Registration options

Using the Registration options (formerly system switchers) you can define actions to be used during the registration .


  1. Register new lots
    When the switcher is set to false, the r egistration of new lots under a matching version is not allowed. The submission will fall to the Staging area with "OperationNotAllowed" status message. The submission can be picked up and registered from the Staging area through the Submission page.

  2. Register new versions

    When the switcher is set to false, the r egistration of new versions is not allowed. The submission will fall to the Staging area with "OperationNotAllowed" status message. The submission can be picked up and registered from the Staging area through the Submission page.

  3. Register with unknown CST

    If during registration an unknown CST (Chemically Significant Text) is provided, registration will be allowed only if the switcher is set to true. Otherwise, it will fall to the Staging area. From the Staging area again the submission can be successfully registered only if the switcher is set to true.
    "UnknownCST" is considered a CST that is not present in the CST dictionary.

  4. Register Restricted matches

    When the switcher is set to false, the r egistration of compounds having a positive integer other than 0 for the restriction value is not allowed.

  5. Register 2D Parent Matches

    When the switcher is set to false, the registration of structures that are stereo and/or CST matches of already existing ones is not allowed. The submission will fall to the Staging area with "Parent2DMatch" status message. The submission can be picked up and registered from the Staging area through the Submission page.

    Structure to be registered

    Registered structure

    Match type



    2D (stereroisomer)



    2D (CST different)

  6. Register Tautomer Parent Matches

    When the switcher is set to false, the registration of structures that are tautomer matches of already existing ones is not allowed. The submission will fall to the Staging area with "ParentTautomerMatch" status message. The submission can be picked up and registered from the Staging area through the Submission page if the switcher will be enabled.

    Structure to be registered

    Registered structure

    Match type




  7. Register 2D_Tautomer Parent Matches

    When the switcher is set to false, the registration of structures that are stereo-tautomer matches of already existing ones is not allowed. The submission will fall to the Staging area with "Parent2DTautomerMatch" status message. The submission can be picked up and registered from the Staging area through the Submission page if the switcher will be enabled.

    Structure to be registered

    Registered structure

    Match type



    Tautomer & 2D (Tautomer and stereo)

  8. Perform Quality Checks

    Quality Checks are defined at the level of the entire registration service. This source-dependent system switcher controls whether the quality check should run or not.

  9. Analyze Salt/Solvate

    Analyze Salt/Solvate is a procedure capable of automated extraction of salt/solvate fragment from a compound's chemical structure and replace them with references to the corresponding records in the salts and solvates dictionary . It can be activated or deactivated as a part of the system switchers . The switcher is on by default for some sources, and can be applied manually to the records in the Staging area .

  10. Stereo Comment Check

    When the switcher is false, no stereo comment is required to be set in the corresponding Stereochemistry and Geometric isomerism fields and if values are provided those are not validated, they will be stored as provided. More info can be found here.

  11. Reject Duplicate Id

    If this switcher is on, a submission that has failed because of a duplicate Id error (like LnbRefDuplicated or LotIdDuplicated), will have a "Rejected Id" for the status and will be excluded from the Staging area. Users will not be able to retrieve these submissions, unless they specifically type the submission Id in the URL, like: submissionId=xxx .
    The "REJECT_DUPLICATED_IDS" switcher is "true" by default: in case of duplicate Id, the submission will fall to the Staging area, where the user can correct the Id in order to register the submission.