Quick Start Guide



New compound

New lot

New compound (reviewing matches)

Dealing with failed submissions

Compound Registration is a tool that uses a web browser interface for registering chemical structures. Structures, or compounds in general, are being stored in a tree-like representation in three layers: parent, version and lot:

  • Parent: is a neutral form of the chemical structure without any isotope, charge, counter-ion, or salt/solvate.

  • Version: a molecule (neutral or charged) with its isotope, counter-ion or salt/solvate.

  • Lot: an occurrence of the compound in the company, generally a physical sample.


The 3-layer representation. Example of metamizole

To login into the application please use the credentials provided by the system administrator:


The Login page

After login, the Dashboard page will be displayed.


The landing page is the Dashboard

In order to register a compound, the user must click on the Registration navigation bar located on the top left side. The registrations can be initiated from the Registration page.