All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AuditInfoCapability |
This capability contains audit information about DFItem .
BasicPersister<T> |
Additional property attributes:
staticType - FQN of the type (default: property.getPropertyType)
items - FQN of the item type (default: Object)
keys - FQN of the key type
values - FQN of the key type
BasicPersisterInit |
BatchUpdater |
Utility class for multi-row update which can simplify loop for updating data in entities.
BatchUpdater.StopReason |
CalcTemplate |
Calculable |
CalculableGroovyTemplate |
Calculable with groovy support.
CalculableGroovyTemplate.CalcOperation |
CalculableGroovyTemplate.FieldDetails |
A CalculableGroovyTemplate argument.
CalculatedReturnType |
CalculatedValueProcessor<VALUE> |
CalculatedValueProcessors |
Allows to register/unregister CalculatedValueProcessor for value wrapper.
CalculationsScriptBaseClass |
Custom base class that allows extra methods to be automagically injected into scripts.
CannotEditScriptException |
Thrown when insufficient user privileges to create or edit scripts.
CannotExportDataException |
Thrown when insufficient user privileges to export data.
ChemUtils |
Utilities related to chemical classes.
ChemUtils.MolCoreDescriptor |
DataModificationException |
DBDataTreeCapability |
DBEntityCapability |
The definition of an entity residing in a relational database, typically a database
DBFieldCapability |
The definition of a field that corresponds to a column (or more columns) in a table of
a relational database.
DBFieldCapability.DBColumn |
Represents a single database column.
DBFieldHasOracleTextIndex |
Indicates that a field has Oracle text index.
DBIndexCapability |
Capability for managing indexes in the database.
DBRelationshipCapability |
DBRelationshipMtoN |
Represents database extension of M to N instance of DFRelationship object.
DBSchemaCapability |
Schema's capability specially for relational DB connections.
DBSchemaCapability.NullPositionAfterOrdering |
Definition of the strategy for null values - first, last or db default sorting order.
DefaultValue |
Represents a default value for a field.
DerivedNames |
This class provides a helper, that can generate default names for
DIF items.
DFCapability |
All DDL capabilities must extend this interface.
DFContainer<E extends DFItem> |
Generic container for any DFItem s list.
DFDao |
Performs the database operations for a single entity.
DFDataAcceptor |
Acceptor, that can be used to test whether a certain field type accepts some
DFDataComparator |
DFDataConvertor |
This class is supposed to handle conversion to a certain data type from multiple formats.
DFDataConvertorProvider |
This interface is used for finding appropriate data convertors for the specified
DFFieldDataTypeCapability subtype.
DFDataEditCapability |
DFDataEditCapability.Type |
DFDataTree |
Interface representing data tree.
DFDataTree.Edge |
This object represents an edge in datatree graph.
DFDataTree.Path |
DFDataTree.Vertex |
The Vertex in data tree graph.
DFDataTreeDataProvider |
DFDataTreeDataProvider.IdPathPair |
Data structure which can uniquely identify the data to update.
DFDataTreeDataProvider.PathUpdateDescription |
Structure containing the path update description.
DFDataTreeDataProvider.PathUpdateDescription.Builder |
DFDataTreeDataProvider.PathUpdateDescription.ValueWrapper |
Used to wrap the values.
DFDataTreeDataProvider.VertexUpdateResult |
The result of the data tree data edit.
DFDataTreeDataProvider.VertexUpdateResult.Type |
The type of the update.
DFDataTrees |
DFDeleteDescription |
DFDeleteDescription.Type |
DFEntities |
DFEntity |
The definition of an entity that contains fields.
DFEntityDataEvent |
Data change event.
DFEntityDataListener |
EventListener object for listening to changes of DFEntityDataProvider data.
DFEntityDataProvider |
Data manager for a single entity.
DFEntityDataProviders |
DFExportTemplate |
Object representation of persistent export template.
DFExportTemplateContent |
Holds configuration of the export template, which gets serialized as XML and stored in the DB.
DFFeedbackWithModalProgressDialog |
This is a special extension of DFFeedback interface which allows
to open modal progress dialog.
DFField |
The definition of a field which has a type, a name etc.
DFField.Required |
Enumeration of required status for fields.
DFFieldBinaryCapability |
DFField containing this capability is declaring its data are of BLOB type.
DFFieldBooleanCapability |
DFField containing this capability is declaring its data are of boolean type.
DFFieldCalcCapability |
DFField containing this capability is declaring its data are of calculated type.
