Plexus Suite History of Changes
September 30th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.9.26
Plexus Analysis
New Features and Improvements
The content of various information boxes belonging to fitted trend lines, scatter plot points or histogram bins can be copied and pasted into other applications. In this way, calculated parameters of a fitted curve or the properties behind a scatter plot data point can be copied, for example, into Microsoft Excel.
September 23rd, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.9.19
Plexus Analysis
No changes.
Please note that the release of Plexus Connect and Design (version 16.9.19) was skipped.
September 20th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.9.12
Plexus Connect
No changes.
Plexus Analysis
No changes.
September 12th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.9.5
Plexus Connect
Database view headers became too overcrowded to be usable when the view was narrow because the header's height was not increased
Plexus Analysis
No changes.
September 5th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.8.29
Plexus Analysis
New Features and Improvements
Linear trend lines can be fitted to data points in scatter plots to check the relationship between the X and Y properties or to fit a predictive model to the observed data.
Four parameter logistic function can be fitted to data points in scatter plots to determine the parameters (IC50, EC50, Hill slope...) of dose-response data sets.
Please note that the release of Plexus Connect and Design (version 16.8.29) was skipped.
August 25th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.8.22
Plexus Analysis
New Features and Improvements
From this version, it is possible to use logarithmic scale on the X- and Y-axis of scatter plots besides the standard linear scale.
When a chart becomes very small, axes, axis labels and grid lines are not displayed, so that data symbols (scatter plot points and histogram bars) can take up more space.
In smaller scatter plots where the legend would not fit in the available space on the right side of the chart, a "Legend" icon is displayed in the upper right corner of the chart. Moving the mouse cursor over this icon will display the full legend. Please note that the legend display has to be turned on in the scatter plot's pop-up menu in order to see the icon and the legend.
Please note that the release of Plexus Connect and Design (version 16.8.22) was skipped.
August 22nd, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.8.15
Plexus Connect
No changes.
Please note that the release of Plexus Analysis (version 16.8.15) was skipped.
August 15th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.8.8
Plexus Connect
Too narrow database view headers became unusable because their height did not increase when the header became overcrowded.
After a query, the header of single-column table widgets was also marked with filter icon although this marker should be placed only in the filtered column header.
Plexus Analysis
No changes.
August 5th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.8.1
Plexus Connect
No changes.
Plexus Analysis
Rows which contained empty cells ("null" values) were not exported from Plexus Connect into Plexus Analysis.
July 29th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.7.25
Plexus Connect
No changes.
Plexus Analysis
New Features and Improvements
From this version, selected and unselected scatter plot points and histogram bins are highlighted differently to make it easier to distinguish between the two states.
July 22nd, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.7.18
Plexus Connect
New Features and Improvements
In order to make saved queries editable, Plexus Connect can load the query definition to the Search panel. When a saved query is used for searching, its definition is automatically loaded to the Search panel.
Binary Large Object, i.e., BLOB fields, and text fields with Oracle text index can be queried with Plexus Connect.
From this version, it is possible to modify the Plexus Storage destination. Please note that as a result, the following information will be lost when you update to this version:
the last used reaction and list of reactants in reaction-based enumeration;
the last used scaffold and list of R-groups in scaffold-based enumeration;
the list of recently used database views;
the list of favorite database views.
Text alignment in grid views and table widgets did not respect the settings defined in Instant JChem. From this version, text in table cells and headers is aligned according to the Instant JChem setting.
When a saved list has been selected to enter "cherry-picking" mode, columns were not displayed in grid views in certain cases.
Certain display settings which were adjusted in Instant JChem (such as border settings and the font size of widget titles) were not respected in Plexus Connect.
Please note that the release of Plexus Analysis (version 16.7.18) was skipped.
July 14th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.7.11
Plexus Analysis
No changes.
Please note that the release of Plexus Connect and Design (version 16.7.11) was skipped.
