Pipeline Pilot Components History of Changes

Version, February 15, 2017

- Minimum required Pipeline Pilot version : 9.2

- Minimum required Internet Explorer version : 11

- Bugfix: JVM crash in certain cases during error reporting ("No server process") fixed.

Version, February 4, 2017

- "JChem for Office Writer", "JChem for Office Reader":
regular page breaks are exported and recognized for Word documents from now on.

Version, January 14, 2017

- New components:
> "JChem for Office Reader"
> "JChem for Office Writer"

Version, January 3, 2017

- "Marvin JS" component: compatibility fix for newer FireFox versions

Version, December 8, 2016

- "ChemAxon Molecular Table Viewer" component removed (obsolete)

Version, November 16, 2016

- External documentation links fixed/updated for several components

Version, October 26, 2016

- New component: "JChem Web Services Search"

Version, October 5, 2016

- New components for Compliance Checker integration:
> "Compliance Checker"
> "Compliance Checker Categories"

Version, September 7, 2016

- "Chemical Terms Calculator" : molecule type results are allowed

Version, August 16, 2016

- Marvin JS is now included as integral version of the package for simplified installation

- Upgraded and simplified installation instructions

- "ChemAxon HTML Molecular Table Viewer" bugfix: did not find applet if it was selected for pop-up

Version, June 21, 2016

- "JChem for Excel Writer" bugfix: exception when conditional formatting was missing fixed

Version, June 7, 2016

- New options for "JChemSearch" and "JChem Oracle Cartridge Search":
> Homology Narrow Translation
> Homology Broad Translation

- "MolConverter" bugfix: exception if "Keep Properties" parameter is used

Version, May 31, 2016

- New component: "MarvinSketch Applet":
Completely re-written component, earlier prototypes removed.

Version, May 25, 2016

- New component: "JChem PSQL Cartridge Search"

Version, April 20, 2016

- "ChemAxon Name to Structure" : added option to allow CAS lookup by web service,
new default is disabled

Version, April 4, 2016

- New components for compound registration:
> "Registration Connection"
> "Registration Auto Register"
> "Registration Get Structure by ID"
> "Registration Structure Search"

Version, March 23, 2016

- The default Vague Bond Level has changed for "JChemSearch", "JChem Cartridge Search"
and "ChemAxon Structure Search Filter" components according to JChem changes:
> Vague bond level "Default" (Level 1) option renamed to "Ligands and bridging bonds of aromatic rings"
> The new default vague bond level is "Ambiguous aromaticity 5 membered rings" (Level Half)

- "ChemAxon Tautomerization"
> "Generic Tautomer" option removed
> New options added: normal tautomers, protect ester groups, ring-chain tautomers

Version, February 26, 2016

- "ChemAxon Structure to Name" : added option to generate CAS numbers

Version, February 20, 2016

- "Drop JChem Base Table" : Added "Ignore Missing Table" option

- "Molecule from IUPAC Name (ChemAxon)" renamed to "ChemAxon Name to Structure"

- "Molecule to IUPAC Name (ChemAxon)"
> Renamed to "ChemAxon Structure to Name"
> Added option to generate traditional names
> "Z" atoms treated as attachment points (not as carbon)

Version, February 5, 2016

- "Marvin JS" component:
> Web services URL have to be set centrally in chemaxon.conf, GUI options removed.
> Option for embedded or popup mode
> Multiple instances per form supported

Version, November 26, 2015

- New component: "Marvin JS"

Version, September 30, 2015

- Error reporting and logging has been improved

Version, September 24, 2015

- "JChem Cartridge Search"
> Retrieval of hits is faster in most cases
> Coloring and alignment is now off by default
> Bugfix: in version incorrect vague bond level was applied
for previous cartridge versions (Level 1 instead of Half)

Version, September 10, 2015

- "ChemAxon Document Extractor":
> CAS lookup default changed to off (bugfix),
but extra interactive warning of web service usage was removed
> Options added to enable/disable systematic and common names; elements, ions and groups
> Options added to retrieve the context of hits
> Document section information (for USPTO XML patents)

Version, August 26, 2015

JChem Cartridge Search bugfix:
- "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded" for larger result sets fixed

Version, May 20, 2015

- "JChem for Excel Writer" component:
> Conditional Formatting Expression option added
> NOTE: became subprotocol, GUID changed

Version, March 13, 2015

- Configuration file "chemaxon.conf" file instead of
environment variables for global settings:
> license location
> log directory
> OSR tools
- Default log directory changed to "logs" directory inside package

Version, January 29, 2015

- New component: "JChem for Excel Reader"

- Component "ChemAxon Fragmenter" removed (discontinued product)

