Tools Toolbar

The tools consist of various command groups. The tools having chemical meaning (like bond or reaction arrow) are drawn in black lines, while strictly graphical objects are in blue. You can place for example only ONE reaction arrow on the canvas, but as many graphical arrows as you wish and they will look completely identical.


Insert Bond

Places various bond types on the canvas.


Insert Chain

Places a carbon chain on the canvas. The number of carbon atoms can be increased or decreased by dragging the mouse. Selection of straight or curved chain drawing is available.


Bold Tool

Thickens the selected bond. See details on bold tool function.


Hashed Bond Tool

Makes the selected bond hashed. It only retains single original bond type.


Insert Text

Places a Text object on the canvas. Allows changing text properties on the appearing toolbar.


Atom Label Editor

Allows changing the atom label on the canvas. Atom label properties can be set on the appearing toolbar.


Straight Arrow/Reaction/Atom Map

Places various reaction arrows on the canvas.


Straight Arrow/Reaction/Atom Map

Places + signs when the Automatic Plus Sign in Single Step Reaction option in Preferences<Structure submenu is enabled.


Create Group

Creates a custom abbreviation group.


Insert Brackets

Places brackets, parentheses, chevrons or braces on the canvas.


Insert Graphics

Places various graphical objects on the canvas.


Increase Charge

Increases the charge of the selected atom. The number of implicit hydrogens will be adjusted if possible to accommodate the new charge. Valence errors will be highlighted in red.


Decrease Charge

Decreases the charge of the selected atom. The number of implicit hydrogens will be adjusted if possible to accommodate the new charge. Valence errors will be highlighted in red.