Configuration page
The following configuration options are exposed via the administration web UI:
Additional Field Configuration
EmailFieldName |
Additional data field name that contains the e-mail address of the submitter in case of successful registrations |
EmailFailedFieldName |
Additional data field name that contains the e-mail address of the submitter in case of failed registrations |
StereoComment |
Additional data field name that contains the stereochemistry comment |
Stereochemistry |
GeometricComment |
Additional data field name that contains the geometric isomerism comment |
Geometric isomerism |
Project |
Additional data field name that contains the project information |
Project |
Restriction |
Additional data field name that contains the restriction information |
Hide restrict |
ToBeReviewed |
Additional data field name that is used to force a submission to manual review |
ParentAdditionalData |
Additional data fields stored on parent level |
[ ] |
VersionAdditonalData |
Additional data fields stored on version level |
[ ] |
PreparationAdditionalData |
Additional data fields stored on preparation level |
[ ] |
MappableAdditionalFields |
Additional data fields that can be used for manual mapping during bulk upload of SD files |
[ ] |
AppendAdditionalDataOnParentMatch |
Controls if additional data fields should be appended in case of parent matches |
true |
AppendAdditionalDataOnVersionMatch |
Controls if additional data fields should be appended in case of version matches |
true |
Autoregister Configuration
AutoAssignSubmissionToChemist |
Controls if a failing submission should be assigned automatically to the submitter |
false |
Bulkloader Configuration
WebServiceHost |
[ ] |
WebServicePort |
[ ] |
UseUnmappedFields |
false |
Client Configuration
DateFormat |
Expected date format |
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
RegistrationSettings |
Client side configuration settings for the Registration page |
{ "isRegisterWithCnButtonVisible" : true , "isSmallStructureLayoutModeEnabled" : false , "isAdvancedModeEnabled" : false , "structureDetailForm" : { "title" : "Submission Details" , "id" : "structureDetails" , "position" : "leftcolumn" , "isExpanded" : true , "fields" : [ { "fieldName" : "lnbRef" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "source" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "molWeight" , "additional" : false } ,{ "fieldName" : "submitter" , "additional" : false } ] } } |
StagingSettings |
Client side configuration settings for the Staging area |
{ "maxItemsPerPage" : 50, "defaultColumns" : [ { "label" : "ID" , "searchable" : true , "sortable" : true , "referenceKey" : "submissionId" , "colWidth" : 94, "isDate" : false , "renderer" : "submissionlink" }, { "label" : "Library" , "searchable" : true , "sortable" : true , "referenceKey" : "library" , "colWidth" : 168, "isDate" : false , "renderer" : "text" }, { "label" : "LnbRef" , "searchable" : true , "sortable" : true , "referenceKey" : "lnbRef" , "colWidth" : 96, "isDate" : false , "renderer" : "text" }, { "label" : "Created on" , "searchable" : true , "sortable" : true , "referenceKey" : "created" , "colWidth" : 160, "isDate" : true , "renderer" : "date" }, { "label" : "Source" , "searchable" : true , "sortable" : true , "referenceKey" : "source" , "colWidth" : "" , "isDate" : false , "renderer" : "text" }, { "label" : "Submitter" , "searchable" : true , "sortable" : true , "referenceKey" : "creatorId" , "colWidth" : "" , "isDate" : false , "renderer" : "text" }, { "label" : "Opened by" , "searchable" : true , "sortable" : true , "referenceKey" : "inProgressUserId" , "colWidth" : "" , "isDate" : false , "renderer" : "text" }, { "label" : "Current status" , "searchable" : true , "sortable" : false , "referenceKey" : "status" , "colWidth" : "" , "isDate" : false , "renderer" : "status" } ], "tabs" : [ { "label" : "All submissions" , "filters" : [] }, { "label" : "My staging" , "groups" : [], "filters" : [{ "referenceKey" : "inProgressUserId" , "value" : "${currentUsername}" }] }, { "label" : "Unassigned" , "groups" : [], "filters" : [{ "referenceKey" : "inProgressUserId" , "value" : "" }] } ] } |