Version, January 13, 2015

- JChem Cartridge components: backwards compatibility tested and set to minimum version 6.1.0
- "ChemAxon Standardize" bugfixes:
> Did not work with configuration string and configuration file (only with simple actions)
> Relative path for custom Standardizer configuration file was not resolved properly
> Order changed for simple actions: Clean 2D and 3D moved to the end of list, Dearomatize moved up

Version, January 8, 2015

- "JChemSearch", "JChem Cartridge Search":
"Remove Unused R-group Definitions" option added, unused groups no longer removed by default
- "Insert to JChem Table" : rejected empty structures no longer considered as an "error"
(i.e. no error message, does not affect "Halt on Error" option)
- "JChemSearch" bugfix: dissimilarity values were not returned
- "JChem Cartridge Search" bugfixes:
> Filter Query caused exception in certain cases
> removed unused (ineffective) option "Ordering"
- "Create JChem Base Table" bugfix : relative path for custom Standardizer
configuration file was not resolved properly

Version, December 18, 2014

- "ChemAxon HTML Molecular Table Viewer": "Display R-Logic" option added
- "ChemAxon Image from Molecule": "Display R-Logic" option added
- "ChemAxon Structure Search Filter"
> Bugfix: ineffective "Markush Hit Representation" option removed.
Markush search is not supported by this component, please use the JChemSearch component.
> Bugfix: illegal default value for Tautomer Search removed

Version, December 10, 2014

- "ChemAxon MolConverter" bugfix: file input property selection was not effective in case of file output
- "ChemAxon Structure Checker":
> "Ignore OCR Errors" option removed in line with JChem changes as separate option.
Use the OCR checker("ocr") in the configuration instead.
> Bugfix: Structures with no remaining issues were not fixed properly
> Bugfix: Fixes are always executed for checkers with fix mode "Ask" (e.g. action strings)

Version, November 20, 2014

- External documentation links updated due to ChemAxon website changes.

- "Create JChem Base Table" bugfix: default fingerprint parameters were
incorrect for Reaction and Markush table types.

Version, November 5, 2014

- New components:
> "JChem Cartridge Search"
> "JChem Cartridge Information"

- "JChemSearch" and "ChemAxon Structure Search Filter" components:
> New "Default" Vague Bond Level option corresponding to new default Level 1 in JChem.
> New "Stereo Search" option "Enantiomer Search", other stereo options renamed
> Bugfix for "Stereo Search", "Charge Matching", "Isotope Matching", "Radical Matching":
The "Default" option was not incorrect default for "Duplicate" search type,
as non-specific query could match specific targets.
New "Default" option changes behavior to Exact matching in case of "Duplicate" search.

NOTE: Please update usages of "JChemSearch" and "ChemAxon Structure Search Filter"
components by right-click and "Replace with Latest Version"

Version, October 2, 2014

Pipeline Pilot 9.0 or later is required.

Version, September 24, 2014

- "ChemAxon Markush Filter" Prototype component removed, no advantage
over "Chemaxon Chemical Terms Filter" since Pipeline Pilot 8.5

Version, August 9, 2014

- Some "Advanced" parameters were converted to normal in several
components, so they will not behave "Hidden" in Pipeline Pilot 9.0

Version, July 23, 2014

- "ChemAxon Reactor" component : "Generate Unsuccessful Reactions" option added

Version 2.9, July 10, 2014

- New component: "JChem Table Information"

- "Create JChem Base Table":
> New options added: fingerprint parameters, custom standardization,
absolute stereo, duplicate filtering, tautomer duplicate filtering

- "Insert to JChem Table" component:
> Duplicate filtering is table option, with override option for compatibility

- "Delete from JChem Base Table" component:
> Bugfix: backward compatibility fix

Version 2.8.1, May 16, 2014

- Supported JChem versions:
> 6.3.x : 6.3.0 and above
> 6.2.x : 6.2.0 and above

- "ChemAxon Calculator" component:
> Bugfix: backward compatibility fix for pKa "Mode" option

Version 2.8, April 27, 2014

- "ChemAxon Reactor" component : temporary disk space usage significantly reduced

- "Create JChem Base Table": extra fields can be specified for table creation

- "Delete from JChem Base Table": can accept cd_id values as input data

- "JChemSearch" component:
> Bugfix: cd_id values were not returned if neither molecular structure
nor data fields were requested

Version 2.7.1, February 13, 2014

- Supported JChem versions:
> 6.2.x : 6.2.0 and above
> 6.1.x : 6.1.0 and above

- "ChemAxon Document Extractor": support added for multiple File/URL input

- "ChemAxon HTML Molecular Table Viewer": aromatization option did not work for ChemAxon image option

- "ChemAxon HTML Molecular Table Viewer" and "ChemAxon Image from Molecule":
Option "ChemAxon Image Options (De)aromatization" renamed to "ChemAxon Image Options Aromatization"

