Select Representative Member of Clusters
Summary: This script works on a structure table in which several compounds are assigned to a cluster number. Once a table is sorted on some criteria (activity, for example), this script moves through the table taking the first instance of each cluster - effectively picking the cluster member with the highest activity. It then reports these IDs to a new list with the name of your choosing.
This script demonstrates the creation and building of a list object.
/** Fetch ID of the lowest affinity structure from each cluster
* Usage:
* 1. Edit the CLUSTER_N_FIELD value below with the name of the column containing the cluster group number.
* 2. Sort the grid by affinity from low to high
* 3. Run the script
* @author Erin Bolstad ([email protected])
* Dec 2011
import javax.swing.*
// Edit the value below to the column with the cluster assignment
def CLUSTER_N_FIELD = 'DB name'
def parent = dataTree.rootVertex.entity
def rs = parent.schema.dataProvider.getDefaultResultSet(dataTree, false, DFEnvironmentRO.DEV_NULL)
def parentVS = rs.getVertexState(dataTree.rootVertex)
def ids = parentVS.ids
def fldCN = parent.fields.items.find { == CLUSTER_N_FIELD }
def list
def createdList
def updateList = { envRW ->
def values = createdList.getValues()
createdList.setValues(values, envRW)
// Get the last list in the Permanent lists list
parent.schema.userLockable.withLock('updating list') { envRW ->
Object[] inputOptions = null
String inputName = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( null, \
"Enter a name for the list of Cluster representatives",\
"List Name", \
null, inputOptions, "Cluster Reps")
if ((inputName != null) && (inputName.length() > 0)) {
USER_LIST_NAME = inputName
print "string accepted \n"
} else {
setLabel("Can't do a blank list name, try again!")
print "string not accepted"}
def firstValues = ["n"]
def nt = parent.getLists().getNewTypes().get(0);
def options = nt.getOptions();
createdList = nt.create(envRW).iterator().next()
println "Checking for new Cluster Numbers in the sorted grid"
// Cycle through the rows and pick out the instances
def clusterList = []
ids.each { id ->
def data = parentVS.getData([id], DFEnvironmentRO.DEV_NULL)
def clusterNum = data[id][]
if (!clusterList.contains(clusterNum)) {
print "ID $id is representative of cluster $clusterNum. Added to list \n"
println "Finished searching grid"
Versions: This script has been tested on IJC versions 6.0.
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