Drawing settings

The drawing parameters can be collectively set using a style.

Drawing styles in Marvin include the setting of the following attributes:

Font settings

type of atom font

size of atom font

type of charge font

size of charge font

Size settings

Bond length


Wireframe bond thickness

Sets the width of all bonds and lines.

Bold bond width

Sets the width of the line used when bold bond is drawn.

The end of the wedge bonds is 1.5 times the bold width.

Bond spacing

Sets the distance between the lines in double or triple bonds.


Hash spacing

Sets the spacing between the hashed lines for 'single down' wedged bonds and hashed bonds.



Sets the space surrounding the bundle rectangle.

Measurement unit

The measurement unit can be customized using the 'Document Unit' drop-down list.

You can use

    • pt

    • cm

    • inch or

    • %bl (%of the bond length) as unit.