Compliance Checker - Software

January 27, 2017: Compliance Checker

Build date: 2017-01-23
JChem version:
Knowledge base version:

    • User can select a Report template on the Report content dropdown for a new Batch check,
      and for generating a new report on an earlier Batch check.

Admin features

    • System monitor page shows all information on the System status (Mongo DB, System user, Eureka services, Config service, Settings) and the Available services.

    • Report template editor will be implemented. Admins can create and customize Report templates. Documentation

Bug fixes

    • Batch check reports listed the records with different Input# for the same Input molecule.

January 16, 2017: Compliance Checker

Build date: 2017-01-16
JChem version:
Knowledge base version:

User features

    • A popup shows the progress of the file upload at Batch check.

December 16, 2016: Compliance Checker

Build date: 2016-12-16
JChem version:
Knowledge base version:

Admin features

    • Search in Batch check history has been implemented. Documentation

Bug fixes

    • Reports created from SDF files containing a property having dot (.) in the property name could not be downloaded from the server.

November 10, 2016: Compliance Checker

Build date: 2016-11-09
JChem version:
Knowledge base version:

October 20, 2016: Compliance Checker

Build date: 2016-10-19
JChem version:
Knowledge base version:

User features

    • Compliance data can be searched for a specific date and the check will be run against legislations published before that date. Documentation

    • Single check report page has been improved (Documentation):
      What is controlled field has been introduced, showing the relevant part of the legislation, the hit-highlighted input structure and the matched query structures.
      Field titles have been renamed.

    • Default report format was changed to HTML and its default content has been changed to Controlled structures and Errors. Documentation

Admin features

    • Check level editor has been improved. Documentation

    • Search in Database update history has been implemented. Documentation

    • Automatic DB updater tool has been developed (Documentation):
      After setting up an update server, users and admins get a warning message when a new DB version is available.
      Admins can update automatically by clicking on Download and update to latest version button.


    • Software and Knowledge Base version number changes have been applied according to Chemaxon's weekly release format. (YY.MM.DD.#)

    • Batch check has been improved: sequential search order has been changed to parallel, so now smaller files are processed faster.

    • Error handling has been improved for rest controllers.

    • Connection to Mongo DB was improved for SSL Transport layer security.

Integration API

    • Compliance Checker API (Documentation)
      To check molecules listed in a file against regulations, Compliance Checker offers a File-api.

April 15, 2016: Compliance Checker 1.0

First released version

Build date: 2016-04-15
JChem version:
Knowledge base version:

User features

    • Single Check

      • Enter structure using Text input field (names, CAS#, SMILES, InChI, or any text based structure file format, like MOL, MRV)

      • Automatic rendering of structure based on the Text input field

      • Draw a structure using Marvin JS

      • Select from predefined countries to check against (the default countries include the corresponding international regulations as well)

      • Select from level(s) to check against (defined by the administrator)

      • Selecting fields displayed in the report (dynamic on/off in the display)

      • Generate report (PDF, HTML, XLSX, SDF, MRV)

    • Batch check

      • Upload files (any structure file format that Marvin can understand, like SDF, MRV, SMILES, names, CAS#s, InChI, etc.)

      • Select countries to check against

      • Select predefined level(s) to check against

      • Result summary

      • Generate reports (PDF, HTML, XLSX, SDF, MRV)

      • History

Admin features

    • Manual update, without the need of restarting the service (the old DB service runs for any call before the new DB becomes available after upload)

    • Service monitor

    • Check Level editor (to define new levels by adding categories, countries or other levels, or cloning countries or levels)

Authentication/authorization features:

    • Multiple AD domains support

    • Group mapping (external to internal)

Integration API

    • GET and POST single structures and list of structures, optionally specifying countries/levels to check against.

    • Batch check and reporting API (currently not public)