July 7th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.7.4
Plexus Analysis
New Features and Improvements
When you start an analysis by importing data, a name will be generated for the new analysis either from the name of the source file or from the name of the Plexus Connect database view from which the data has been imported.
The default cell size has been enlarged in structure columns.
Similarly to histograms, panning is limited in scatter plots as well from this version, so that some points will always remain visible in a chart.
Please note that the release of Plexus Connect and Design (version 16.7.4) was skipped.
July 1st, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.6.27
Plexus Connect
There is a possibility to use list of projects to filter the views.
Plexus Analysis
New Features and Improvements
Histograms and scatter plots can be saved and downloaded as PNG images by right clicking on the chart and selecting "Save as image" from the pop-up menu.
June 24th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.6.20
Plexus Connect
New Features and Improvements
Plexus Connect can be integrated with ChemAxon's Compound Registration system in order to allow the registration of new molecular entities in the corporate database. The feature is available by using the "Register" menu item in the context menu of a structure field on a form or grid view.
Exporting data from a form which contained a structure field from a child table with one-to-many relationship threw an error and gave an empty file.
When a query returned no hits, the record chooser disappeared from the header of the database view, and the notification that there was no item to display was missing as well.
June 17th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.6.13
Plexus Analysis
New Features and Improvements
In histograms, bins can be selected by a left-click. Multiple bins can be selected by CTRL+click or SHIFT+click
The selection in a histogram is synchronized with the selection in the data sheet and in other charts.
Hovering over a histogram bin will highlight the bin and an information box will appear providing details about the current bin, like the total number of items and the number of selected items in the bin. The information box can be made hidden by the "Hide information box" context menu item.
Histograms can be zoomed and scaled as well as panned by rolling the mouse wheel and dragging the histogram, respectively. The original histogram can be reset from the context menu.
Please note that the release of Plexus Connect and Design (version 16.6.13) was skipped.
June 10th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.6.6
Plexus Analysis
No changes.
Please note that the release of Plexus Connect and Design (version 16.6.6) was skipped.
June 3rd, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.5.30
Plexus Connect
New Features and Improvements
The "Charting" business flag, which could be used to switch on and off the connection to Plexus Analysis has been renamed as "Plexus Analysis".
When the last search did not find any hit, saved lists did not load in form views.
"The query returned no hits" message was still displayed on the search panel while a new query was already running or when a saved list has been loaded.
In Internet Explorer, the vertical scroll bar was missing from the Lists panel when there were multiple saved lists on it.
May 27th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.5.23
Plexus Connect
New Features and Improvements
Plexus Connect form and grid views and their data (current query/record set, sort order and active record) can be shared among users by generating URLs for the given form or grid.
From this version it is possible to gather information from the log files about each user logged into Plexus Suite.
IJC/Plexus can optionally use a shared pool of connections to a database for all IJC schemas that it opens from the same database schema.
After losing server connection and than reconnecting to the server again, the "Re-connected to the server" notification did not disappear and there was no way to close it either except by reloading the page.
Selecting a column containing images in a grid view threw several error messages and the application became frozen.
Plexus Analysis
New Features and Improvements
Rectangular areas can be selected in scatter plots with Shift+drag.
May 20th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.5.16
Plexus Connect
New Features and Improvements
Users with data editing rights can insert new records into their Plexus Connect grid views to add new data to their database.
Using the "Any of" query operator on a child entity field during search failed and threw an error.
When either the "Last 7 days" or the "Last 14 days" search operator had been selected for searching in a date type field, and then the search operator was switched to "On", the text box of the search condition was filled with an incorrect value. From this version, switching to the "On" operator will open an empty value text box.
The "Fit to screen" option did not work in the case of the table widgets in Plexus Connect.
The vertical scroll bar was missing from the search panel when there were multiple search conditions on it.
Plexus Analysis
The first official release of Plexus Analysis
Please note that the release of Plexus Suite version 16.5.9 was skipped.
