
The system switchers are a set of flags (yes/no options) used for modifying the process of the registration.

System switchers are configured in a source dependent way through server side configuration files, but can also be modified e.g. within an individual manual registration. During the process of registration a certain set of business rules/checks dealing with the input structures can be defined as a list of structure checker and structure fixer pairs.

The system switchers are:

Analyze Salt/Solvate Fragment

Register New Lots

Register New Versions

Register 2D Parent Matches

Register Tautomer Parent Matches

Register 2D Tautomer Parent Matches

Register Restricted matches

Perform Quality Checks

Autoregister dictionary CSTs

Calculate stereo comments


Quality Checks are defined at the level of the entire registration service, and cannot be configured individually for a specific source . E.g. if a multicomponent checker included in the Quality checks, is set to "ask", the compound will fall to the Staging with "Structure checker error". Until the "Perform Quality Checks" switcher is ON, it will not be possible to successfully register the submission.