Edit Menu

This menu contains general clipboard operations like Copy and Paste, structure selecting and deleting commands, as well as Marvin-specific editing options.

Undo images/download/attachments/48678185/undo24.png

Reverses the last command or the last entry you typed.

Redo images/download/attachments/48678185/redo24.png

Reverses the action of the last Undo command.

Cut images/download/attachments/48678185/cut24.png

Removes and copies the selection to the clipboard.

Copy images/download/attachments/48678247/copy24.png

Copies the selection to the clipboard.

Copy As

Copies the selection to the clipboard in the specified format.

Copy As Smiles

Copies the selection to the clipboard in SMILES format.

Paste images/download/attachments/48678185/paste24.png

Inserts the contents of the clipboard at the location of the cursor, without replacing selection.

Select All

Selects the structure being on the canvas including all fragments and graphical objects.

Delete images/download/attachments/48678185/delete-mode24.png

Removes the selection from the canvas.

Align > Left images/download/attachments/48678104/align_left_24.png

Aligns the structures, graphical objects and textboxes along their centers or edges.

Align > Centers Vertically images/download/attachments/48678104/align_center_24.png

Aligns the structures, graphical objects and textboxes along their centers or edges.

Align > Right images/download/attachments/48678104/align_right_24.png

Aligns the structures, graphical objects and textboxes along their centers or edges.

Align > Top images/download/attachments/48678104/align_top_24.png

Aligns the structures, graphical objects and textboxes along their centers or edges.

Align > Center Horizontally images/download/attachments/48678104/align_middle_24.png

Aligns the structures, graphical objects and textboxes along their centers or edges.

Align > Bottom images/download/attachments/48678104/align_bottom_24.png

Aligns the structures, graphical objects and textboxes along their centers or edges.

Distribute > Horizontally images/download/attachments/48678104/distribute_horizontally_24.png

Distribute objects horizontally at an equal distance apart.

Distribute > Vertically images/download/attachments/48678104/distribute_vertically_24.png

Distribute objects vertically at an equal distance apart.

Align and Distribute > Horizontally

Performs alignment and distribution horizontally.

Align and Distribute > Vertically

Performs alignment and distribution vertically.


These transformations affect the molecular coordinates. Note: The structure will be saved with the altered coordinates.

Transform > Drag Selection

Moves selection on the canvas with changing coordinates.

Transform > Rotate in 2D

Rotates selection in the plane of the canvas with changing coordinates.

Transform > Rotate in 3D > Around arbitrary axis

Rotates selection in 3D around an axis defined by two atoms selected by the user.

Transform > Rotate in 3D > Around X axis

Rotates selection in 3D around a horizontal axis placed in the canvas.

Transform > Rotate in 3D > Around Y axis

Rotates selection in 3D around a vertical axis placed in the canvas.

Transform > Rotate in 3D > Around Z axis

Rotates the selection in 3D around an axis perpendicular to the canvas.

Transform > Rotate in 3D > Free 3D rotation

Rotates selection in 3D with changing coordinates. Compare it to the Rotate in 3D transformation of View menu, which affects only the position of observation.

Transform > Rotate in 3D > Group rotation

The selected group rotates around the bond that connects it to the molecule.

Transform > Switch Transformation

Changes transformation mode from Drag to Rotate in 2D, Rotate in 2D to Rotate in 3D, while Rotate in 3D to Drag.

Transform > Flip > Flip Horizontally

Flips the selected object(s) horizontally, preserving the configuration of all enantiomers.

Transform > Flip > Flip Vertically

Flips the selected object(s) vertically, preserving the configuration of all enantiomers.

Transform > Flip > Rotate 180° in Canvas

Rotates the selected object(s) on the canvas plane, preserving the configuration of all enantiomers.

Transform > Flip > Group Flip

Rotates the selected structure group by 180° around an axis set on the bond connecting the selection to the rest of the molecule. Stereocenters in the molecules are retained, the wedge bond styles change to keep the stereo information.

Transform > Mirror > Mirror Horizontally

Mirrors the selected object(s) horizontally, inverting the configuration of all enantiomers.

Transform > Mirror > Mirror Vertically

Mirrors the selected object(s) vertically, inverting the configuration of all enantiomers.

Transform > Mirror > Mirror to Canvas Plane

Mirrors the selected object(s) to the canvas plane, inverting the configuration of all enantiomers.

Transform > Mirror > Group Mirror

Mirrors the selected group if it has only one connecting bond to the structure.

Transform > Invert > Invert to geometric center

Reflects the selected fragment(s) through the geometric center point.

Transform > Invert > Invert to an arbitrary center

Reflects the selected fragment(s) through the chosen point in any fragment (an atom).

Transform > 3D plane

Rotates the molecule to place the selected 3 atoms into the plane of the canvas.

Object > Bring to Front

Brings the selected object in front of all others.

Object > Send to Back

Places the selected object behind all others.


Changes atom and bond drawing properties in the document.

Template Library images/download/attachments/48678104/templates24.png

Organized collection of template molecules can be edited.


You can alter a molecule by directly editing its source in the Edit Source window. You can view and edit the source in any of the supported file formats.

Preferences images/download/attachments/48678104/options24.png

The Preferences dialog window allows you to change many of the MarvinSketch display settings, error highlighting, and object visibility.