New Installers

Compliance Checker installers for different platforms


    • exe installer: interactive installer that lets you choose the installation directory and which parts of Compliance Checker do you want to install

    • zip installer: you can unpack Compliance Checker and use it with installed 64 bit Java


    • sh installer: interactive installer that can be run with / without gui

    • deb installer: default installer for Debian like systems

    • rpm installer: default installer for RedHat like system

    • tar.gz installer: you can unpack Compliance Checker and use it with installed Java

Mac OS

    • dmg installer: interactive installer

Starting the Interactive Installer

The interactive installer will guide you through the following steps:

It unpacks the installer and its parts:


Short description about installation:


choose installation folder


choose which components to install (you need all if you only install CC to a single server)


edit Name in the Start menu (Windows only)


installs the files:


when the install is completed:


New folders created in the installation directory


.install4j (folder)

This contains all installation details! PLEASE DO NOT DELETE IT.

cc-backend (folder)

      • cc-backend.war
        This war file is the backend application. You can deploy it to Tomcat, or run from here.

      • cc-backend.(exe/sh)
        This is the service starter of cc-backend.

      • cc-backend.vmoptions
        You can set any JVM options for cc-backend service.

      • run-cc-backend.(exe/sh)
        This little starter runs cc-backend as a foreground application.

      • run-cc-backend.vmoptions
        You can set any JVM options to run-cc-backend executable.

        You can set any application properties specific to this service only (like server port, etc).

        Settings that are needed to be set before application start.

cc-bigdata (folder)

      • cc-bigdata.war
        This war file is the bigdata application. You can deploy it to Tomcat, or run from here.

      • cc-bigdata.(exe/sh)
        This is the service starter of cc-bigdata.

      • cc-backend.vmoptions
        You can set any JVM options for cc-bigdata service.

      • run-cc-bigdata.(exe/sh)
        This little starter runs cc-bigdata as a foreground application.

      • run-cc-bigdata.vmoptions
        You can set any JVM options to run-cc-bigdata executable.

        You can set any application properties specific to this service only (like server port, etc).

        Settings that are needed to be set before application start.

cc-web (folder)

      • cc-web.war
        This war file is the web application. You can deploy it to Tomcat, or run from here.

      • cc-web.(exe/sh)
        This is the service starter of cc-web.

      • cc-web.vmoptions
        You can set any JVM options for cc-web service.

      • run-cc-web.(exe/sh)
        This little starter runs cc-web as a foreground application.

      • run-cc-web.vmoptions
        You can set any JVM options to run-cc-web executable.

        You can set any application properties specific to this service only (like server port, etc).

        Settings that are needed to be set before application start.

cc-eureka (folder)

      • cc-eureka.jar
        This jar file is the eureka application. You can run from here.

      • cc-eureka.(exe/sh)
        This is the service starter of cc-eureka.

      • cc-eureka.vmoptions
        You can set any JVM options for cc-eureka service.

      • run-cc-eureka.(exe/sh)
        This little starter runs cc-eureka as a foreground application.

      • run-cc-eureka.vmoptions
        You can set any JVM options to run-cc-eureka executable.

        You can set any application properties specific to this service only (like server port, etc).

        Settings that are needed to be set before application start.

cc-config (folder)

      • config (folder)

This file (cc-config/config/ includes ALL settings that are propagated to every instance of compliance checker.

      • cc-config.jar
        This jar file is the config application. You can run from here.

      • cc-config.(exe/sh)
        This is the service starter of cc-config.

      • cc-config.vmoptions
        You can set any JVM options for cc-config service.

      • run-cc-config.(exe/sh)
        This little starter runs cc-config as a foreground application.

      • run-cc-config.vmoptions
        You can set any JVM options to run-cc-config executable.

        You can set any application properties specific to this service only (like server port, etc).

        Settings that are needed to be set before application start.

common (folder)

      • contains a little helper application

    • cc-commandline-handler.(exe/sh)
      This program is a little helper application.

    • cc-commandline-handler.vmoptions
      This file contains any JVM options for cc-commandline-handler application.

    • uninstall.(exe/sh)
      This is the uninstaller of Compliance Checker.

How to configure CC

Set your configuration options in the cc-config/config/ file.

How to install CC as a service

Run command

    • cc-commandline-handler install


After install you can set

    • autostart

    • running user

    • recovery actions

in Windows Services.


In /etc/systemd/system edit the corresponding .service file to set

    • autostart

    • running user

    • recovery actions

How to Upgrade CC

Installed with the New Installer

Upgrading a ComplianceChecker instance - installed with the New Installer - is smooth:

Installed with the Old Installer

As all settings of your working ComplianceChecker are in the cc-config/config/ file.

    1. You should save this file to your computer

    2. Install CC as described above

    3. Overwrite the the cc-config/config/ file with your saved file

How to start CC

The easiest way is to run cc-commandline-handler that has the following options:

    • help
      Prints important information about the cc-commandline-handler.

    • run
      Runs all cc services as foreground applications. (This is the default.)

    • start
      Starts all cc services as background applications.

    • status
      Prints status information about all cc services that were started.

    • stop
      Stops all cc services that were started.

    • install
      Installs all cc services as system services.

    • uninstall
      Uninstalls previously installed cc system services.

How to restart CC


  1. cc-commandline-handler stop

  2. cc-commandline-handler start

How to use the installed application

When the application is running it can be used on

System status can be monitored on

How to update the CC Knowledge Base

The admin should update the CC KnowledgeBase to the latest version:

    • By clicking the Administration button and - on the Update legislations page - clicking the Download and update to latest version button. (Automatic DB update)