Attached Data

Textual attributes may be attached to atoms and brackets.

This data may include search restrictions in queries. Find details of query usage in JChem's Query Guide.

Adding data

  1. Select an atom or group bracket, right-click and choose Add > Data... or Data..., respectively, from the context menu.

  2. Fill the appropriate fields in the dialog.

  3. Click OK.

Editing data

The attached data can be edited any time.

  1. Right-click the atom, the bracket or the data label.

  2. Choose Edit Data... from the context menu.

Formatting data

Allowed control sequences in the text:

  • italic: \i

  • small: \m

  • bold: \b

  • underline: \u

  • subscript: \s

  • superscript: \S

  • reset (normal): \n

  • escape (escaping autoformatting): \

Block restriction: [format]{[text]}

Context field

  • Atom - the data will be attached independently to all atoms in the selection.

  • Bond - the data will be attached independently to all bonds in the selection.

  • Single Bond - the data will be attached independently to all single bonds in the selection.

  • Double Bond - the data will be attached independently to all double bonds in the selection.

  • Fragment - the data will be attached independently to all disconnected fragments that are completely or partially contained by the selection.

  • Selection - the data will be attached to the whole selection.

The number and name of the selectable contexts may vary in different configurations.

URLs as attached data

Values starting with www and including at least 2 full stops are handled as web page links (no spaces allowed). The format <scheme>://<authority><path>?<query>#<fragment> is also recognized. Double-click or Ctrl-click on the link will open the webpage. Links are currently not underlined.


The elements of the 'Name' and the 'Value' editable combo boxes can be customized by the administrator. The corresponding elements of the 'Value' combo box can be defined for each element in the 'Name' combo box list, just as the corresponding 'Name' combo box contents for each element in the context combo box.
Details on the customization process. can be found here.

Label placement

The labels can be positioned in 3 ways:

  • absolute

  • relative

  • next to objects.

Absolute means a stationary label, which can be moved independently from the structure. If the structure is moved, the label does not change its place.

Relative labels always move with the same xy coordinates as the object.

Labels next to objects can not be moved separately.

Mouseover highlights all details of the attached data.