Compliance Checker - Software
November 10th, 2016: Compliance Checker
Build date: 2016-11-09
JChem version:
Marvin JS version: 16.10.17
Knowledge base version:
October 20th, 2016: Compliance Checker
Build date: 2016-10-19
JChem version:
Marvin JS version: 16.10.17
Knowledge base version:
User features
Compliance data can be searched for a specific date and the check will be run against legislations published before that date. Documentation
Single check report page has been improved (Documentation):
'What is controlled' field has been introduced, showing the relevant part of the legislation, the hit-highlighted input structure and the matched query structures.
Field titles have been renamed. -
Default report format was changed to HTML and its default content has been changed to 'Controlled structures' and 'Errors'. Documentation
Admin features
Check Level editor has been improved. Documentation
Search on Updates has been implemented. Documentation
Automatic DB updater tool has been developed (Documentation):
After setting up an update server, users and admins get a warning message when a new DB version is available.
Admins can update automatically by clicking on 'Download and update to latest version' button. *
Software and Knowledge Base version number changes have been applied according to Chemaxon's weekly release format. (YY.MM.DD.#)
Batch check has been improved: sequential search order has been changed to parallel, so now smaller files are processed faster.
Error handling has been improved for rest controllers.
Connection to Mongo DB was improved for SSL Transport layer security.
Integration API
Compliance Checker API (Documentation)
To check molecules listed in a file against regulations, Compliance Checker offers a 'file-api'.
April 15th, 2016: Compliance Checker 1.0
First released version
Build date: 2016-04-15
JChem version:
Marvin JS version: 16.04.12
Knowledge base version:
User features
Single Check
Enter structure using Text input field (names, CAS#, SMILES, InChI, or any text based structure file format, like MOL, MRV)
Automatic rendering of structure based on the Text input field
Draw a structure using Marvin JS
Select from predefined countries to check against (the default countries include the corresponding international regulations as well)
Select from level(s) to check against (defined by the administrator)
Selecting fields displayed in the report (dynamic on/off in the display)
Generate report (PDF, HTML, XLSX, SDF, MRV)
Batch check
Upload files (any structure file format that Marvin can understand, like SDF, MRV, SMILES, names, CAS#s, InChI, etc.)
Select countries to check against
Select predefined level(s) to check against
Result summary
Generate reports (PDF, HTML, XLSX, SDF, MRV)
Admin features
Manual update, without the need of restarting the service (the old DB service runs for any call before the new DB becomes available after upload)
Service monitor
Check Level editor (to define new levels by adding categories, countries or other levels, or cloning countries or levels)
Authentication/authorization features:
Multiple AD domains support
Group mapping (external to internal)
Integration API
GET and POST single structures and list of structures, optionally specifying countries/levels to check against.
Batch check and reporting API (currently not public)