DFFieldCalculatedCapability |
Capability for calculated field
DFFieldChemicalTermsCapability |
All chemical terms fields should have this capability.
DFFieldDataTypeCapability |
This is an super interface of all DFField capabilities which represents
some specific type of data (e.g.
DFFieldDateCapability |
DFField containing this capability is declaring its data are of date type, possibly capable bearing time information as well.
DFFieldExtensionCapability |
Capability for Extension field.
DFFieldFloatCapability |
DFField containing this capability is declaring its data are of decimal number type.
DFFieldFunctionCapability |
A field whose value is generated by a function.
DFFieldFunctionCapability.Function |
DFFieldIntegerCapability |
DFField containing this capability is declaring its data are of integer type.
DFFieldMimeTypeCapability |
A field mime type capability.
DFFieldPickListCapability |
This capability allows to specify a pick list values (dictionary) for the specific field.
DFFieldPickListCapability.FieldBridge |
This is an interface playing role of a bridge between this capability and the field's implementation.
DFFieldPickListCapability.Item |
Representation of a single value for the pick list.
DFFieldPickListCapability.PickListType |
Type of how list is provided.
DFFields |
DFFields.Predicates |
DFFieldStructureCapability |
DFField containing this capability is declaring its data are of structure type (values are molecules).
DFFieldTextArrayCapability |
DFField containing this capability is declaring its data are of "array of texts" type.
DFFieldTextCapability |
DFField containing this capability is declaring its data are of text type.
DFFieldURLCapability |
DFField containing this capability is declaring its data are of type URL.
DFFieldValueWrapperCapability |
DFInsertDescription |
DFInsertOptions |
API Status: not stable.
DFItem |
The root item and super-interface of all core DDL items in DIF.
DFItem.Handle<T extends DFItem> |
Represents a handle-like identifier of the item.
DFItems |
Common utilities related to DFItem .
DFItems.Functions |
DFItems.Predicates |
Predicates related to DFItem s.
DFItemStatusCapability |
DFList |
List of values stored in the model.
DFListOperation |
Implementation of list operations and new list name creation.
DFListOperationType |
Enum for list operations - set operations, inversion and sorting.
DFLists |
Common utilities related to DFList .
DFNewType<E extends DFItem> |
NewType is the object with the ability to create new items.
DFNewTypeOptions |
Generic options for all DFNewType.
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions |
All inner interfaces of this interface can be used for casting for the options
objects returned from DFNewType.getOptions() method.
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.ClonedList |
Options for newtype copying a list from a different user.
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.ClonedQuery |
Options for newtype copying a query from a different user
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.ClonedScript |
Options for newtype copying a script from a different user
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.ClonedUserItem |
Just abstract super-interface for all user specific CLONE type newtypes.
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.ClonedView |
Options for newtype copying a view from a different user
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.DBColumnInfo |
This is just column info helper object which is used in new field options.
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.EntityDBOptions |
Options for creating DFEntity with DBEntityCapability
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.EntityOptions |
Options for creating any DFEntity
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.ExistingDBEntity |
Options for creating a standard DFEntity with DBEntityCapability
where database table already exists (so called promote entity).
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.ExistingDBField |
Options for creating a DFField where database column(s) already exist
(so called promoting column(s) to DFField).
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.ExistingJChemEntity |
Options for creating a new DFEntity with JChemEntityCapability
where database JChem table already exists (so called promote entity).
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.ExistingRelationship |
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.FieldOptions |
Options for creating any DFField
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.ListUserItemDescription |
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewCalulatedField |
Options for creating new calculated field, you need to validate calc field by using validateScript method.
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewCTField |
Options for creating a new DFField with DFFieldChemicalTermsCapability
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewDataTree |
Options for creating a new DFDataTree
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewDBEntity |
Options for creating a new DFEntity with DBEntityCapability
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewDBField |
Options for creating a new DFField with DBFieldCapability
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewDynamicURLField |
Options for creating a new DFField with DFFieldCalcCapability
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewJChemBaseEntity |
Options for creating a new DFEntity with JChemEntityCapability.
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewList |
Options for creating a new DFList
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewMimeTypeField |
Options for creating a new DFField with DFFieldMimeTypeCapability
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewQuery |
Options for creating a new DFExpression
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewRelationship |
Options for creating a new DFRelationship
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewRelationshipFK |
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewRelationshipMN |
Extension options for M:N relationship type.
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewRelationshipSimple |
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewScript |
Options for creating a new DFExpression
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewSQLEntity |
Option for creating SQL Entity.