May 9th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.5.2
New Features and Improvements
Plexus Connect grid views can be used to send data into Plexus Analysis and to initiate histogram generation in Analysis by using the Create histogram context menu item in the header of numerical columns.
Removing a search condition from the search panel changed the operator of other existing conditions.
During export in Plexus Connect, an error message was thrown when a structure field where the MIME type has not been set was bound to a text field or to a text column of a table. From this version Plexus Connect will export the value such fields as text.
Admin users could not download the Plexus Connect backend and frontend log files through the Plexus Connect GUI (from the System tab of Admin Tools dialog (User account > Admin tools > System).
At similarity search, the value in the similarity threshold text box was not displayed properly.
April 29th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.4.25
The "DefaultSortProperty", used for setting the default sort order in tables, was not taken into account in Plexus Connect.
Plexus Connect did not take in account the row height of a sheet widget cell set in Instant JChem, so longer texts were only partially visible.
Please note that the release of Plexus Suite version 16.4.18 was skipped.
April 15th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.4.11
Copy-pasting a list into the text box of the "in list"/"not in list" operators did not work in Internet Explorer.
April 11th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.4.4
Label widgets with an URL did not work.
In Plexus Connect, the "showTableheader" property did not work for the table widgets.
Plexus Connect did not take in account settings for table header heights.
April 1st, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.3.28
Enumerated tables could not be exported into .xlsx file format.
March 25th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.3.21
When a list was loaded in a grid view, the number of rows rendered in the grid view did not match number of records saved in the selected list: depending on the row number in the previous state, there were either empty rows at the bottom of the grid or some records of the loaded list were not visible.
March 18th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.3.14
No changes
March 14th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.3.7
New Features and Improvements
Buttons on the Lists panel (New List, Load List, logical list operations) will always remain in the visible part of the panel, so users do not have to scroll down to perform actions on their lists even when they have many of them.
Building blocks from the predefined collection could not be selected to be used either in scaffold-based or in reaction-based enumerations.
Plexus Connect stopped authenticating a user if he/she had no roles defined in a particular Instant JChem schema. From this version, Plexus keeps authenticating users to all schemas even if they do not have roles in some of those schemas. The user is then logged in to only those schemas where he/she has at least some roles.
March 4th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.2.29
New Features and Improvements
For text and integer fields, the default search operator has become "equals" in Plexus Connect.
The Compliance Checker widget did not work on the Property Viewer page.
Please note that the release of Plexus Suite version 16.2.22 was skipped.
February 22nd, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.2.15
New Features and Improvements
New lists can be created and already existing lists can be edited manually using the form views as well.
A new business flag, "ADD_CALCULATED_COLUMN" has been created in Plexus Suite. In order to have the calculated column insertion feature available, this business flag has to be set to "true".
Please note that this feature requires a valid Plexus Design license regardless of the state of the ADD_CALCULATED_COLUMN buisiness flag.
Long text was not wrapped in grid cells.
Plexus Connect could not use multiple structure fields for searching even when there were more than one available in the given form.
The list of favorite views on the Plexus Connect dashboard contained those database views as well which had already been removed from the favorites.
February 12th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.2.8
No changes
February 5th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.2.1
No changes
January 29th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.1.25
New Features and Improvements
Users with administrator rights can download the server- and client side log files from the System tab of the Admin Tools dialog window available under the "User" menu.
Clicking on the name of an inactive database view opened the name editor right after the first click. From this version the name of a view can be edited only when the view is already active.
January 22nd, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.1.18
Saved queries and lists could not be deleted by using a keyboard shortcut.
January 18th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.1.11
New Features and Improvements
Chemical structures in grid views and in the table widgets of form views can be edited.
Loading the dashboard with a large amount of grid and form views could take a long time.
The "calendar" button was missing from the date type search conditions on the search panel.
The blue line indicating synchornized database views was visible even when only one view was open or when the active form or grid was the only open view from a datatree.
