Compound Registration Deployment Guide
This document describes the steps that are necessary in order to deploy Compound Registration in an empty environment. It is assumed that an Oracle or MySQL server exists, and a user account is created with the appropriate privileges to be able to create, alter tables, indeces, sequences, triggers, etc. It is also assumed that the application server is properly set up with a compatible version of operating system, Java environment and Apache Tomcat. For further details on the version compatibility please consult the System Requirements document.
Deploying the Application
Configure Tomcat connector as needed in server.xml within the Tomcat conf folder.
Copy all the provided external libraries into the Tomcat lib folder.
Deploy the application war file (RegistryCxn.war) into the Tomcat webapps folder, and have the provided war file extracted in the webapps folder (e.g. start Tomcat, then stop it again)
Create a copy of the properties file containing e.g. the connectivity information ($TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/RegistryCxn/WEB-INF/classes/ in an arbitrary “home” folder. Create an environment variable called REGISTRYCXN_HOME that is pointing to this “home” folder.
Adjust the database URLs, account, etc. in the first section of the copied properties file according to the local needs. (The configuration of the downstream databases can be skipped.)
Copy the Compound Registration license file into the $HOME/.chemaxon folder of the user running Tomcat. Copy Marvin4JS license file in $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ROOT folder.
Update user defined checker configuration files in the $HOME/.chemaxon folder with the provided ones.
For further configuration steps please consult the Compound Registration configuration guide, some of those system level changes need the restart of the application, others have immediate effect.
Steps of Database Deployment
Prior to successfully starting the application itself an initial database schema has to be created. Besides the application war file ( RegistryCxn.war ) a zip package (e.g. ) is provided that contains a script responsible for creating the DB.
Extract the zip file into a selected folder.
Make sure that the location of the file containing the DB connectivity information is referred by the enviroment variable REGISTRYCXN_HOME.
Start ./RegistryCxn bash script or RegistryCxn.bat in the RegistryCxn/bin folder of the extracted content (depending on the OS type). The following are available:
-disableGlobalProjectAccess together with sqldeploy, disables global
project access rights
-dropSchema drops all database objects from
registration schema
-dropSchemaDS drops all database objects from downstream
-help print this help summary
-migrateSchema create or upgrade database objects
registration schema
-migrateSchemaDS create or upgrade database objects
downstream schema
-schemaInfo prints informations about the registration
-schemaInfoDS prints informations about the downstream
In order to create an initial DB schema or clean an existing one completely, please use the following command line:
-dropSchema -migrateSchema
Starting the Application
After a successful deployment the application can be started/stopped/restarted by controlling the application server / Tomcat container. Initially an administrator account is created in the local database with the admin/changeit credentials.
For further details please consult the product documentation.