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewStandardDBEntity |
Options for creating a new standard DFEntity with DBEntityCapability
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewView |
Options for creating a new DFView
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.SingleDFItem |
Options for creating any single DFItem
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.UserItemDescription |
Trivial data holder for user specific items - just for simple managing views/queries/lists
from another users.
DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.VirtualFieldOptions |
Options for creating a virtual DFField (no DB column to be created)
DFOperator |
DFQuery |
Persistent query definition in the system.
DFRelationDataEvent |
DFRelationDataException |
DFRelationDataListener |
DFRelationDataProvider |
API Status: This interface is not stable.
DFRelationship |
Represents a foreign key relationship.
DFRelationship.Direction |
Direction - the oriented relationship.
DFRelationship.Type |
Type of the relationship.
DFResultSet |
This object is used for managing data for a particular DFDataTree .
DFResultSet.VertexState |
DFResultSets |
DFRowData |
Data for a single row in database.
DFSchema |
DFSchemaDataProvider |
The root object for providing data in DIF.
DFSchemaInitHandler |
Schema init handler.
DFSchemaProvider |
This interface should be used as primary source of connected and activated DFSchema objects and all its
sub-elements ( DFEntity / DFField /...).
DFSchemaProvider.State |
The schema init step interface.
DFSchemaProvider.StepInfo |
DFSchemaProviders |
DFSchemas |
DFScript |
Representation of the script.
DFScriptParent |
Parent item of the script.
DFSearchDomain |
Search domain is a constraint when executing query in DFResultSet .
DFServiceConfiguration |
Data holder for a user service configuration.
DFSharedObjectCapability |
This capability should be added to all user specific DFItems.
DFSharedObjectOwnerCapability |
DFTerm |
This object is a superclass of all objects used for definition of expression terms
for query execution in DIF.
DFTermCount |
Term used for Count(*) representation.
DFTermExpression |
This object represents a complex expression.
DFTermExpressions |
DFTermField |
This object represents a single existing field in the DFTerm hierarchy; it is a wrapper
for such a field and using it, the field can be used in complex DFTerm expressions.
DFTermsFactory |
The factory class for creating DFTerm s.
DFTermValue |
This object represents a constant value in the hierarchical substructure of DFTerms, it's
wrapper class around such a constant value.
DFTermVisitor |
Visitor for DFTerm expressions.
DFUndoableEdit |
DFUndoConfig |
DFUndoManager<T extends DFUndoableEdit> |
The undo/redo manager for a single undo/redo queue.
DFUndoRedoException |
Undo/Redo exception
DFUpdateDescription |
Description of a single data update operation.
DFUpdateInfo |
Provides data about result of insert or update DIF operation.
DFUpdateResult |
DFUserItem |
The root item and super-interface of all user-specific DDL items in DIF.
DFUserLoginInfo |
Data holder for a single user login info.
DFUserLoginInfos |
DFView |
Interface representing view (visual window/component) presenting data of DFDataTree .
DFViewContent |
Interface representing content of view configuration.
DFViews |
Utilities related to IJC views.
DFVisibilityRestriction |
Provides user roles that have have access to this DFItem .
DFWrappedValue |
Provides lazily computed value.
DFWrappedValues |
DIFUtilities |
This class contains most of DIF convenience methods.
DIFUtilities.FKSearchType |
DIFUtilities.SchemaReadyRunnable |
Listener to schema status.
DissimilarityCalculator |
Dissimilarity calculator for calculating dissimilarity between query and target molecule.
DissimilarityCalculatorFactory |
DuplicateCTFieldException |
Signals that the CT field cannot be created because the entity already contains a field with the same CT formula.
EarlyResultsConsumer |
Consumer for retrieving early results.
EnabledItemActionCapability |
Capability to enable/disable DFItem actions.
EntityDataIterator |
Allows to iterate over large sets of data.
ExtraDFItemProperties |
Utility methods for accessing extra properties.
ExtraDFItemProperty<T extends DFItem,S> |
Allows to edit Extra attributes for items in schema editor.
ExtraDFItemProperty.Customizer<S> |
Customizer for property value modification.
FieldGroupCapability |
This capability allows assigning a DFField to a group of fields.
IJCPersister |
Definition of persisting IJC specific objects (DFItems, renderers, widgets, etc.) to XML.
IJCPersister.FinishableBean |
Deprecated. |
IJCPersister.Reader |
IJCPersister.Writer |
IJCRolesInfoService |
Read-only informations about roles in a schema.