January 11th, 2016, Plexus Suite version 16.1.4
Clicking on the Search and Stop Search buttons while a search was running was not handled properly.
December 22nd, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.12.14
New Features and Improvements
In order to speed up file export into Microsoft Excel with chemical structures as images, image rendering is performed in multiple threads from this version.
New query conditions cannot be added by right-clicking on a field when the search panel is closed.
December 11th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.12.7
New Features and Improvements:
The default behavior of authentication when multiple schemas are registered has been modified to authenticate against only one schema. To change this behavior and authenticate against every registered schema, the recently introduced multiple.schemas.auth property has to be set to true. Please note that from this version the old property, ijc.single.auth is not supported anymore.
Font sizes of text box widgets on forms did not adjust to the size of the widget.
In order to make file export smoother, starting the file download does not have to wait for the data export to finish.
The users did not get any feedback when sorting failed on the server-side due to a database issue.
The result of sorting of a large filtered data set was not correct.
Known issue:
Exporting from Plexus Connect into a Microsoft Excel file is very slow when structures are exported as images.
December 7th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.11.30
When initial data retrieval was turned off, loading a list in a grid view did not work properly and threw an error.
Known issue:
Exporting from Plexus Connect into a Microsoft Excel file is very slow when structures are exported as images.
November 27th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.11.23
No changes
Known issue:
Exporting from Plexus Connect into a Microsoft Excel file is very slow when structures are exported as images.
November 23rd, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.11.16
New Features and Improvements
The default configuration directory of Plexus Suite has become $HOME/.chemaxon/plexus-suite/ (in UNIX systems) or %USERPROFILE%\chemaxon\plexus-suite\ (in Windows systems). Documentation
Synchronization of database views did not work when saved queries or saved lists were used.
The sorting state of database views were not synchronized when a form had been sorted by a master and detail table field, too.
When synchronized forms were open, the active record in the record navigator was not updated after the forms ahd been filtered.
Known issue:
Exporting from Plexus Connect into a Microsoft Excel file is very slow when structures are exported as images.
November 13th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.11.9
New Features and Improvements
The administrator can customize the landing page content from the Admin Tools > Dashboard Configuration dialog.
Permission for data editing in grid views and table widgets is controlled by the ROLE_EDIT_DATA user role.
The firt login to Plexus Connect takes less time because the schemas specified in the .ijs files are initialized already during the Plexus server's start-up.
November 6th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.11.2
New Features and Improvements
The landing page of Plexus Connect has been imrpoved.
After logging in to Plexus Connect, the user can browse, search and open his or her form and grid views on the landing page.
The scaffold based and reaction based enumeration tools are available by using their respective button on the landing page.
The Plexus button in the upper left corner of the Plexus Connect application can be used to navigate back to the landing page.
When initial data loading was turned off for a schema, Plexus Connect used an empty search conditiion at the first search after opening a form.
Deleting a selected list did not remove the Load List button from the Lists panel.
Column headers had extra top and left borders in tab pane widgets.
October 30th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.10.26
Closing a database view while the data in it was still loading threw an error.
The checkboxes used for manual list editing appeared in grid views even when the selected list was not editable by the current user, i.e., when the user was not the owner of that list.
Deleting a selected list did not remove the checkboxes from the active grid view.
October 23rd, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.10.19
New Features and Improvements
You can calculate physico-chemical properties for an entire table of molecules. These properties are added as new columns to grid views owned by you.
Saved lists has been moved to a separate left-side panel in Plexus Connect.
On the Lists panel, new lists can be created from grid views by manually adding records to the list.
The content of a list can be modified in a grid view by manually adding and removing items to/from it.
October 15th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.10.12
New Features and Improvements
When you log in to Plexus Suite, you will be navigated to a dashboard, where you can browse, search and open database views available for you.
Database views can be marked as "favourites" or removed from favourites by using the context menu when a view has been opened.
