The Marvin beans and applications are able to export in EMF (Windows Enhanced Metafile) format (as a vector graphical image). This function does not work in the applets (except signed applets). EMF export requires Java 1.4 (or higher version).

The EmfExport module recognizes the common image export options.

Known Issues

  • Sometimes, multi color bonds are curved.

  • In "Ball and Stick" and in "Spacefill" rendering mode, Marvin applets generate a zero length file when you save the molecule in EMF format. From Marvin Beans API or applications, copying and saving in EMF format works fine.

  • Marvin copy restricts "Ball and Stick" and "Spacefill" rendering mode at EMF copy. In this case, the copied image will be drawn in "Wireframe" or "Sticks" rendering mode.


EmfExport uses the VectorGraphics package of FreeHEP Java Library that is an "Open Source" library distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGLP). You can freely modify and recompile the source of this library, then replace the binaries in Marvin with your own version, according to the requirements of the LGLP.
To update Marvin with your own version of FreeHep library, substitute the proper jar files (freehep-base.jar, freehep-graphics2d.jar, freehep-graphicsio.jar, freehep-graphicsio-emf.jar) in your Marvin package.

Code: emf