFieldPickListCapability