Move / Rotate / Zoom/ Scale
An atom
Drag it with the mouse in Selection mode
A selection
Press Space-bar once or move the mouse pointer toward the center until a blue rectangle appears and drag
Click the center of the object and drag.
A selection
Press Space-bar twice or move the mouse pointer over the selection until a blue rotation symbol appears and drag.
Click the center of the object and drag.
A selection in 3D
Select Edit > Transform > Rotate in 3D > ... and drag.
Set the magnification of the molecule on the canvas by the Zoom buttons.
If you have a mouse with a wheel, hold down the Ctrl key, and then scroll the wheel to zoom in or out. When a molecule is loaded into the editor, it is scaled automatically to fit the window.
Zoom In:
Click Zoom In
on the General toolbar and click on it as many time it is necessary or
Select a level from the Zoom tool's drop-down list
(or from the View > Zoom Level menu) or to All. (The All option zooms in or zooms out the objects to the full size of the canvas.)
Zoom Out:
Click Zoom Out
on the General toolbar and click on it as many time it is necessary orm
Select a level from the Zoom tool's drop-down list
(or from the View > Zoom Level menu) and set the magnification to a smaller value..
Zoom In/Out:
Press F6 and drag vertically to zoom.
Scroll the mouse wheel over the canvas while pressing the Ctrl key.