Register a new lot

New lots of existing compounds can be registered in two ways:

Providing the structure

Similarly, as for new compound registration, the structure and an Id should be provided.

Steps for drawing a structure e.g with a salt component:

Preliminary steps:

    • pyridine compound has been already registered previously

    • HCl (Hydrochloride) as salt is already present in the salt DB

  1. Draw pyridine and HCl

  2. Set the LnbRef

  3. Click on Register


The Registration page (structure with salt and ID are provided)

The successful registration is summarized in a window, where the allocated Ids are listed: PCN, CN and LN. Since pyridine structure was already registered previously, the new lot will be registered under the existing PCN (CXN187) but under a second version (CXN187B) and as a second lot within the tree (CXN187-002):


Using the Register lot functionality

A user can easily register a lot of an existing compound without providing the structure.

Steps for registering:

  1. On the Browse page, select a parent or version level.

  2. Click on the More actions menu and choose the Register lot option.


  3. In the "Register Lot" page provide the LnbRef, then hit the Register Lot button.


The successful registration is summarized in a window, where the allocated Ids are listed: PCN, CN and LN.
