Quick Start Guide - Plexus Suite

This page serves as a brief overview of the most important features in Plexus Suite. Each short animation provides an introductory guide for a basic Plexus function, which could prove useful in your everyday work.

Opening a new database view

You can use different views in Plexus to browse or search in your data: table view, form view or multiple charts.



Drag&Drop of database views in the workspace

If your workspace contains several database views (tables, forms, charts...), you reorder the by simple drag-and-drop.


Data in a form or table can be sorted by a single field (column or widget) either in ascending or in descending order.



Calculating physico-chemical properties

The most important physico-chemical and structural properties can be calculated for single molecules.

Searching in alphanumeric data

Data in a form or table view can be filtered by any field on that database view.



Structure search

Substructure and full structure search can be used to search for compounds containing certain chemical features.

Saving queries

If you want to run the same query frequently, you can save it for use at a later time.



Running a saved query

Data or structure search can be initiated by double-clicking on a saved query.