HTTP Service
Service type: HTTP Service
Service URL: Type the URL address of the appropriate service;
Call method:
GET: Use HTTP GET request method to call the service;
POST: Use HTTP POST request method to call the service;
Fill in the required fields:
Type: Type of the parameter; supported parameter types are: Integer, String, Double, Boolean;
Name: Name of the parameter; parameters can be referred by this name later;
Evaluation: Specify how the parameters are passed to the service. Select from the drop-down list:
Molecule format: Input molecule is converted to specified format and the resulting string is passed to the service as parameter;
Chemical Terms: Evaluate the given Chemical Terms expression on the input molecule and pass the evaluation result to the service as parameter;
Manual: The value of the parameter is read from the Value field.
Value: Set a default value for the input parameter (in case of Manual evaluation) or set the parameters for evaluation. Value can be overwritten on the calculation info panel.