Version 2.7, January 10, 2014

- "ChemAxon Document Extractor" upgraded (in 6.1.x version only):
> Support for a total 3 OSR tools (CLiDE, OSRA, Imago)
> NOTE: parameter OSRA on/off parameter removed (!),
replaced by "OSR Tool" with multiple options
> Several new options added: start page, end page, OSR filtering,
OSR timeout, acronyms, OLE object conversion and more
- "ChemAxon Document Extractor" fix:
> Better compatibility for extraction from certain web sites

Version 2.6.4, September 29, 2013

- Supported JChem versions:
> 6.1.x : 6.1.0 and above
> 6.0.x : 6.0.0 and above

- "LibMCS Clustering" component updated (in 6.1.x version only):
> Uses new clustering algorithm, faster execution time
> New atom matching options: Radicals, Isotopes
> Clustering method options changed: please "Replace with Latest Version"

Version 2.6.3, July 29, 2013

- Pipeline Pilot 8.5 or newer is required

- "ChemAxon HTML Molecular Table Viewer" component:
> Bugfix: did not work with structure source property

Version 2.6.2, June 6, 2013

- "JChem for Excel Writer" component:
> Vertical Alignment option added

Version 2.6.1, May 30, 2013

- "JChem for Excel Writer" component:
> Bugfix: style setting for mixed case properties did not work

- "ChemAxon Calculator" component:
> Option for micro pKa calculation (6.0 version only)

Version 2.6, May 23, 2013

- Supported JChem versions:
> 6.0.x : 6.0.0 and above
> 5.12.x : 5.12.0 and above

- "JChem for Excel Writer" component:
> Option for overwrite / append behaviour
> Options for formatting:
- column width
- horizontal alignment
- text wrapping

- "ChemAxon Calculator" component:
> Option for pKa correction library file (6.0 version only)

- "ChemAxon HTML Molecular Table Viewer" component:
> Bugfix: exception in case the input contained no molecule

Version 2.5.2, April 16, 2013

- "JChem for Excel Writer" component:
> Option for controlling the relative position of the structure column
> Bugfix: data columns did not keep order

Version 2.5.1, March 7, 2013

- Supported JChem versions:
> 5.12.x : 5.12.0 and above
> 5.11.x : 5.11.0 and above

- "JChemSearch" component:
> String parameter added for advanced search options

-"ChemAxon Standardize" component:
> Also accepts molecule source as input

Version 2.5, December 25, 2012

- New component:
> "ChemAxon Structure Checker"

Version 2.4.1, November 20, 2012

- JChem Base "Insert" component:
> support for binary input formats added

Version 2.4, October 22, 2012

- Supported JChem versions:
> 5.11.x : 5.11.0 and above
> 5.10.x : 5.10.0 and above

- Pipeline Pilot 8.0 or newer is required

- New component:
> "JChem for Excel Writer"

- "ChemAxon Structure Search Filter" bugfix:
explicit H removal was not disabled during query structure standardization

- Support for binary structure formats in:
"ChemAxon MolConverter", "ChemAxon Image From Molecule", "ChemAxon HTML Molecular Table Viewer"

- Example protocols updated / fixed

Version 2.3.3, June 29, 2012

- Supported JChem versions:
> 5.10.x : 5.10.0 and above
> 5.9.x : 5.9.0 and above

Version 2.3.2, April 20, 2012

- Improved error handling in "ChemAxon Calculator" and "Chemical Terms Calculator"

Version 2.3.1, March 15, 2012

- Improved error handling in "ChemAxon Ionize Molecule at pH"

Version 2.3, March 6, 2012

- Supported JChem versions:
> 5.9.x : 5.9.0 and above
> 5.8.x : 5.8.0 and above

- "ChemAxon Document Extractor" upgraded (in 5.9 version only):
> Optical Structure Recognition support via OSRA
> More options and result properties

- "Create JChem Base Table" creates the JChem property table if does not exist

- "Connection" accepts empty login and password

Version 2.2, February 18, 2012

- Supported JChem versions:
> 5.8.x : 5.8.0 and above
> 5.7.x : 5.7.0 and above

- New component:
> "Delete from JChem Base Table"

Version 2.1, November 29, 2011

- Supported JChem versions:
> 5.6.x : and above
> 5.7.x : 5.7.0 and above

- New component:
> "ChemAxon Document Extractor"

Version 2.0, October 17, 2011

- New component:
> "ChemAxon Formula Search Filter"

- "ChemAxon Reactor" component : speedup by multi-threading and more efficient reactant selection

- "ChemAxon Structure Search Filter" : improved error handling

- "ChemAxon Calculator" : more options for pKa data export and visualization

- "JChemSearch" : BigDecimal return type support added for hit data retrieval

Version 1.9, May 12, 2011

- Supported JChem versions:
> 5.4.x : and above
> 5.5.x : 5.5.0 and above

- New component:
> "ChemAxon Structure Search Filter"

