R-group dialog

In the R-group dialog you can change the selected R-group label.

R-group dialog has two types depending on the context it is opened. (You would like to change the R-group label in scaffold molecules or the R-group definitions.)


images/download/attachments/48838231/image2015-3-19_14_18_39.png How to change the R-group label in scaffold molecules

  • Select the Smart R-group tool then click on the R-group label you would like to change.

  • In the opening R-group dialog you can set the R-group count.

  • You can swich off the auto numbering here, when you would like to put more than one R group with the same label.

  • After clicking the OK button the changes will be applied.



How to change the R-group label of an R-group definition

  • Select the Smart R-group tool then click on the R-group label you would like to change.

  • In the opening R-group dialog you can set the count of the R-group definition.

  • After clicking the OK button the changes will be applied.