Sharing Data with Other Users

Plexus Connect supports collaboration with your colleagues and partners by enabling data sharing via generated URL-s.
If you have a certain form or grid view displaying an interesting set of data which you want to share with your co-workers, you can generate a URL from this database view by pressing the Share button in its header. The appearing pop-up dialog window will contain the URL which you can send over to your colleagues.

In the URL, the following information is stored:

  • The identifier of the form or grid view;

  • The current record set or the query or list which has been used to load that record set;

  • The sorting order;

  • The current active record.


Please note that those with whom you share an URL have to have permission to open the database view specified in the URL, i.e. the view has to be shared with them via Instant JChem. Otherwise, those users who do not have access to the form will see only a notification message reminding them that first they have to get access to the database view from its owner.
Similarly, the user who receives the URL has to have permission to access the database records saved in the URL. If some users' access is limited due to, for instance, row-level security restrictions, then they still will not be able to see the restricted records sent to them in a shared URL.