- Added error handling options for Naming components

- "LibMCS Clustering" component: reduced memory need

- Minor improvements in error handling, installation, system information dialog

Version 1.8.1, January 17, 2011

- Restored Pipeline Pilot 7.5 compatibility

- "ChemAxon Reactor"
> Fused reaction output option added
> Reactant ratio option added
> "ChemAxon_Last_Record_Tag" temporary property wasn't removed (bugfix)

- Obsolete component "CTAB from Molecule" removed

Version 1.8, December 21, 2010

- Requires JChem 5.3.0 or newer, JChem 5.4.x support added

- Pipeline Pilot 8.0 or newer is required

- New component:
> "ChemAxon Fragmenter"

- Markush Enumeration options added:
> coloring (scaffold, R-group)
> homology group enumeration
> MRV source output

- JChemSearch:
> Markush hit reduction option (with homology expansion)
> threw exception if NULL value was found in exported data columns (bugfix)

- "Create JChem Base Table": support for various table types

- Reactor: Synthesis Code also enabled for reaction output

- JChem Base "Insert" component:
> structure source input did not work (bugfix)
> did not accept Pipeline Pilot reactions (bugfix)

Version 1.7, July 1, 2010

- New components:

> "ChemAxon Image From Molecule"

> "ChemAxon HTML Molecular Table Viewer"

- "JChemSearch" (JChem Base):

> Query-filtering (flow-trough) mode

> Hit coloring and alignment

> Various output options: PP molecule, MRV source, Original source

> Search modes renamed according to new JChem terminology

> "Duplicate" search type added

> Fetching data fields of hit records from JChem Base table

> Stereo search option updated

- "Insert" (JChem Base):

> Option to continue on error, problem structures directed to Fail port

> Option to enable empty structures

- "Chemical Terms Calculator" : byte[] result type supported

Version 1.6.2, February 18, 2010

- "ChemAxon MolConverter":

> able to use ByteArray input as ASCII source (e.g. obtained from cd_structure field)

> threw exception on properties not convertible to String ot StringArray (bugfix)

Version 1.6.1, January 8, 2010

- "ChemAxon Reactor" : keeps properties of reactants in products (option added)

- "ChemAxon MolConverter" : keeps properties also in file output

Version 1.6, August 31, 2009

- "ChemAxon 3D Conformers" component added

Version 1.5.1, June 9, 2009

- JChemSearch component returns result structures faster after search

Version 1.5, May 29, 2009

- Requires JChem / Marvin 5.1.3 or newer

- New components:

> "ChemAxon MolConverter"

> "ChemAxon Tautomerization"

> "ChemAxon Markush Enumeration"

- "Chemaxon Reactor" component can now skip errors

- Error reporting was further improved. Error log always present at a default location.

- "Show ChemAxon Environment" component improved (displays info in Notepad).

Version 1.4, November 24, 2008

- "LibMCS Clustering" component added

- "Molecule to IUPAC Name" component added

- "Molecule from IUPAC Name" component added

- "ChemAxon Reactor" component:
> New options added:
- Synthesis Code generation
- Unambiguous only (single) mode
- Output reaction mapping
- Options to ignore 3 types of reaction rules
> Bugs fixed:
- reaction output always contained all products
- premature termination with "No Server Process" message for large input sets

- Utility protocol added for displaying ChemAxon software properties

Version 1.3.1, October 22, 2008

- Bugfix: ChemAxon Reactor only returned the first set of products for a
given pair of reactants resulting in fewer products in certain cases.
- Bugfix: ChemAxon Calculator threw exception for inconsistent input
structures in some cases
(instead of just adding an error tag, and letting processing go on).

Version 1.3, July 11, 2008

- Chemical Terms Calculator component added

- New error reporting system: more informative error text, ability to write
detailed error log to file if CHEMAXON_PP_LOG_DIR environment variable set.

- Collection recompiled for Marvin / JChem 5.1 compatibility
(while still maintaining JChem 3.2 / Marvin 4.1.2 backwards compatibility)

Version 1.2, March 5, 2008
- ChemAxon Reactor component added

- ChemAxon Standardize component upgraded:
> more simple actions (checkboxes)
> also accepts configuration string and configuration file for advanced

- JChem Base Insert:
> Duplicate filtering option (using Pass and Fail ports)
> Returns cd_id (primary key) values
> Two input modes:
- read structure source from a specified property
- if property not specified uses PP input molecule
> Insert into additional data fields (only for string column types yet)

- JChemSearch
> Several search options were added
> Easier protocol integration and better performance due to concentrated

- Create JChem Base Table component added
- Drop JChem Base Table component added

- General documentation upgrade of most components