API Changes
Instant JChem 5.9 -> 5.10
com.im.commons.ui.DialogDescriptors - new utility class
com.im.commons.ui.util.CommonImageUtilities - new method getWaitIcon
com.im.commons.Callback - new interface
com.im.df.api.ddl.DFFields - new methods forVertex and forVertexState
com.im.df.api.ddl.DFItems.Predicates - new class
com.im.df.api.ddl.DFItems - new method alphabeticallySortedCopy
com.im.df.api.dml.DFResultSets - new class
New feature COUNT(*): please refer to the page dedicated to query builder for more details. It has related API changes:
com.im.df.api.dml.DFTermCount - new class
com.im.df.api.dml.DFTermVisitor - new method visitCount
com.im.df.api.dml.DFTermsFactory - new method createCountStarExpr
com.im.df.api.support.DFNewTypeWellKnownOptions.NewCTField - new method setFormulaSync for synchrounous validation
Instant JChem 5.8 -> 5.9
com.im.commons.ui.IJCSwingUtilities - new class
com.im.commons.util.BeanUtils moved to com.im.commons.beans.BeanUtils
com.im.commons.util.MultiBeanNode moved to com.im.commons.beans.MultiBeanNode
com.im.commons.util.MacUtil moved to com.im.commons.ui.MacUtil
com.im.commons.Functional - new method constant
com.im.commons.ui.beans.BeanUIUtils - new class
com.im.commons.ui.beans.MergingNode - new class
com.im.df.api.ddl.DFFields - two new methods getCategoryFields
com.im.df.core - whole implementation package removed
com.im.ijc.core.api.views.IJCWidget.WidgetContainerHandle - new class
Instant JChem 5.7 -> 5.8
com.im.commons.db.ddl.DBDatabaseInfo.NativeType - method isLengthAndScaleSpecified replaced with isLengthSpecified and isScaleSpecified
com.im.commons.ui.JLabelLink - new class
com.im.commons.ui.UIUtilities - new method tryToSetOpacity
com.im.commons.ui.beans.AbstractUIComponentBeanInfo.StandardProps - new fields BACKGROUND and FOREGROUND
com.im.commons.progress.DFFeedback - addPropertyChangeListener and removePropertyChangeListener and PROPERTY_CANCEL
com.im.df.api.ddl.DFDataTrees - new class (createDataTree method)
com.im.df.api.ddl.DFEntities - new methods createJChemEntity and createStandardEntity
com.im.df.api.ddl.DFFields - new methods isDynamicURL, isEditableValue, isRelationField, isStaticURL, isURL
com.im.df.api.ddl.DFSchemas - new class
com.im.df.api.ddl.DFView - get/setConfiguration replaced with getItemContent which returns a new class com.im.df.api.ddl.DFViewContent
com.im.df.api.dml.DFEntityDataProvider - new method queryForData which returns List of com.im.df.api.dml.DFRowData - also new class
com.im.df.api.dml.DFEntityDataProviders - new class with a method findEntityDataProvider
com.im.df.api.util.ExtraDFItemProperties - new class
com.im.ijc.core.api.ui.FieldSelectorPanel - new class
Instant JChem 5.6 -> 5.7
No significant changes.
Instant JChem 5.5 -> 5.6
Javadoc generated for a few more modules: IJC servers API, Conditional formatting, NetBeans dependent commons utilities, User interface utilities. These javadoc were published mainly because these classes were already used by other classes which were part of API before. Not all are stable API, please discuss in support Forum before using them.
New utility classes in DIF API: DFItems, DFEntities, DFFields
Several changes in Calculated fields APIs, still under development
Initial implementation of scripts in IJC has API DFScript and a few more classes.
SelectionDescription now supports sub-selection - a few new methods were added
Some actions hierarchy changes in IJC Core module
Support for Cherry-picking was added to temporary lists
Instant JChem 5.4 -> 5.5
(Feb 28 '11) DIF API: DIFUtilities#findItemsWithCapability deprecated/moved by/to DFItems#findItemsWithCapability and will be removed in the next IJC version.
Primary key values (in IJC called usually 'ids') are now of java.util.Comparable instead of java.lang.Object. This was changed in many method signatures, mainly in DIF API.
Instant JChem 3.0 -> 5.3.1
Note: There was no release between 3.0.4 and 5.3.1; versioning of Instant JChem was changed to be unified for Marvin, JChem and Instant JChem releases.
IJC is undergoing extensive development, largely as a result of the IJC server functionality. As a result, many parts of the API cannot be considered stable. This will remain the case until the IJC server developments are complete. If you are needing a stable environment to develop against we would recommend using the IJC 3.0.4 as the base until the IJC server developments are complete.
Despite this some areas of the APIs can be considered mostly stable, and if you are building functionality that sits on top of IJC then this is probably sufficient for your needs. This includes mainly: Stable DIF API packages and IJC Core API
A few API changes in stable packages:
String ID fields (primary key of DFEntity) are allowed now. Originally just Integer was accepted as valid type.
Method DFField.getDefaultValue) now returns a new type (instead of Object)
Instant JChem 2.4 -> 3.0
Class DocumentAdapter moved to IM Commons module to package com.im.commons.util.
Instant JChem 2.3 -> 2.4
A new module IM Commons for common utilities was created.
Display name: IM Commons
Code name: com.im.commons
Documentation: Javadoc API
You probably need to add dependency on this new module as a few core classes were moved from DIF to this module:
Original DIF module was split. A new module DIF API was created and most of stable DIF APIs was moved to this new module. You need to add dependency on this module.
New DIF API module:-
Display name: DIF API
Code name: com.im.df.api
Documentation: Javadoc API
Original DIF module:
Display name: DIF Core Implemenation (renamed from DIF)
Code name: com.im.df.api (unchanged)
Documentation: Javadoc API
This module's API now containts: SPI backdoor to DIF Core Impl classes, old classes which will be refactored in next versions, some other remaining utilities which will be probably also moved to DIF API module in next IJC version
Packages and class level refactoring changes. Check Javadoc documentation for more info.
chem.api package moved to df.api
Temporary class LegacyConstants was created instead of using links directly to DIF Core Impl
A new BatchUpdaterclass supports data changes in batches (support for doing changes for more rows)
Some minor (mainly method level) changes. Check Javadoc documentation for more info.
DFEntityDataProvider.getRowCount() method signature
isCancelled() method moved from DFEnvironment to DFFeedback
a few ChemUtils methods signature changed
SelectionDescription now supports multiple intervals
DFEntityDataProvider.update methods changed