Document Style

New journal styles were introduced in MarvinSketch version. Before updating to this version please delete your existing Userhome/Chemaxon/Styles folder (if exists).

In later versions user created journal styles are saved in a new folder.

Application crashes with java virtual machine error on Linux systems when File>Document Style > Settings is opened. Uninstalling ttf-unifont package or updating Java to the latest version can eliminate the problem.

The Document Style Settings dialog window can be reached from the File > Document style > Settings menu.

It enables to apply one of the available styles as default for drawing structure or you can specify the graphic representation of your drawings with or without creating styles of your own.


Apply journal style preset: The list of styles contains both the built-in journal styles and the user-defined styles.

Atom font: Sets the font type and the size of the atom labels.

Measurement unit: pt, cm, inch or %bl (%of the bond length) can be selected as measurement unit.

Bond Lenght: Sets the length of bonds.

Wireframe bond thickness:Sets the width of the simple bonds and graphic lines.

Bold bond width: Sets the width of the line used when bold bond is drawn. The end of the wedge bonds is 1.5 times the bold width.

Bond spacing: Sets the distance between the lines in double or triple bonds.

Hash spacing: Sets the spacing between the hashed lines for 'single down' wedged bonds and hashed bonds.

Margin: Sets the space surrounding the bundle rectangle.