SubmissionSettings |
Client side configuration settings for the Submission page |
{ "editableFields" : { "rows" :[ [ { "label" : "LnbRef" , "referenceObject" : "summary" , "referenceKey" : "lnbRef" , "editable" : true } ,{ "label" : "Molweight" , "referenceObject" : "structure" , "referenceKey" : "overridedMwt" , "editable" : true } ,{ "label" : "Restriction" , "referenceObject" : "structure" , "referenceKey" : "restricted" , "editable" : true } ] ] } , "readOnlyFields" : { "rows" :[ [ { "label" : "Lot ID" , "referenceObject" : "summary" , "referenceKey" : "lotId" , "editable" : false } ,{ "label" : "Library" , "referenceObject" : "summary" , "referenceKey" : "library" , "editable" : false } ,{ "label" : "Source" , "referenceObject" : "summary" , "referenceKey" : "source" , "editable" : false } ,{ "label" : "Submitter" , "referenceObject" : "summary" , "referenceKey" : "creatorId" , "editable" : false } ,{ "label" : "Created by" , "referenceObject" : "summary" , "referenceKey" : "userId" , "editable" : false } ,{ "label" : "Calculated molweight" , "referenceObject" : "structure" , "referenceKey" : "mwt" , "editable" : false } ,{ "label" : "Molecular formula" , "referenceObject" : "structure" , "referenceKey" : "mf" , "editable" : false } ] ] } } |
AmendmentSettings |
Client side configuration settings for the Details page |
{ "lotLevelIdName" : "ln" , "primaryDetails" : [ { "label" : "LnbRef" , "scopeReference" : "" , "showIfEmpty" : false } ,{ "label" : "Molecular Formula" , "scopeReference" : "" , "showIfEmpty" : false } ,{ "label" : "Mol Weight" , "scopeReference" : "registryStructure.mwt" , "showIfEmpty" : false } ,{ "label" : "User Specified Mol Weight" , "scopeReference" : "registryStructure.overridedMwt" , "showIfEmpty" : false } ,{ "label" : "Created by" , "scopeReference" : "" , "showIfEmpty" : false } ,{ "label" : "Submitter" , "scopeReference" : "registryStructure.creatorId" , "showIfEmpty" : false } ,{ "label" : "Modified by" , "scopeReference" : "" , "showIfEmpty" : false } ,{ "label" : "Created on" , "scopeReference" : "" , "showIfEmpty" : true } ,{ "label" : "Modified on" , "scopeReference" : "" , "showIfEmpty" : true } ,{ "label" : "Restriction" , "scopeReference" : "registryStructure.restricted" , "showIfEmpty" : false } ] } |
RegSummaryLinkButton |
Client side configuration settings for the link button available on the registration summary dialog { "enabled" : true , "buttonText" : "Google search" , "buttonIcon" : "" , "landingPage" : "" , "parameters" : [ { "key" : "q" , "value" : "lnbRef" }, ] }
{ "enabled" : false , "buttonText" : "MyButton" , "buttonIcon" : "" , "landingPage" : "http://www.notconfigured.yet" , "parameters" : [ { "key" : "myParameter" , "value" : "lnbRef" }, { "key" : "myFavouriteButton" , "value" : "cn" } ] } |
Globals |
{ "serviceUrl" : ".." , "productionBuild" : false , "isDashboardPollingEnabled" : true } |
RegistrationSummaryDialog |
Client side configuration settings for the registration summary dialog |
[ { "label" : "PCN" , "referenceKey" : "pcn" } ,{ "label" : "CN" , "referenceKey" : "cn" } ,{ "label" : "LN" , "referenceKey" : "ln" } ,{ "label" : "LnbRef" , "referenceKey" : "lnbRef" } ] |
NavData |
Client side configuration settings for the navigation bar |
