Export selection to file

* Export selected rows button
* Usage:
* 1. edit the settings
* 2. perform a selection of rows
* 3. execute button script
* Script will open a "save dialog" for you, where you will need to specify
* the filename, including the file extension.
* Please use file extensions supported by MolExporter https://docs.chemaxon.com/display/docs/Molecule+Formats
* @author David Pech <[email protected]>
* improvements of "Export data to SD file" example written by Tim Dudgeon
* https://docs.chemaxon.com/display/docs/Simple+SDF+Exporter
import com.im.df.api.*
import com.im.commons.progress.*
import chemaxon.struc.Molecule
import chemaxon.formats.MolExporter;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter
import javax.swing.JFileChooser
// -------------------------------- settings -------------------------------------
// define what fields to export
def FIELDS_FROM_PARENT = [ 'Formula', 'Donors', 'Acceptors']
// define how the fields are going to be renamed (optional)
def FIELD_NAMES = ['Donors':'My Lovely Donors', 'Acceptors':'My Ugly Acceptors']
// define the name of filed containing structure
def STRUCTURE_FIELD = 'Structure'
// ------------------- probably not needed to edit anything below ----------------
init = { widget ->
destroy = { widget ->
evaluate = { widget ->
// get to root entity
def ety = dataTree.rootVertex.entity // assumes you have reference to the data tree
// get the ID field
def fldId = ety.idField
println "Found ID field ${fldId.id}"
// get the Structure field
def molFld = ety.fields.items.find { it.name == STRUCTURE_FIELD }
println "Found MOL field ${molFld.id}"
// Get resultsets
def rs = ety.schema.dataProvider.getDefaultResultSet(dataTree, false, DFEnvironmentRO.DEV_NULL) // find the ResultSet
def rootVS = rs.getVertexState(dataTree.rootVertex) // obtain the VertexState
List ids = rootVS.getSelectedRowsIds() // get the IDs of the selection
// if you want to export all rows always, change the previous line to
// Lists ids = rootVS.ids
println "Found ${ids.size} lines to export"
// data fields from parent
def fieldsFromParent = [ ]
FIELDS_FROM_PARENT.each { name ->
def fld = ety.fields.items.find { it.name == name }
if (fld) {
fieldsFromParent << fld
println "Found parent field ${fld.id} for $name"
} else {
println "WARNING: field $name not found"
// lets choose location where to save the file (file format should be supported by https://docs.chemaxon.com/display/docs/Molecule+Formats)
def saveFileDialog = new JFileChooser(
dialogTitle: "Choose save location",
fileSelectionMode: JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY)
// get the full path where to save the file to
def FILE_NAME = saveFileDialog.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath()
// get the extension of the filename
def EXTENSION = FILE_NAME.lastIndexOf('.').with {it != -1 ? FILE_NAME.substring(it+1):''}
// lets read the data
def good = 0
def bad = 0
// and initialize exporter
// if you need simpler solution, then FILE_NAME and EXTENSION can be hardcoded
// and saveFileDialog above can be removed
// coud be used like this instead:
// def exporter = new MolExporter('C:\path\to\filename.sdf','sdf')
def exporter = new MolExporter(FILE_NAME, EXTENSION)
try {
ids.each { id ->
try {
def data = rootVS.getData([id], DFEnvironmentRO.DEV_NULL)
// get the mol
def mol = data[id][molFld.id]
// get the other fields
def values = [ : ]
fieldsFromParent.each {
values.put(it, data[id][it.id])
println "Exporting ID $id"
def expMol
// work with a clone so we don't alter the original
if (!mol || !mol.native ) {
expMol = new Molecule()
} else {
expMol = mol.native.cloneMolecule()
values.each { k,v ->
if (v != null) {
def pName = (FIELD_NAMES[k.name] == null ? k.name : FIELD_NAMES[k.name])
expMol.setProperty(pName, v.toString())
} catch (Exception exc) {
println "EROROR Failed to load ID $id ${exc.toString()}"
} finally {
println "Finished exporting data to file $FILE_NAME"
println "good: $good bad: $bad"
on_change = { widget, button ->