XYZ format
XYZ format
Marvin imports and exports XYZ molecule files that have the following format:
[ # optional comment line ] not written but allowed at import
[ N ] always written, but can be omitted in imported files
[ name\tE ] always written, but can be omitted in imported files
atom1 x y z
atom2 x y z
atomN x y z
where N is the number of atoms and E is the energy (optional). If energy is set for the molecule, then it is separated from the molecule name with a TAB ("\t") character.
Restrictions of the XYZ format:
Bonds are not stored.
As a consequence, all the hydrogens must be explicit, otherwise the bond types can not be guessed reliably by the importing program. In Marvin, implicit hydrogens are automatically converted to explicit H atoms at XYZ export.
Charges are not stored.
Query properties and other extra features are not stored.
Code: xyz
Do not export 2D drawings in XYZ!
XYZ export in Marvin is only meaningful for 3D molecules with realistic atomic distances.