
This menu includes a set of chemistry field related settings:


The General settings include the Isotopic parent, the Positive charge and the Balanced charge setting.


The General Chemistry Settings

Salts & Solvates

The list of Salts and Solvates contained by the dictionary are displayed here. New salts/solvates can be added from here one by one. For uploading a list of salt and/or solvates use the Upload page.



On the Settings card you can set the appearance of the Salt/Solvate panel, the rounding of the parent multiplicity, and the salt/solvate multiplicity farctional precision.

How to add a salt or solvate:

  1. Click on the Add salt button.

  2. Draw or import the structure of the salt/solvate and set a name for it.

  3. Click on the Add salt button.

  4. In case of success, we will be informed about the received ID of the salt or solvate.



The default general and parent Standardizer configurations

The list of available standardizer actions is available here .

Structure Checker

Stereo Analyzer


The default Stereo Analyzer Configuration (it will be improved)