New Features in IJC Q1 2015

SHA1 encryption

Introduced support for SHA1 encryption checksums algorithm on Oracle.

Performance improvements

Performance improvement of data retrieval for data trees with many-to-one relationship where source field is referring for non ID field.

Java 8

Java 8 is now officially supported platform.

Improved Admin Tool UI

Admin Tool UI is generally improved and shows now an information panel containing brief description of given functionality (Clone operation, Delete operation, etc.)


Java Web Start memory options

Added support for Java Web Start memory settings to be set separately for 32-bit and 64-bit Java versions. Usage in the .jnlp file configuration:

<application-desc main-class="">
<argument>-J-Xmx1024m -J-Xms256m</argument>

New text operators

New text operators introduced - does not start with, does not end with, does not contain