


The Downstream configuration

By enabling the downstream publishing the JMS publishing in case of changes is controlled.

The image format for the fused structure in the published message can be set (mol:V3 format is the default setting).


LnbRef and Lot Id settings

Validate LnbRef

Controls if LnbRef should be validated against the regular expressions during the registration

LnbRef regular expressions

List of regular expressions used to validate the submitted LnbRef

Autocomplete empty LnbRefs

Registration is made even if no LnbRef is provided. After registration LnbRef field will be updated with the LN value.

Lot Id required

Controls if the existence of Lot Id should be validated during the registration

Lot Id unique

Controls if the uniqueness of Lot Id should be validated during the registration

Internal Id settings

Class name of the corporate ID generator


Maximum number of IDs that can be allocated for external use


Configuration of the built-in ID generator

#constant prefix/sufix of a parent identifier: pcn.cnst
#pcn separator (if any): pcn.separator
#increment type (Field.DataType enum value): pcn.increment
#format placeholder for increment value
#decimal format: pcn.increment.format
#constant prefix/sufix of a version identifier: cn.cnst
#cn separator (if any): cn.separator
#increment type (Field.DataType enum value): cn.increment=STRING
#format placeholder for increment value: cn.increment.format
#specify structure field additional data format like this: additionalData.project: cn.str.field
#cn is composed of PCN + cn increment
#constant prefix/sufix of a lot identifier: ln.cnst
#ln separator (if any): ln.separator
#increment type (Field.DataType enum value): ln.increment
#format placeholder for increment value: ln.increment.format
#specify structure field additional data format like this: additionalData.project: ln.str.field
#ln is composed of PCN + ln separator + ln increment ! make sure its unique

"cn.increment.format": "%s",
"pcn.str.field": "",
"ln.increment.format": "%03d",
"cn.cnst": "",
"pcn.sequence.format": "pcn.cnst, pcn.increment",
"pcn.increment": "INT",
"cn.increment": "STRING",
"ln.start": "1",
"pcn.increment.format": "%d",
"ln.sequence.format": "pcn.cnst, pcn.increment, ln.separator, ln.increment",
"ln.separator": "-",
"cn.separator": "",
"ln.cnst": "",
"pcn.cnst": "CXN",
"ln.str.field": "",
"pcn.start": "1",
"cn.str.field": "",
"cn.sequence.format": "pcn.cnst, pcn.increment, cn.increment",
"ln.increment": "INT",
"cn.start": "A",
"pcn.separator": ""


The setting of the Identifiers