IJCUserDetailsService |
The service for IJC user table administration.
IJCUserLoginService |
This capability can be obtained from schema if user has sufficient access rights.
IJCUserLoginServiceAdmin |
This capability can be obtained from DFSchema if user has sufficient access rights (probably must be admin).
IllegalItemStateException |
This exception informs DIF caller, that the item being operated on is in
an invalid state to perform the operation.
IncompleteDataException |
This IOException subclass specifically describes a situation, where an item
cannot be deserialized because of some missing information.
InfoCapability |
Allows to show textual information about item
JChemBaseEntityCapability |
Represents the capabilities of an DFEntity that is based on a JChemBase table.
JChemCartridgeCapability |
Represents the capabilities of an DFEntity that is based on a JChem cartridge table.
JChemCartridgeJChemBaseCapability |
Marker interface for cart/jcb entities.
JChemCartridgeStandardCapability |
Marker interface for cart/std entities.
JChemEntityCapability |
A JChem database table (table containing structures).
JChemSchemaCapability |
Schema's capability specially for JChem structure tables.
LegacyConstants |
This class contains a few constants which must be in DIF API because of compatibility.
MarvinStructure |
A representation of a molecular structure that uses the ChemAxon Molecule as its native
ObjectOwnedByOtherUserException |
This exception is thrown from a DFLockable.obtainLock(java.lang.String) when
the object is already locked.
OperatorProvider |
Provider for operators.
Operators |
Operators.AfterOperator |
Operators.AllDataOperator |
Represents all data.
Operators.BeforeOperator |
Operators.BetweenOperator |
A special class for Between operator.
Operators.EqualsForDecimalsOperator |
A special class for "=" operator for decimal numbers.
Operators.ErrorOperator |
A special class for "ERROR" operator.
Operators.GeForDecimalsOperator |
Responsible for ">=" operator for decimal numbers.
Operators.IgnoreOperator |
A special class for dumb IGNORE operator.
Operators.LeForDecimalsOperator |
Responsible for "<=" operator for decimal numbers.
Operators.ListOperator |
IN LIST and NOT IN LIST operators.
Operators.NullOperator |
IS NULL/ IS NOT NULL operators.
Operators.RelativeDateOperator |
Operator for relative date queries.
Operators.RelativeDateOperator.TimePeriod |
Operators.ShortcutOperator |
Shortcut operator is used to define a shortcut for existing operator with predefined operands.
Operators.SimpleFieldValuesOperator |
Currently we support only "Field Operator [Value, [Value, ...]]" formats.
Operators.SimpleLogicalOperator |
Class for AND/OR operators.
Operators.SimpleTextOperator |
Operators for strings.
Operators.StructureOperator |
Class for all Structure based operators.
PersisterRegistry |
PersisterRegistry.FormPersisterRegistry |
PropertiesEditingConfigurable |
This is an extension of many DIF objects to provide hints to user interface code
to be able to recognise what properties are editable and which are not.
PropertiesEditingConfigurable.Extra |
Some elements can also provide ability to lock editing of a property
for some time.
ReferencedContentProvider |
RowSetData |
RowSetData.RelatedData |
Data whose insertion has a dependency on some other data, either needing to be
inserted prior to or subsequent to the data.
SchemaRefreshCapability |
Allows to update schema independently by changes made by other DIF instances.
SchemaServiceCapability |
Only empty superclass of services capabilities which can be obtained from
DFSchema .
SchemaType |
All supported types of schema.
Scriptable |
Script for CalculatedField.
SelectionDescription |
Generic description of selection.
SortDirective |
SortDirective.Item |
SqlEntityCapability |
This is just a marker interface for SQL Entity.
StandardEntityCapability |
Represents the capabilities of an entity that is based on a standard DB table (not JChem DB table).
Structure<T> |
A molecular structure based on some particular implementation.
StructureEntityCapability |
Interface for the structure entity.
TermErrors |
UpdatePasswordService |
Service which can be used for updating password of the current user.
VertexStates |
Vertices |
Vertices.DataTreeLevelComparator |
Compares two vertices according to their level in a data tree to which they belong.
ViewDataConsumer |
ViewDataConsumer consumes data distributed by ViewDataProvider .
VirtualEntityCapability |
VirtualRelationshipCapability |
WellKnownMimeTypeXAttributes |
Well known mime-types XAttributes.
XAttributeCapability |
A Capability providing methods for accessing XAttributes key-value pairs (<String, String>).
XMLUtils |
This class should collect various XML manipulation utilities not found in