{ "mainMenu" : [ { "title" : "Registration" , "href" : "/registration" , "modal" : false , "external" : false , "rolesAllowed" : [ "AUTOREGISTER" , "ADVANCED_AUTOREGISTER" ] }, { "title" : "Upload" , "href" : "/upload" , "modal" : false , "external" : false , "rolesAllowed" : [ "BULKLOADER" ] }, { "title" : "Staging" , "href" : "/staging" , "modal" : false , "external" : false , "rolesAllowed" : [ "STAGING_VIEW_SUBMISSION" ] }, { "title" : "Details" , "href" : "/details" , "modal" : false , "external" : false , "rolesAllowed" : [ "AMENDMENT_PAGE_READ" ] } ] , "profileMenu" : [ { "title" : "Profile" , "href" : "/profile" , "modal" : false , "external" : false , "rolesAllowed" : [ "SELF_ADMINISTRATION" ] }, { "title" : "Administration" , "href" : "/admin" , "modal" : false , "external" : false , "rolesAllowed" : [ "ADD_SALT_SOLVATE" , "ROLE_DICTIONARY_MODIFY" , "USER_ADMINISTRATION" ] }, { "title" : "Access Control" , "href" : "./accesscontrol.html" , "modal" : false , "external" : true , "rolesAllowed" : [ "USER_ADMINISTRATION" , "ROLE_ACL_MODIFY_PROJECTS" , "ROLE_ACL_MODIFY_PROJECTDETAILS" ] } ] , "actionBar" : [ { "title" : "Search" , "href" : "/search" , "modal" : false , "external" : false , "image" : "style/svg/search_48.svg" , "rolesAllowed" : [ "SEARCH_STRUCTURES" ] } ] } |
Downstream Configuration
PublishEnabled |
Controls if JMS publishing of changes is enabled |
true |
FusedImageFormat |
Image format for the fused structure in the published message |
mol:V3 |
Email Configuration
SendEmailNotification |
Controls if e-mail notification should be sent about the result of the registration |
false |
SendEmailNotificationToSpecifiedAddress |
Controls if e-mail notification should be sent to the address specified in the submission |
true |
EmailSenderAddress |
Displayed e-mail address from where the notifications are sent |
EmailTemplateSubmissionFeedback |
Velocity template of the e-mail content about the result of the registration |
submissionFeedback.vm |
EmailTemplatePendingSubmissionNotification |
Velocity template of the e-mail content about the list of pending items in Staging area |
pendingSubmissionNotification.vm |
pendigSubmissionNotificationEnabled |
Controls if regular e-mails should be sent about the pending items in Staging area |
false |
pendingSubmissionTimeIntervalHours |
Length of time interval in hours after which a submission in Staging area is considered to be pending |
24 |
Field Configuration
Form Configuration
ID Configuration
IdGenerator |
Class name of the corporate ID generator |
com.chemaxon.registry.identifier.DefaultSequenceGenerator |
PcnAllocationLimit |
Maximum number of IDs that can be allocated for external use |
1000 |
IdProperties |
Configuration of the built-in ID generator #constant prefix/sufix of a parent identifier: pcn.cnst #pcn separator (if any): pcn.separator #increment type (Field.DataType enum value): pcn.increment #format placeholder for increment value #decimal format: pcn.increment.format #constant prefix/sufix of a version identifier: cn.cnst #cn separator (if any): cn.separator #increment type (Field.DataType enum value): cn.increment=STRING #format placeholder for increment value: cn.increment.format #specify structure field additional data format like this: additionalData.project: cn.str.field #cn is composed of PCN + cn increment #constant prefix/sufix of a lot identifier: ln.cnst #ln separator (if any): ln.separator #increment type (Field.DataType enum value): ln.increment #format placeholder for increment value: ln.increment.format #specify structure field additional data format like this: additionalData.project: ln.str.field #ln is composed of PCN + ln separator + ln increment ! make sure its unique |
{ "cn.increment.format" : "%s" , "pcn.str.field" : "" , "ln.increment.format" : "%03d" , "cn.cnst" : "" , "pcn.sequence.format" : "pcn.cnst, pcn.increment" , "pcn.increment" : "INT" , "cn.increment" : "STRING" , "ln.start" : "1" , "pcn.increment.format" : "%d" , "ln.sequence.format" : "pcn.cnst, pcn.increment, ln.separator, ln.increment" , "ln.separator" : "-" , "cn.separator" : "" , "ln.cnst" : "" , "pcn.cnst" : "CXN" , "ln.str.field" : "" , "pcn.start" : "1" , "cn.str.field" : "" , "cn.sequence.format" : "pcn.cnst, pcn.increment, cn.increment" , "ln.increment" : "INT" , "cn.start" : "A" , "pcn.separator" : "" } |