Lists of recently viewed and favourite views have been added to the dashboard. Both of these lists can be searched and used for opening a view.
New lists can be created with logical set operators - intersection, union, XOR and difference - by selecting two or more saved lists using the CTRL key.
The scrollbar was missing from saved list panel of Plexus Connect.
October 12th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.10.5
New Features and Improvements
Form and grid views belonging to the same data tree are synchornized by default, i.e., they have the same record set as well as the same active record, and they are sorted in the same way.
The default synchronization of form and grid views can be turned off.
Relational data from a child table can be exported as well even when a one-to-many relationship is employed. The data from the parent table will be duplicted if fields are selected both from the parent and the child table.
The "in list" search operator of Plexus Connect did not automatically add commas between the items of a pasted list.
Please note that the release of Plexus Suite version 15.9.21 and 15.9.28 were skipped.
September 18th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.9.14
New Features and Improvements
When the user edits data in a table cell, a redesigned tooltip and a red frame indicates if the data type does not match the column type or if a required value is missing from a cell.
September 11th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.9.7
New Features and Improvements
The Property Viewer page, which summarizes the phyisico-chemical properties of single molecules, has been redesigned.
Widgets can be added to or removed from the Property Viewer page.
Chemical structures on the Property Viewer page can be enlarged by clicking on them.
September 4th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.8.31
New Features and Improvements
Users can navigate among records with the UP and DOWN arrow keys on form views as well.
August 28th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.8.24
No changes
August 21st, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.8.17
New Features and Improvements
Users are logged out from Plexus Suite after a pre-defined period of inactivity. The time period is configurable (see the plexus.sessionExpirationTimeSec property in the CB/ws/ijc-ws-app/src/main/resources/ file) and the default value is one hour.
While processing an enumeration in Plexus Design, the new table got a randomly generated name, and the default name did not appear until the enumeration was ready.
August 12th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.8.10
No changes
Known issue
While processing an enumeration in Plexus Design, the new table gets a randomly generated name, and the default name will not appear until the enumeration is ready.
August 10th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.8.3
From version 15.8.3, Java 8 has become the officially supported Java version for Plexus Suite. From this point, previous Java versions (Java 6 and 7) are not supported anymore.
Histogram widgets on forms appeared without any data.
Scatter plots on an initially inactive tab of a tabbed pane widget were too small.
Known issue
While processing an enumeration in Plexus Design, the new table gets a randomly generated name, and the default name will not appear until the enumeration is ready.
July 31st, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.7.27
No changes
July 24th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.7.20
Navigating among the records in a form which contains charts threw an exception.
Fixed flushing of data load streams into individual widgets happening too often, which previously slowed down record-to-record navigation on widget-rich forms.
July 17th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.7.13
Scripts could not be attached to individual table cells.
Known issues
Record navigation over charts throws an exception.
Please note that the release of Plexus Suite version 15.7.6 was skipped.
July 3rd, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.6.29
Context menu was missing from some widgets when initial data loading had been turned off.
June 29th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.6.22
New Features and Improvements
While a long running query is being executed, early search hits are returned as soon as they have been found, so the user can start browsing in the results set faster and does not have to wait until the search gets finished.
Long running queries have become cancellable by pressing the Stop Search button on the search panel while the query is in progress.
Full type enumeration has been renamed to Sequential.
When the user tried to access a Plexus workspace with a URL which had already become invalid (due to server restart, for instance), an error message appeared and it was not possible to open any other database view inside Plexus.
June 22nd, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.6.15
New Features and Improvements
User-defined reactions can be saved in the user's own reaction library. These reactions can be annotated, edited or removed from the library by their owner.
The Clear all option of scaffold and reaction based enumerations has been extended with a confirmation step in order to prevent accidental removal of the enumeration settings.
Dialogs and context menus were not closed when the user navigated away from a page or when he/she got logged out from Plexus Suite.
Conditional formatting was not visible in sheet widget cells.
