Current version
June 28th 2016: Marvin 16.6.27.
No Changes.
June 21st 2016: Marvin 16.6.20.
The feedback of expanded abbreviated group showed the formatting.
June 13th 2016: Marvin 16.6.13.
No Changes.
June 7th 2016: Marvin 16.6.6.
Ctrl+M shortcut has been introduced for Copy as MRV command.
3D rotate (F6) mouse mode has been removed.
On atom format panel, atom label size can set instead of the former scale option.
In some cases placing a reaction arrow deleted the "No Stucture".
Name of the items was displayed on the canvas even it they had been set off on the Preferences dialog or the Analysis box editing dialog.
Editing analysis box: changing the order of the items did not work for name and traditional name.
Arrow drawing deleted the No Structure.
The reaction arrow in single step reaction could not be copied using Ctrl+C,Ctrl+V.
CxSmiles string with extended part containing '(+)' string was not recognized as cxsmiles/cxsmarts format. CxSmiles string with extended part containing 'v5' string was not recognized as cxsmiles but as cxsmarts format.