Custom Dictionary in Name Import
It is possible to extend the name to structure conversion by putting structures with their name in a custom dictionary file. Names present in the custom dictionary will be converted to the corresponding structure. The custom dictionary has precedence over the standard name to structure conversion.
The default location for the custom dictiony is a file named custom_names.smi inside the
The ChemAxon configuration folder is a location on disk where configuration is stored for various ChemAxon products.
The location of this folder depends on the operating system used:
Windows Vista or above: C:\Users\USERNAME\chemaxon
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\chemaxon
Linux: /home/USERNAME/.chemaxon
OS X: /Users/USERNAME/.chemaxon
For performance reasons, the dictionary has to be in SMILES format. To use a dictionary in another format, it can be converted to SMILES using molconvert or mview (Save As). In the same way, several dictionaries should be merged into a single dictionary file in SMILES format.
The dictionary file can be represented in 2 different ways. In the most simple and usual one, each line contains a SMILES and a name field, separated by a tab character. Several names can be specified for the same structure on one line, by separating the names with semicolon characters (;).
For instance:
C\C=C\CCC(O)=O gamma-hexenoic acid
If there are named properties in the file, the NAME field will be used. For instance:
C\C=C\CCC(O)=O 114.1424 gamma-hexenoic acid
You can download this example custom dictionary to test this feature, and to use as a template. Once this dictionary is installed correctly, you need to restart the ChemAxon application you are using (for instance Marvin Sketch, Instant JChem or JChem for Excel). You should now be able to convert the following custom IDs: CXN000001 through CXN000008, and aspirin in four extra languages: ???? (Chinese), ????? (Japanese), ???? (Korean) and ???????? (Russian). Note that the foreign names will only work with version 5.12 or later.
Preventing a name from being converted
If a name is converted by name to structure but is not desired, it can be blocked using the custom dictionary. This can be useful for instance with names like ATP, which have a chemical meaning (adenosine triphosphate), but also unrelated non-chemical meanings. To block it, use such a line in the custom dictionary:
Using a different location for the dictionary
Path can be changed from API or console by using the dict property:
Molecule mol = MolImporter.importMol("CUSTOMNAME", "name:dict=PATH");
Command line
molconvert smiles -s CUSTOMNAME -f name:dict=PATH