June 15th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.6.8
Background color of label widgets did not fill the whole cell of the widget only the area behind the label text.
In Safari, the Marvin JS editor did not open in the search panel when the user wanted to modify a query structure or when he/she wanted to run a structure search for a second time.
June 5th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.6.1
From version 15.6.22, Java 8 is going to be the officially supported Java version for Plexus Suite. From this point, previous Java versions (Java 6 and 7) will not be supported anymore.
New Features and Improvements
Similarity search has been introduced into Plexus Suite
Excel export did not work correctly for enumerated tables.
Plexus Suite tried to authenticate the same user multiple times against the same authentication provider.
June 1st, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.5.25
When the Multi line text renderer setting was used on a table column, conditional formatting was not visible in the cells of the column.
Errors were thrown when the active view had been closed and then the user tried to select new fields while the search panel was open.
May 15th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.5.11
New Features and Improvements
Reaction Enumeration has been introduced into Plexus Suite.
Advanced search parameters have been introduced for the substructure and full structure search types.
When a query did not give any hits, the data did not disappear from grid views and table widgets.
The notification that the last query did not have any hits was missing from the search panel.
Plexus Suite did not work on Internet Explorer 11 due to browser incompatibility when "Compatibility mode for intranet" was switched on.
The "Sorted" icon disappeared from column headers when another database view was opened.
Plexus Suite threw error messages when a query without any hits ran on a form.
May 8th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.5.4
New Features and Improvements
A new information panel was introduced that shows enumeration details for the scaffold based enumeration results.
A new icon is now available on the action bar that enables the users to get back to the scaffold based enumeration page from a generated virtual library and make some modifications in the settings.
May 4th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.4.27
Users were not able to log in to Plexus Suite when it was installed outside the root context under Tomcat.
The old name of a query or a list flashed briefly when it was changed.
April 24th, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.4.20
New Featues and Improvements
The latest settings used in a scaffold enumeration are saved for each user.
When the user opened a database view more than once, the views were numbered only if they belonged to the current user.
The numbering of database views was wrong when the same view was opened more than once.
File import failed for several files.
The "Use in scaffold enumeration" function did not work for the first time when the user wanted to load a complete Markush library or a single scaffold molecule to the scaffold enumeration page.
The "Sort ascending" and "Sort descending" items were missing from the contextual menu of cells in a sheet widget.
April 21st, 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.4.13
New Features and Improvements
The order of buttons on the action bar (the toolbar on the left side of the application) has been made consistent.
April 10th 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.4.6
Uploading files as R-group definitions in scaffold enumeration splits fragments into separate R-group structures.
Performance has been improved for tab pane widgets by not loading IDs and data for hidden widgets.
The application renders the content of each widget as soon as possible and does not wait until data has been loaded for every widget.
Data was missing from widgets on inactive tabs of forms.
Scaffold enumeration returned only one structure when the maximum number of structures was less than the estimated library size and the enumeration type was set to random.
April 8th 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.3.30
When initial data loading was turned off for a schema, an exception was thrown when the user clicked on an empty structure widget.
Due to a security issue, users could log in to Plexus Suite even when they had no Instant JChem role assigned to them.
March 25th 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.3.16
During file import in Plexus Suite, binary database field was created for strings which were longer than 512. From this version, longer strings are supported as well, and it depends on the specific database maximal VARCHAR length if VARCHAR or CLOB database field will be created.
March 20th 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.3.9
New Features and Improvements
The performance of retrieving data for 1:N relationships has been improved.
The user can change the name of those database views (form or grid views) which are owned by him/her.
The list of text search operators has been modified and new operators have been introduced, such as does not contain, does not start with, does not end with.
February 23rd 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.2.23
New Features and Improvements
Browser widget is supported in Plexus Suite.
The Import and Export buttons are now available under the Import-Export group button.
Minor improvements have been added to the search user interface.
February 16th 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.2.16
Minor bugfixes
February 9th 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.2.9
New Features and Improvements
Selected values and chemical structures can be added to new query conditions on the search panel in order to build complex queries more quickly and effectively.
Row height can be changed in grid views and in table widgets.
February 2nd 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.2.2.
Minor bugfixes
January 26th 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.1.26
New Features and Improvements
Chemical structures in the active widget or cell can be copied to the clipboard.
The performance of data retrieval has been improved for data trees with a many-to-one relationship where the source field is referring to a non-ID field.
A checking mechanism has been introduced to determine whether the current browser can support the proper running of Plexus Suite. If the criteria are not fulfilled, a notification is offered instead of the login dialog.
January 19th 2015, Plexus Suite version 15.1.19
New Features and Improvements
Text search has become case-insensitive in Plexus Suite.
The logging of eventual export issues has been improved.
Data loading has become more efficient in the case of Many-to-One relationships.
LDAP group -> Instant JChem roles assignment works despite Unprocessed Continuation Reference(s).
January 12th 2015: Plexus Suite version 15.1.12
New Features and Improvements
The user interface for running, editing and deleting saved queries and lists has been improved.
During file export, chemical file formats are offered only in those cases when the active form or table contains a structure field and either this structure field is part of the selection or there is no selection at all on the active database view. In every other case, only the non-chemical file formats can be used.
A user can connect in admin mode through the Instant JChem desktop application and he can make changes to the schema while the Plexus server is running.
The Building Blocks Collection is now available where well-defined lists of structures can be stored that are ready to be used in enumeration workflows.
Additional option for adding R-group definitions from the Building Blocks Collection (From collection).
Conditional formatting was not exported into Microsoft Excel ( *.xlsx ) files.
Multiline text was converted into single line text in a multiline text area widget.
Data from an "Any structures" type table could not be exported in .txt format.
December 8th 2014: Plexus Suite version 14.12.8
New Features and Improvements
Helper text has been added to the export panel to indicate which fields will be added to the exported file.
The value text box of the "in list" and "not in list" search operators changed its size and sometimes disappeared completely.
In Internet Explorer and Firefox, the "calendar" button for opening the date picker was in the wrong position in text boxes and cells containing date type values.
December 1st, 2014: Plexus Suite version 14.12.1
New Features and Improvements
Extra attributes belonging to R-group fragments are displayed in tables created by scaffold enumeration.
By default, the following business flags have become turned off: FILE_UPLOAD, COLUMN_REORDER, CELL_EDITING.
Structure file formats, such as *.mrv or *.sdf, were not available for export at those forms where the structure field was not part of the root entity of the data tree.
November 24th, 2014: Plexus Suite version 14.11.24
New Features and Improvements
Data in tables and forms can be exported into a variety of file formats. It is possible to export every field from a table or a form, or select only certain fields for export.
Custom JavaScript files can be added to Plexus Suite to provide custom functionality for end users.
Date widget has become supported in Plexus Suite.
New query operators have been introduced to enable relative date search.
November 17th, 2014: Plexus Suite version 14.11.17
New Features and Improvements
Saved lists have been introduced into Plexus Suite.
The "in list" and "not in list" query operators can be used to search for alphanumeric values which are members of a comma separated list.
Metadata is added to tables which were generated by scaffold enumeration.
November 10th, 2014: Plexus Suite version 14.11.10
New Features and Improvements
Sheet widget is supported on form views designed in Instant JChem.
Alphanumeric values in table cells or in widgets can be copied to the clipboard with the CTRL+C keyboard shortcut.
In the hit list of a substructure search, the matching parts of the structures are highlighted by coloring, and the molecules are aligned to match the substructure query.
A notification tool has become available for users with administrator role, to send instant notifications to logged in users, or to write messages on the log-in dialog window.
On a Tomcat application server, due to the long polling request the session expired before the session timeout and before the login dialog was displayed on the client side.
October 27th, 2014: Plexus Suite version 14.10.27
New Features and Improvements
First public release